14th Birthday Party Ideas?
The neighbor girl, who turned 16 did an Alice in Wonderland theme. She got teapots and teacups from a consignment shop, and served tea and cookies. They used an outdoor deck.
Repairing Shredding Fabric Trim on a Vintage Sofa?
I think I would try some hot glue, and then quickly pull the fabric up where it belongs. It will undoubtedly strengthen the fabric, too.
Cleaning a Stain on Cabbage Patch Doll's Face?
This may seem drastic...but when I went gluten free, my hot flashes diminished significantly. I also cut coffee out of my diet.
My Frugal Life: The Garage Sale Hunt
We use Craigs list to find garage sales, then our friend puts them on gps to use the least amount of gas when going from one to another. Gotta love garage saling!
Relief From Hot Flashes
When over heated in the middle of the night, I turn my pillow over. Youll instantly feel cooler.
Centerpiece Idea for Departing Missionaries?
You could hang special items on ribbons from a potted tree branch that the missionaries could use, for example: snack foods for their trip, cds, special soaps, money, etc. These items could be donated by the guests. Maybe the flag could go on top of the tree...
Graduation Gift Ideas?
Someone bought me a name placque for my desk. Its probably the only thing I received that I still use!
Planning a Weekly Church Dinner For Families in Need?
Check and see if your church is eligible for getting food from the food pantry. Where I work (Albany, NY) there are many items available for .16 lb. Keep up the good work!
Cleaning Socks
When a sock gets a hole, you can use it as a short term cleaning rag. I usually clean the toilet or sink and then discard it.