How Do I Freeze Fresh Green Beans?
Clean them and put them in a pot of boiling water for 1-2 minutes - this is blanching - it will seal in their green color. After taking them from pot, put them in a ice water bath. Drain, dry them with paper towels, place them on cookie sheets and freeze. Then...
Removing Cigarette Odor from Dolls?
My Mother-In-Law has antique dolls and when she gets some with odors, she uses charcoal like they use in fish tanks. Spread it in the bottom and then lay a thin layer of tissue paper to protect the dolls.
Using Frontline for Dogs on a Cat?
You can kill the cat doing this! Go to Pet and chat with an online agent and ask them to be sure. Most products that cover dogs are too harsh for cats! You can also call a vet near you and talk to one of the staff, give her the details on the container...