Choosing Paint for Living Room Walls?
Always use semi gloss even on the ceilings! This is because the light reflects making it look so much brighter and you can always wash them easily! Enamel is extremely messy and smelly; difficult to work with; stick with semi gloss for all things, including...
My Frugal Life: First Time On My Own
Learn to live like a queen on less! I love the $ store for balloons which always and ever cheer folks up! Love to give birthday balloons of 3; tied to a back scratcher which everyone can use! You can live well; dine well; dress well; and still be able to give...
My Frugal Life: Find Out How Great You Are
Fantastic advice! My neighbor is an incredibly good looking woman: but she only sees her faults! its like: what in the world is wrong with you? you are an incredibly wonderful person! and no one would ever think any ones knees are beautiful; knees are not meant...
Paint Color Advice for Black and White Kitchen?
I tell everyone: go to various stores that sell paints! Get chips that appeal to you; then take them and try them against the wall and try to envision what it will look like once finished! I love warm colors; I love yellows, tangerines, and even whites if they...
Planning an Inexpensive Date Night at Home With Your Spouse?
Perhaps he never has learned to converse; many people have not; you say something and then ask a question and instead of your mind racing ahead make it focus on what he/she says; then based on what is said; think on it; then come up with a response and another...
Mulching Tulips?
Remove it now! I did mine the minute they were a couple of inches out of the ground! Looking forward to seeing the color!
My Frugal Life: Learning From Others
You are right! People are great the world over! I to feed birds, cats, coons, and always leave water out for all of Gods creatures! I went out one morning to feed the birds, in my pjs and robe without combing my hair or showering first; and a neighbor caught...
How Do I Force Bulbs Stored in the Fridge Over the Winter?
Simply put them in the ground now! they will bloom late but they will bloom this year for you!
How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Birdfeeder
I adore feeding and watering animals of all kinds! cracked corn and peanuts etc are great for squirrels; and yes, I feed birds, and raccoons, and cats, etc! love them all!
Setting Up a Simple Budget?
Google make your own mixes; save a lot of $ by making your own mixes; mayonnaise; etc; has lots of good ones; so does;; Use baking soda and vinegar etc to clean with; use microfibers; stop putting your cash in the trash...
Killing Weeds With Vinegar?
Spraying straight vinegar on weeds kills them; be sure to do only when the wind is not blowing!
Removing Melted Bread Wrapper from Oven?
Make a thick paste of kosher salt (coarse) rock salt might work; not sure; and baking soda with a little water; lemon; what have you; put on and leave for awhile; then remove using a microfiber cloth; this is how I clean my oven; have you tried SOS pads or...
Is It Safe to Use a Burned Teflon Pan?
Teflon is horrible for your health! Toss it! I got 2 wonderful vision glassware skillets from the good will As Is store for $1.00 each; or 50 cents each; work wonderful!
Can I Change an Oval Table to a Round Table?
Should be able to do so; google it; tons of do it yourself information about projects like this; you should first I am thinking take the measurements of the table; then you will know that measurement; then work out the circle size that the table will be once...
Mattress Know-How
My sister gave me a memory foam mattress; it is made completely and totally different from most mattresses; I had chronic pain, and had purchased the top of the line pillow type mattress in the 80s I think for about $1000.00; it did not help me in any manner...
Fast Growing Ground Cover for Shady Location?
How high do you want it to be? Is it full shade or part shade? Many times light can still be there and this makes a difference in the ground cover you can use; deep shade is completely different; so knowing the amount of light and how high you desire your ground...
Paint Color Advice to Coordinate with White Cabinets and Blue Counter Tops?
Well sunshine sounds like you like yellow, oranges, perhaps tangerine or lighter! this would love altogether lovely with the blue and the white! What I would do is go to numerous stores and pick up paint chips and take home to discover which one you prefer...
Name Brand vs. Store Brand Vitamins? is extremely helpful in telling us what products say one thing but are not that at all! Andrew Lessman on makes his own; and states exactly what is in them; there are no fillers of any kind! another great source is www.vitacost...
Cleaning Products You Already Have
I used to make my own laundry soap; then they overwhelmed it with chemicals so much I could not have in my house; so I switched to BioKleen; it has no chemicals; washes wonderfully; and you use only a small amount as if making your own laundry soaps; no fillers...
Learning To Garden In A New Zone
Fantastic advice! Also find a local yahoo gardening group in your area; where you can give and get plants freely! Just share joy in the idea of gardening!
Locating Someone on the Internet?
Go to; sign up for it; its free; then you can locate many for free! If you know of any acquaintances etc. You can add them as friends or look at their pages; photos; etc; my neighbor just called me this PM telling me she had located a person she...
Ten More Things to Do with a Blind Companion
I moved into an apartment complex where one lady in a wheelchair was legally blind; she got books sent to her but she didnt have control over which ones she got and was frustrated as they would send #3 in a series and not the 1st two! I told her the library...
Ten Things to Do Instead of Black Friday
Cheers! to thinking with your head! all this buy buy buy commercialism to do with Christmas anyway was a set up by retailers to make enormous sums of $ for themselves! I actually gave my daughter and then grandkids money at Christmas so they could shop after...
Alabama Christmas Charities?
Far better to create memories than gifts; however I used to get wonderful stuffed animals from Salvation Army for 59 cents each; easily washed; tho all looked like brand new. Christmas cookies are such fun all will remember; I will try and find and post a Merry...
Repairing a Tub Drain Stopper?
You can also get magnetized tools: such as screw drivers etc; this should get it out easily!
Getting Rid of Older Televisions?
Have you offered them for free on the local recycling in your area? Or on craigslist? I know many folks getting out on their own would love to have one for free! Young kids starting out, college students, etc, perhaps offering one at a time. If not, take it...
Cheap Date Ideas?
Sounds like you really enjoy movies but are tired of renting. Ever since the grand-kids were little, we had a special time when we got together and watched movies. We had the popcorn made and drinks, etc. It was like oh boy! we get to watch a movie! The attitude...
Preventing Freezer Burn?
Use butcher paper to wrap them in. It is the paper that all meats, etc. used to come in from butcher shops, and it is the best way to prevent freezer burn on all things. You dont have to buy special tape, almost any will do. What I normally use is a huge tape...
Finishing the End Panel on Cherry Cabinets?
Check to see if there are any cabinet makers in your area and contact them to see re wood; you can pick up cherry colored stains or paints at any store that sells paint normally. Good luck!
Making a Slipcover for a Barrel Chair?
I was going to say; I reupholstered a rocking chair years ago and it was relatively easy, so you might consider doing that. Good luck!
Clorox Ready Mop Coupons?
You might consider instead which will save you tons of money in the long run. A microfiber mop;; Don Aslett offers a swivel head one that comes now with 5 mop heads, no need to even use chemicals with these. I do put a drop or two of vinegar as...
Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas?
There are some fantastic recipes here! some include the clone instant coffee recipes that I intend to make and give as Christmas gifts! has all kinds of gifts in a jar; make a mix etc. Make a mix: google it; find what works for you and if you...
Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas?
You can probably make suet from things in your home if you have a bird feeding person. If a gardener, you can take cuttings from your herbs and put in smaller pots and give as gifts. I found free hanging pots one time along side the road, having passed them...
Activity Ideas for a 5th Grade Dance?
Line dancing! What a wonderful idea if some of the parents are involved. Or call a local club to see if any are interested, as it will take quite a few with these many kids! Also, I have seen Cuban dancing on TV which looks wonderful and there are some clubs...
Easy Homemade Christmas Tree Decorations?
I always loaded up the trees with candy canes! We used them for eating, or stirring in hot coffee or hot chocolate! At first everyone thought I was nuts, as they werent really decorations, and then everyone started doing this even on the trees at work! They...
Dry Beans, Beans, Beans!
Anasazi beans can be gotten in my area from for far cheaper than can be gotten locally from Bobs red mill; both my neighbor and I were extremely happy with trying this new to us variety of beans! really outstanding bean in our opinion!
Instant Flavored Cappuccino Recipe Using Hard Candy?
Theres a recipe for one here on this site. No hard candy is in it, however, just process in blender with the rest or in coffee grinder. In fact, instead of paying high prices for peppermint coffee at Christmas time, just add it ground up (coffee grinder or...
Organizing Cosmetics Inventory?
I would get the plastic ones with wheels that have 3 drawers and wheels (easy to see) and can label each what is in it. I am almost wondering if the craft store might have shoe box or similar size ones you can stack up on top of each other, then label them...
How Do I Wash a Chair Cushion?
You might also try an upholstery cleaner, or check here for a make-it-yourself one!
How Do I Make Brine for Soaking Poultry?
I have never brined one either. Cooking in a crockpot it is never dry though.
Craft Ideas for Men?
Any craft can be for either men or women. Some men have darned, knitted, etc; others make wood work items, bird houses, do latch hook rugs, others whittle. Hope this helps!
"Keep Christ in Christmas" Parade Float Ideas?
Jesus is the reason for the season; which means keep Christ in Christmas as He is the reason that Crhistmas is celebrated. Actually, the retailers and marketers were the ones who promoted Christmas and it was to make enormous revenue for themselves, and knowing...
What Can I Use in Place of a Broken Glove Compartment Door?
I would do exactly that using velcro; put some with glue around where it is going to go; and then also on the netting or material.
Christmas Float Ideas Using Noah's Ark Theme?
In Noahs time, the earth was filled with water. All of us have the ability during good times and bad, to flood the areas around us even as walking down the street, in stores, etc, to flood the area with peace, joy and love. (From out of their bellies shall...
Ohio Christmas Charities?
Yahoo groups usually have local groups in your area; some are designed specifically for local people to jump in and help; (if they are able to do so) also: dont think things for your granddaughter) love and kindness means far more than a bunch of toys; Salvation...
Ohio Christmas Charities?
re home repairs: start with baby steps; instead of feeling overwhelmed: say, ok, I can do this; google what needs to be done; check out the net; they have all kinds of wonderful do it yourself sites; also i picked up several excellent home repair etc books...
Conditioner Makes Hair Fall Out?
Chemicals in shampoos and conditioners cause many problems, including yours! I now use JR Liggetts shampoo BAR, it contains no chemicals at all. Shampoo bars have been in use for centuries. The liquid that is now on the market is fairly new actually. Shampoo...
My Frugal Life: Passing the Buck
Helping my disabled neighbor pack up for her move back east, she had oodles of soap ends; many were even whole bars! Others had just been used slightly. I found a make-it-yourself liquid dish soap recipe, using bar scraps, and made some. I think I have enough...
How Do I Get Rid of Coffee Stains on My Teeth? is a natural sites product. I got the tooth-soap shreds, when they had buy one get one: one for me, and one for my neighbor. They look like strings. You bite on them, and then brush. It is like getting your teeth cleaned of plaque and everything...
Acne Remedy?
Chemicals contained in shampoos, conditioners, etc can cause all kinds of problems, including acne or breaking out but its a reaction to the chemicals in the products. My grandson had problems like this due to chemicals in products. JR Liggitts makes shampoo...
How Do I Start a "Once a Month Cooking" Plan?
Right! Make a mess once, and eat several meals from it. My friend and I used to grocery shop one day, then the next we would get together and cook all day long, let the food cool, and enjoy the time together. Then we would wrap and freeze the food cooked that...
Planting Lilac Bushes?
Check with your local county extension office; they are a fabulous resource! Normally the best time is when they become available bare root in your area for the best price. Bush or tree depends on the location you want to put it in, and what you want it to...
Solution for Extremely Oily Hair?
Chemicals can cause all kinds of problems. You might try using a J R Liggetts shampoo bar. I just discovered these, although they have been around for centuries. These contain no chemicals at all. They do contain lye which simply bonds all soaps, and you can...
How Do I Thicken My Hair? Michael Dicesare under beauty products; all of his products are outstanding and he offers products for thickening hair; read the reviews; I have never needed thickening hair; mine is the opposite; i need to layer due to thickness! Sign up for emails...
My Frugal Life: Out Of Sugar?
Being friendly as a neighbor is common courtesy! Even to the unfriendly ones who are Mz Crabapple; or Mz Cranky; I had to think of one who was this way as a cactus. I am a gardener, and thinking of her as prickly enabled me to tell the other neighbors as well...
Resolving Delinquent Accounts on a Credit Report?
No! and whatever he does do not pay anything at all on it; Usury laws were broken by the Gov of the USA working with bankers and corps as exploitation which is the targeting and harming of us the people for THEIR own personal profit and personal gain: is the...
Homemade Pet Stain and Odor Removal?
There are several similar requests that have answers here on the site; but I have found that the very best for any/all odors is Don Asletts XO; it is used in hospitals and nursing homes, I was unable to locate it locally at janitorial supply houses, so I got...
Jiffy Corn Muffins Too Crumbly?
Cut back a tiny bit on the liquid; and be sure to let them sit a couple of minutes before cutting them! See if that doesnt solve the problem!
Plants Dying After Soil Treated With Unknown Poison/Herbicide?
I would contact your local county extension office; even round up which kills all plants the area can be replanted after a week or so. I just cannot imagine something that would be so strong it still kills all plant life! These folks are master gardeners and...
Plants Dying After Soil Treated With Unknown Poison/Herbicide?
I would contact your local county extension office; even round up which kills all plants the area can be replanted after a week or so. I just cannot imagine something that would be so strong it still kills all plant life! These folks are master gardeners and...
"Let Freedom Ring with the Bells of Christmas" Parade Float Ideas?
Have a huge liberty bell; and perhaps the sound of a real bell ringing as it is pulled to sound. Good luck!
Where Can I Get Information on Homeschooling Requirements?
Check out Yahoo groups on homeschooling; these folks can probably be extremely helpful to you! Good luck!
Best Furniture Upholstery For Pet Owners?
If you are thinking of what will not collect hair the most, I would go with leather or something similar to it.
Best Furniture Upholstery For Pet Owners?
If you are thinking of what will not collect hair the most, I would go with leather or something similar to it.
Dog Names?
The name must fit the dog: the personality, etc. Any name is good: Paladin, Princess, Bailey, Lizzie, Shadow, Oreo, Mickie, Minnie, Mikey, Goldy, etc; when you spend time with it, the name that fits her/him will come to you!
Scavenger Hunt Ideas?
I always hid presents from kids and grandkids under the laundry in the hamper! They never found it! (he he he!)
How to Get Free Used Furniture, Electronics, Clothes, and Much More?
Yahoo groups often have several recycle reuse groups in local areas; also you might check the free on craigslist as well as under materials, furniture, etc. You can also see if they have a Good Will as is store locally; or in several nearby areas; these are...
Cleaning an Iron Skillet?
You can use a stainless steel scrapper or an SOS pad on it; if really bad you can use steel wool; once its clean; be sure to put oil in it and put in oven for about 15 min; to season it; afterwards when washed always put it for a few seconds on a burner to...
Dog is Losing Hair?
It may be mange; or it could be allergies of some kind. It is definitely a dry skin condition; you can try bag balm on it; sometimes it can be found in the dog section at Walmart but its a small can at an expensive price. If you have a grange check there; also...
Making Your Own Cheese?
Thanks! I am going to try this! By the way, I got an email from today offering numerous books at sale prices: and I got the Cheesemaking at home book! I am so excited! even with S&H it was cheaper than the other site offering it!
Reuse Food Packaging
I think it is cool to reuse packaging; however using freezer wrap which is the old butcher paper really keeps the frost burn off anything going into the freezer. You dont have to use the special freezer tape; any will do; very economical.
Improving the Juice Content of Citrus Fruit?
Call your local county extension office re your questions; they are master gardeners or have them available; are familiar with your local area and are a fantastic resource! good luck!
Toilet Paper With Less Lint?
Costcos brand Kirkland is the very best buy I have ever found, and works the best. Almost all businesses use it.
Growing English Ivy with Hostas?
English Ivy will kill off anything it is near! If you want any, put in a hanging basket and be sure and keep it over cement!
Growing English Ivy with Hostas?
English Ivy will kill off anything it is near! If you want any, put in a hanging basket and be sure and keep it over cement!
Rinse and Reuse Coffee Filters
Love the idea! Do use the brown ones folks; they arent bleached; however with all the chemicals applied to everything to harm us with; not even sure they dont have them in them anymore! (most of the coffee you drink does however).
Looking for 70s Scalloped Corn Recipe?
Theres a fabulous scalloped corn recipe here; also have you checked all the creamed corn casserole dishes?
Scenery: Sunset (Gulf Coast)
I used to live on the beach in Southern Oregon; we had the most incredibly beautiful sunsets every night it seemed! this puts me in memory of them! Thanks for sharing!
Removing Skunk Smell from Couch?
Try a product called XO. You can find it at; under Don Asletts products; he has the largest janitorial company in the USA; they use it in hospitals and nursing homes; it is biodegradeable and wont harm your pet. I have seen this used on soured milk...
Carpet Rose Not Blooming?
Try a product called bud and bloom; it usually is a great booster to make things bloom. Good luck!
Too Much Pepper in My Soup?
Prevention is worth a pound of cure! Get a pepper grinder; use peppercorns; and grind them fresh you will marvel as your taste buds jump for joy! Other than this, try and scoop as much out as you can; and perhaps add more liquid and make it larger.
How to Encourage a Partner to Go to Counseling?
What I would do is this: have all of your bills in one place; both of you together look at them, what is owing; and the amount that you need to pay. Then look at the amount that is left: and work out a budget. Make a menu; plan meals ahead of time; always and...
Best Pressure Canners?
You are actually ahead to buy new I think; you might check with your local county extension office. They are a fabulous resource! Ours have canning masters who can answer all your questions you might have re canning and I would ask them what they think and...
Do I Use a Preservative in Homemade Dog Biscuits?
I have never heard of using a preservative in dog biscuits but I would google it, look at all the recipes and then decide from there which to make, etc. I have seen lots of recipes on line for making your own cat and dog food which is FAR healthier than that...
Using French Fries in Hashbrown Casserole?
Why not try it and see what happens? If all else fails, make your own hash browns; its really easy to do!
Coconut Rice
I like rice and I like coconut milk so I am going to try this! Sounds delightful! Thanks!
My Frugal Life: A Lifelong Lifestyle
I am with you all the way! Never pay full price for anything you cant eat! and then buy the healthiest you can get! I munched on some organic raisins from Grocery outlet last night for $1.99; most delicious I have had! Never be in a rush to buy; wait and it...
Shower Cleaning Tips?
Have you tried a magic eraser? Sometimes they can do wonders! However, if the floor is just not looking well even though very clean, consider painting something on it; or putting bath mats down to cover part of it. A cute design might work just fine!
Ideas For Boxing Themed Party?
Why not google boxing champions, and if you have a printer, print pictures of them and hang around. You can make frames for them, inexpensively, fabric over cardboard, etc. See if you can find some inexpensive boxing gloves of various colors, sizes, at thrift...
Preventing Zoysia Grass from Spreading into Neighbor's Lawn?
Call your local county extension office. They are a fantastic resource and can easily tell you if this will work or if you should put in a barrier to prevent it from spreading. Might also be able to tell you how to get rid of it! Good luck!
Spa Recipes for Girls' Sleepover Party?
You can do manicures and pedicures. Be sure to get cotton balls to put between their fingers and toes and have a variety of polish colors for them to select from.