Why Chew a Whole Piece of Gum?
Ive been doing this for years to the point where chewing a whole piece just seems like to much! A little bit is all you need, plus you are rarely caught chomping on it like a cow chewing her cud, because chomping is just no longer necessary. Thanks for sharing...
Saving My Broken Cactus?
Great picture, pixieduster and great info, yakaback (not to mention great names for the both of you!)!
Loom Knitting Patterns For Dog Sweaters?
thanks for the links! I just completed my second dog sweater (my first had quite a few issues!!!!) and I think its great! Granted its not perfect and I still have a lot to learn, but this just proves that even a beginner can make their dog a sweater!
Crocheted Bags Out Of VHS Tapes
wow- this is neat! makes me actually grateful for the too many VHS tapes that I have. Ill definitely have to give it a shot. Thanks for sharing!!!
Buying a Used Digital Camera?
I used to have an Olympus C-740 that I absolutely loved and was always getting compliments on the resulting pictures. I gave it to my mom and sometimes I wish I hadnt! Great camera. It was only a 3 MP camera, but if you are just taking pics for eBay, it doesnt...
Cleaning Coins?
i swear when i was a kid i used to use some sort of combination of vinegar and salt to clean pennies (letting them soak in it). ive also heard some rumors that soaking the coins in coca-cola will work too, but ive yet to try that.
Homemade Chinchilla Food?
personally, im not too sure i would trust homemade chinchilla food to be nutritionally balanced, especially since chinchillas have sensitive tummys. I am definitely curious to hear if anyone has made their own chinchilla food though. okay, thats not much help...
Leave Unused Coupons for Another Shopper
I was just clipping coupons and had the same thought. It seemed like such a waste to just throw away a $1 coupon, so I figured I would clip it and leave it near the product for someone else to use, since I was going to be in the store anyway. (=