Caring For Baby Fish?
Separate them! Otherwise mom will snack on them when she gets hungry. Most pet stores and some Wal-mart stores sell breeder nets/containers. The best one to purchase is the gauze sleeve that fits over a rectangular frame. It hooks right over the side of your...
Manual for Regal Bread Machine #K6782?
I found a PDF of the manual at the following address: Good luck!
Hemostat to Help with Sewing
I use hemostats to tweeze my eyebrows when they get out of hand. I cant stand only plucking one or two at a time. Warning: Make sure you dont catch your skin with these!
Crayola Crayons Costumes?
Our university sponsors a trick-or-treat event for the local community. We are required to come up with themes that are NOT scary. We were the spooky crayons last year. This is what we did: 1. Everyone dressed from head to toe in the color that they wanted...
Use Blanket Instead of Wheelbarrow
This is a great idea. My mom does the same thing with sheets of plastic. I think she just saved the plastic from a new set of mattresses.
Finding Sources for Free Flower Seeds?
Have you tried using the seed swap here on Thrifty Fun? Click on the blue link for Seeds just below the orange bar on the homepage.