Chicken and Noodles for 35 People?
I found this one for Chicken & Spaghetti casserole for 40 people on a website I like with recipes for large groups, not sure if its one Id use, but you might like it. You can also find other recipes you might like better if you search through the website. http...
Bathroom Recycle Bin
Great idea, this is actually something Ive been thinking of doing myself for a few weeks. My TP comes in rolls that are separately wrapped in paper, so when I unwrap a new one, I stuff the paper into the tube of the empty roll and take it to the recycle in...
Preparing Soft Taco Shells in the Toaster
Oh my gosh, nearly a month later & Im finding out this idea won, the email somehow went into my junk foler! Im glad everyone liked it - my son will be too, since its his idea, Im sharing the money with him :D
10 Ways for Kids to Earn Money
Most of these ideas are good suggestions for kids & young teens to make money. Babysitters could even make more money if they take a babysitting class, which are usually free or minimal cost, our town even offers a registry for trained babysitters for parents...
Check the Hoses on Your Washing Machine
This is great advice! I think there are a lot of people who would not know there was a screen in the hose that could interfere with the washer. Im assuming you must have a newer washer, Ive never seen one that gives error codes :) - for people with older machines...
Spicy Candied Sweet Potatoes
This sounds a lot better than the too-sweet candied yams, and fairly easy to make. Thanks!
Reviving Dried Pencil Erasers
Thanks for the idea, I wouldnt have thought of trying something like that. I have some old kids pencils I wanted to give my grandkids, but the erasers dried out, Ill have to try your trick. In the past, I have just taken a sharp knife & trimmed the outer parts...
Handmade Fairy Doors
I think this is a really cute idea. Ive been meaning to hide a couple of Fairy houses in my yard for the grandkids to find - I can just see my little granddaughters making these for fairies & adding them to the yard! Or something this pretty, they could hide...
Best Way To Sell Aluminum Tabs
I never thought of selling the tabs on ebay, thanks for the advice! We save our aluminum cans to sell to recycle on Earth Day every year when we usually get 30-40 cents a pound. I may put the kids to work going back & removing all the tabs :D Thanks for the...
Jam Jar Lid Sink Stopper
I think this is a great idea! Ive had lids get stuck in my sink drain & stop up the water, but I only found it annoying....never thought of doing it on purpose - thanks for the great tip! Judy=Oklahoma
Avoid Aspartame for Bladder Control Issues
Poor But Proud - I thought all diet soda still had the aspartame in it. I knew some had tried splenda, but thought it was discontinued in soda. I never look at the labels, because I only like diet Pepsi Max & diet DP. Ill have to look at the other stuff & see...
Soften Hard Cookies?
I dont know if the bread will soften the cookies or not, Ive never tried it. You might try leaving the package open, or leaving a couple of cookies out on the counter, or even putting them in your refrigerator unwrapped overnight & see what happens. I live...
Cleaning Smelly Dog Blankets?
Go to the laundry section of your grocery store & get a box of Boraxo. Follow the directions & use it when you wash the bedding. I usually use 1/2 to 1 Cup of it in my wash water for pet bedding. It works really well to get rid of odors & stains, much better...
Dog Stealing/Hiding Shoes When Owner Leaves?
Added info: Checked with Susan to verify info. She says theyve had the dog a little over a year & really started doing this thing with the shoes 3-4 months ago - they dont know what happened to trigger it. Judy
Mini Fishing Game
This is a great idea, I think my grandkids would love this! It would be so easy to personalize it with different shapes - the boys would love cars for instance. For people who dont like to cut & sew, you could also buy pre-cut felt shapes & hot glue the 2 pieces...
Use Staple Remover to Add Keys to Ring
I saw that on Pinterest a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty clever, are you the one who posted it there? It not only saves fingernails, it helps with people who have arthritis or other hand problems too!
Are Old Sewing Notions Still Good to Use?
Thanks for the answers, you kind of verified what I thought. The zippers, I figured would probably still be good (maybe better than new since they are metal), but I will give them a good pull before using, maybe even wash them first. The ribbon looks ok too...
Keep Emergency Account Numbers in Your Cell Phone
This is a good idea for anyone to keep in mind! I did the same thing several years ago, when we had several outages in just a few months & couldnt find the phone book- big help! I also have in my cell phone: the emergency # for the gas Co.(Ive been somewhere...
Place Ice in Front Of Fan For Cool Air
I remember hearing this tip from relatives who lived before everyone had air conditioning. It really works too! Instead of ice cubes, which melt faster, you could freeze water in a larger container to make an ice block.
Gift Ideas for Grandfather's Birthday?
I think a gift card to a sporting goods (or motorcycle) store is good also. My step-dad used to like to fish, so one year, as a funny gift/joke, I bought one of those hats that has the brim all around. like you see fishermen wear in movies (like what they call...
Teaching a Dog to Come?
Those cattle dogs are extremely smart dogs & sometimes they know what you want them to do but they just ignore you too! Our little dog, Lightning, is a Queensland Healer & Corgi mix(looks like a short-legged queenie) & shes always learned everything very fast...
Foxy Roxie (Weimaraner)
I love the fur colors, tones, shiny coats & eyes of that breed. Very pretty girl!
Use a Whisk to Colour Easter Eggs
I just saw this tip in a magazine, I sure wish Id thought of it when my kids were little!
Link: Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles
Hi Deeli, I havent been on here for awhile, but I just saw your post. I love doing jigsaw puzzles on my computer, so thanks for the link. Ill have to try it. Do you know if this is one of those sites that bugs you with all kinds of tracking information & stuff...
Save Store Gift Cards For Big Purchases
daiquiri - I understand perfectly what you mean, when they first came out, I was burned a couple of times by those gift cards that expire or charge you fees! I got my mom a $20 visa gift card for Christmas one year & by the time she remembered about it, there...
Chicken Enchiladas
I love enchiladas, but Im too lazy to individually roll enough enchiladas to feed everyone (I used to have 6 people at home), so I learned to instead lay tortillas to cover the bottom of the dish, theyn layer the filling & more tortillas till done - then pour...
Help for First Time Dog Owner?
Use the search bar to search for housebreaking a puppy, biting puppy,etc. & youll find lots of good advice from Thrifty Fun readers. We just watched ours really well. As soon as she showed signs she was getting ready to go, we picked her up & rushed her outside...
Growing Mint for Tea?
You can buy pure peppermint teabags in the store, thats what I usually do. I want to start growing my own peppermint for my tea, I bought a plant last summer & didnt get it planted, so Ill start this summer hopefully. On a side not, we had a huge mint plant...
Teen Seeking Job?
First, you need to see what the laws are in your state about working age, each state is different. Just google legal working age ___(fill in your state) for example, in the state of Oklahoma, you can start working at age 14, but you have to get a work permit...
Warm Mascara With Body Heat
I havent been on here for weeks, but I see someone is still giving random thumbs down, you arent playing fair, whoever you are!
Warm Mascara With Body Heat
Thats funny! I knew someone who was well endowed & used to put the mascara in her bra to warm it up while she got ready! LOL!
Removing Stamps from Envelopes?
You can cut an unused stamp off the envelope & turn it in to the post office for a refund. Ive done this before & they give you the money back on them - or you can trade them for stamps that are useable. Or: The freezer never worked for me. What I do is boil...
Burning Smell Coming from Breaker?
Yes, call an electrician IMMEDIATELY - turn that breaker off & remove the fuse if you can! If you rent, call your landlord & insist on having something done ASAP! If you have too many things plugged into this breaker, it should be tripping the breaker. Since...
Tracey (Cat)
What a pretty girl, & healthy looking for her age too! Can you tell me about how much yogurt you give her? Ive been thinking about giving fish oil to my kitty & I may give him yogurt after reading your post. My kitty is nearly 17 & his health started failing...
Tin Can Gift Wrap
I did this for my daughter & son-in-law 3 years ago, the 1st Christmas after their twin boys were born. They were buying formula in the big cans at Sams & would give me a can since I watched the babies while they worked. So I emptied one from the bottom & filled...
Never Too Old to Learn to Crochet
I love your story, what an amazing memory you have to remember your grandma by! And she was smart to realize its never too late to learn - a great lesson she probably passed on to you. My mom learned to crochet from her Grandma. I wanted to learn when I was...
Olive Oil Versus Lamp Oil?
You should watch everyone in your house for any kind of reaction, such as respiratory symptoms or headaches when you burn oil lamps to be sure its safe for your family. I had oil lamps from the time I was just a young teenager. I loved them & burned them frequently...
Keeping the Monsters Away with Vanilla Spray
If you can reason with a child so they understand there are no monsters, perfect. If you cant, the spray (or whatever soothes them) isnt going to hurt & will give them some peace - what harm in that? Sometimes you absolutely cant convince a child that there...
Chocolate Almond Bark
Deeli - Im sure that even if you had his exact recipe, it probably still would not taste the same as it did when you were little & had the wonderful experience you described, which surely had to have added to the flavor of the candy itself! My daughter & I...
Ammonia Soda for Baking?
How funny - when I first read the question, there were no answers. By the time I got done writing my answer & hit enter, there were 4 other answers! LOL!
Ammonia Soda for Baking?
Wow, I never heard of ammonia soda for baking - also called baking ammonia! So I had to google it. I found this, which tells what it is: and this, which gives...
Upside Down Christmas Tree
I always wanted to try this, but my ceiling isnt high enough. Now I know how it would look, yours looks beautiful!
Donate Money And Receive Address Labels
I dont donate anything to organizations who bombard me with mailing labels, notepads & calendars. I figure they are using my donation to purchase/print & ship these items to multitudes of people several times a year, instead of using my donation for what they...
Smoke Detectors and Family Pets
I wanted to add something else. You said theres nothing you can do to undo how they react, but there is. When they hear a truck, siren, or other noise that upsets them, dont react by getting uptight or upset yourself, they pick up on how you feel . Dont rush...
Smoke Detectors and Family Pets
I can just picture how terrified those poor babies were, how sad - although it IS funny to imagine having all of them jump in the shower with you! :D Its too bad you cant use behavioral conditioning them to not be so afraid of it, especially since its made...
Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?
Interesting that my Cesar Milan (dog whisperer) newsletter this week deals with separation anxiety. Here is the link to part 1 of his video on the subject, then youll find a link to the part 2 video here also. Hope it helps your poor confused baby. http://www...
Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?
First, make sure there isnt an underlying medical condition. Then, if there isnt, you should try to watch some episodes of the Dog Whisperer, or get his book from the library/store & practice what he preaches. It sounds like the biggest problem is you are treating...
"I Hope My Children Look Back On Today" Cross Stitch Pattern?
Ive had this entire poem posted on my refrigerator for probably 15-20 years now, I love it. I found this link to a website that has a cross stitch booklet that has that verse, I dont know if its what youre looking for,or if they still have it, but it might...
Crocheted Fan
I noticed the tape measure after I hit the send button, lol! I thought of another use for this, it would be a nice decoration for the Christmas tree, if you put a clip on the back of it. Endless possibilities. Thanks again!
Crocheted Fan
That is really cute! Im not sure how big it is, but Im thinking I could use stiffener on it to make it a great accessory for my granddaughters barbies! Thanks for sharing this!
Christmas Gifts For Seniors
You have some great ideas here, thanks! Ive used many myself, but I never thought of gift cards to their pharmacy! Or paying for internet/cable! Thanks for the ideas & reminder! When my former in-laws (whom remained my family) both retired & were on very limited...
Melted Drip Trays on George Foreman Grill?
Id follow Deelis suggestion & call the company to be sure its ok to use it. You may have gotten all the melted plastic off the grill, but Id want to be sure it didnt cook some of the burning plastic chemicals into the non-stick surface? Better safe than sorry...
Turkey Soup
I always buy a bigger turkey just so I have leftovers to make soup with, I think we like it almost better than the turkey it self! I also use the carcass & do mine the same way you do. There was a column in our newspaper, that for years would post the same...
Travel: Portland Japanese Garden (Portland, OR)
Very beautiful, the one with the bridge looks like a painting! Thanks for sharing it.
My Frugal Life: Big Wedding On A Budget
I know there are some people who would frown & say this was tacky or rude. I however, think it was an absolutely fabulous idea! When a couple is marrying & they pretty much have everything they need, its hard to figure out what to give them (and I for one, dont...
Substituting Evaporated Milk for Whole Milk?
Absolutely, and you will love the richer flavor it gives your potatoes! I also use it in my potato soup and you can really tell the difference compared to using regular milk - just not the same!
Best Carpet for a Home With Cats?
Trimming their claws will help them to not scratch things as much, but it wont stop them completely. When their nails are too long, its uncomfortable for them & they will scratch even more. Scratching posts help some too. I cant tell you what type of carpet...
Sewing Tips and Resources
My kids school system requires the students to take a Family Living class in 9th grade(?), where they all (boys & girls) have to learn to cook a couple of things & sew something, usually pajama pants. Im glad they are at least learning a little sewing, because...
Home Treatment For Hives
Have you ever tried a hot bath instead of a cool one? I had them for 15 straight months, many times from head to toe! I discovered by accident that a hot shower or bath ( actually worked better at getting rid of the itch & sometimes the rash itself. Later, I...
Autumn Lanterns
Those are beautiful, I bet it gives your kids a warm fuzzy feeling every time they look at them & know they made them! We did something similar in Girl Scouts when I was little, only we put the wax paper in a construction paper frame to hang in the window. I...
Removing Nicotine Stains from a Sweater?
You dont say what its made of, what color it is, if its machine washable, hand wash only, or what. So its hard to know what to tell you. As long as its not a delicate hand washable, or something in a bright color that could run, you might be able to soak it...
Cooked Chicken Instead Of Wet Cat Food
Im not sure, but I think that feeding your kitty nothing but chicken could be asking for trouble. I think that so much pure protein could be very hard on the kidneys. I know when they are old & prone to kidney disease, you have to be careful about giving them...
Teaching a 20 Month Old Child Manners?
Im curious why you say you have to make some serious progress now? What is the reason? Deeli & MooseMom gave you some good advice. Teach him what response you expect by having him say thank you when you give him something, please when he wants something, excuse...
Barbie Doll Clothes Patterns?
I went to the thrift store & bought a few barbies that still had their clothes, for about $1 each. Im going to use their clothing to make my own patterns.
Re-setting Pleats on a Synthetic Skirt?
I dont have a lot of experience with pleated skirts, but My daughter had one when she was a little girl & the same thing happened. I believe it was polyester or acrylic. I just sent it back through the wash again, then while it was wet. I carefully folded it...
Shopping for Earth Friendly Shrinky Dinks?
Ive seen instructions somehow on how to make your own from the clear plastic containers like you get at the store, that hold sandwiches, cookies, etc. I cant remember what # plastic, or what the directions are. I think I saved the directions somewhere to try...
Using Borax in a Litter Box?
I would say no also. Putting it in the litterbox allows the powder to be stirred up into the eyes & respiratory tract. Also, it gets on the paws & the cat licks it off & swallows it - would be like feeding it directly to the animal.
Altoid Tin Gift Card Boxes
These are really cute! I have several of those altoid tins, cant seem to bring myself to toss them. But they all have the raised letters on the lid, so I didnt know what to do with them. Thanks for the idea!
Removing Permanent Marker from Walls?
Ive used Simple Green on permanant marker before & it usually works for me. But if its been months, it may be so absorbd that it wont all come out. I used the Simple Green full strength with a rag, using a toothbrush in the harder spots. Most of it came out...
Ivy (German Shorthair Pointer)
I love her little bed! My dog knows when my husband & kids are supposed to be home every day also. She goes to the window to watch for them 30 min. before theyre due & gets anxious if they are late! Arent they funny!
Kennel Dogs When Guests Arrive
I had to give it a thumbs up, just to make it even, because I dont think it deserved a negative vote on the basis of a different view point. If you were doing something that hurt your dogs, that would be a different matter, but this isnt hurting them. My dog...
Preventing Blisters in Tight Shoes
Duct (duck) tape. Place on any hot spots that start to develop, to prevent blisters. If you already have a blister, put a piece of gauze or tissue in center of duct tape & put on foot with gauze over blister, will protect it from getting worse. I taught my...
Store Sour Cream Upside Down
This does work, my mom taught me to do this with our cottage cheese when I was just a kid & it has always worked! I saw somewhere a few years ago about the scientific reason being that after you open the container, it allows air to get into the container & then...
My Frugal Life: Making Do
How wonderful, that with a lot of help from her family, friends & total strangers, that va was able to make this trip back! Thanks for sharing your story & the solutions to the little bumps in the road of your travels!
Eliminating Cockroaches Without Toxins?
OMG, I love the idea of releasing a gecko in the house to eat the bugs, but itd be my luck Id step on it in the dark while I was barefoot & break my neck trying to get back off it! LOL! Heres a link Ive posted before about a mixture you can use for roaches...
Crush Sugar Cubes For Granulated Sugar
I like stevia too, I buy the truvia brand & use it. But my big question, is why do you need to put sugar in your spaghetti sauce or chili in the first place?
Repurposing Testing Strip Tubes
I take oral medication for my diabetes, so I keep one of the test strip bottles in my purse with as many pills as I can fit in it, so that if I happen to be out when its time for my next dose, I have it with me.
Honor Veterans on 11/11/11
Beautiful Deeli, thanks for sharing it with us! Too many people are so totally oblivious nowadays I think, And so many parents & schools are not teaching this kind of respect to the kids - probably because they didnt learn it themselves! For example, how many...
Moist Upside Down Turkey
This is the best way to cook chicken too. When the juices flow down, they are going to the breast instead of the bony back.. Havent tried it with the turkey though, will have to try to remember for the holiday.
Reward Cat After Pill
A really dumb cat, but them a really smart cat will realize that in order to get the food or treat, they have to take the pill/medicine, then theyll hide before you can get them! At least thats what my moms cat does. He has to take medication at the same time...
Lazy Daisy Cake
I love Lazy Dazy cake (as my moms recipe spells it)! It was always my very favorite cake, until I tried red velvet, now its a tie. Our Lazy Dazy cake was made with a box mix yellow cake though & the frosting has chopped pecans in it. Now Im hungry for it, will...
The End of the Incandescent Bulb
Ive used these bulbs for years, & they have only gone down in price. I get mine at Walmart & I think they are a pretty good deal, depending on where you use them. I have a 100 watt equivalent bulb in my garage (wouldnt normally use one this high because of...
Cornelius (Tabby)
He has beautiful coloring! And he obviously adores that rug, he looks like a kitten whos been making bread & nursing on his mama! Isnt it funny the things they choose as their own?
Pattern for Making a Purse from One Necktie?
I bookmarked a pattern that I really like & have been collecting ties to make, but I cant find it now. If I find it, Ill let you know.
12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas?
Great idea & how nice of you! tea bags & mugs cocoa, marshmallows & mugs a bag of microwave popcorn for each & a bottle of popcorn seasoning sugar cookies (store bought is ok) & frosting/sprinkles to decorate a family video/dvd board game little stockings with...
Find Treasures At Thrift Stores
You have some really good tips on what to look for & be careful of, but Ive found most of my real treasures on the floor, where someone who didnt realize what it was marked it for practically nothing! ;D
Nail Polish For Repairing Stockings
Isnt it amazing how new generations learn the same tips we did so long ago & love them as much as we did! I remember coming up with great new ideas, only to learn my moms generation had done the same thing. I never thought about it before, but I guess its been...
Canning Beef?
Ive never had canned meat. How does it taste & what do you use it for? Would it be sort of like stew meat?
Stretching Your Retirement Dollars
Very good information! I dont understand people who refuse to take advantage of special discounts geared specifically for them. I cant wait until I can start getting my senior discounts. Well, I can wait to get any older, but as soon as Im old enough, Ill sure...
My Frugal Life: Shop Smart
Clothing at the Goodwills in Tulsa are fairly good. Theyve raised their prices in the last year, I think mens t-shirts are now $2.99 & kids clothing is $2.99, womens shirts are $4.99 & up. But everything else? I think whoever prices their stuff thinks they...
Savings Websites: The Good, the Bad, and the...
One thing worth mentioning is that you should start a new email address to use when using these websites. Some of them dont give your information away, but all it takes is one who does & your email will soon be filled with all kinds of junk & spam! I use Hotmail...