Keeping Track of Gift Card Balances
When we receive a gift card, I attach a piece of masking tape to the front of it and write the date received and amount on the tape. After use, I enter the new balance on the tape. By doing this, I know which gift card is the oldest in case we receive more...
Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
I had smoked for over 45 years and quit cold turkey for health reasons. I joined the American Cancer Associations Freedom From Smoking Program. Its free and very helpful. From there, I joined, a quit-smoking site where I received unbelievable support...
Grandmother on a Budget?
Our grandchildren are college age. Buying them clothing is out of the question. Their tastes and ours are worlds apart. Our answer to occasional gifts is home made cookies and/or fruit in season. Each time theyre home for a week-end or holiday. They take their...