Living With Less
Might give stuff to charity or use a local Freecycle group online to downsize household things and not fill the landfills. Story was not clear how much space they were living in now. I live at home and we have to live on %50 less income & are doing it, but...
Removing Bushes Near a House?
Weve always pulled them out with a chain & pickup. Then level the ground and no more bother.
Saving on Decorating for Your Wedding?
If you know many people, ask them all if any have any decorations, and tell them your wedding colors. In the olden days of my youth, they used to cover the couples car with tissue paper flowers, white. You could make orange tissue paper flowers for the tables...
Using Frozen Meatballs?
Ask around and see if she could trade some of the meatballs for other food. Or feed a church youth group with some of them. If you freeze them in sauce or gravy, they will last a long time frozen. You could throw a big block party and feed everyone plus have...
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
What I do is line my heating grabbit bowl with a baggy that is filled with the leftovers, freeze it like that, then put the bowl away. So later unmolding it fits my bowl exactly. Also if you freeze fresh fish I fill with water. Meatballs keep better with lots...
Craft Ideas Using Foamies Material?
Well you might look at craft sites, like oriental trading or S & S, and get ideas of things to make out of foam, like wreaths for the seasons, tic tac toe games and such. Also just google craft foam crafts and see what websites turn up. Thats what id do. And...
My Frugal Life: Stay Out of Stores
Staying out of stores that tempt me to buy what I dont really need is my way too. Also, I can look online but unless something is needed, like a new bible study book for class, or kitchen towels that worn out and landed in the rag bag, it is best to not have...
Something is Eating Holes in Clothing?
Wondering the age of clothing, if new, is is low quality fabric? or if older, I find my tshirts get tiny holes in them with age, normal wear and tear. Also: do you have crickets in your home? They eat fabric, like towels on the floor etc. If you have high humidity...
Craft: Puppy Love Valentine Cards
Cute idea! I might make them into cats by turning the ear hearts point up, adding a tail with mini hearts on it and drawn whiskers.
Caring for Formica Countertops?
Hi: Im janitor at my church and also have countertops at home. Not sure what you mean about care of formica, as just washing with your favorite cleaner usually is enough. You can buy a gloss coat for formica at a hardware store if you like. I tried it and found...
Pop Bottle Car Project? Okay not exactly but some FUN stuff that moves.
Don't Let Your Car Run Out Of Gas
Yes, this tip is so true! My husband has mentioned that one shouldnt run out of gasoline as there is a pump in the tanks. Plus if you run it out, it is much harder to get your vehicle started again. Very good tip!
Coffee Stains in Corelle Cups?
You also can scrub them lightly with a bleach cleanser, name brand or store brand.
Cleaning a Coffee Pot?
If when your coffee pot is freshly emptied, you rinse it out with very hot water, you wont have to clean it as often. Then use the salt/ice method which works well with narrow necked coffee pots that you cant scrub by hand and a brush isnt very effective. But...
Thoughts on Pioneer Solutionism
I am 49, and when I was young, my family made do and reused things like power cords. Do it yourself was a way of life. I didnt know it was frugal until much later. I lived in a big city, and before plastic trash bags, oil drums were used for the trash. I could...
Frugal Uses for Packaging Materials: Bubble Wrap and Foam Peanuts?
The cornstarch packing peanuts i use to wash my face, it takes all the oil off... i wet the end of the peanut and dab on my face & wash off with a washcloth. The plastic foam ones: kids can string them into garlands or doorway strands. ALSO yes to using the...