Ideas for Positive Incentives for Good Behavior?
How about rather than an item, you play one of their favorite games with them.
Reuse a Bird Bath Base
I love this idea! My neighbor has been trying to give me a base for a long time and I didnt know what to do with it. I hope they didnt get rid of it yet.
Painting Panelling?
I just painted my daughters room that has panelling. For sure wash the walls first. DO NOT use anything that has oil in it though, because your paint wont stick. TSP is a good product. I painted hers in a satin finish and it looks great and washes nicely. A...
Problems with Newsletters
Just wanted to post that I run XP and am not having any problems with the new newsletter.
I.D. Theft Insurance
No wonder every credit card company is trying to sell it. I have denied each time it is offered. For the most part because the credit card company was offering it, and I felt that they are always looking out for their profit, not my protection. Thanks for the...
My First Recipe: Fried Chicken For The Minister
Thank you for sharing and giving me a smile today. :)
Active Ingredient in Advanage Wonder Cleaner? Thought this was important for others.
Thank You Gift Ideas?
Write them a letter about each of their births. How you prepared for their coming. What you were feeling, what were some of the news events, maybe add one of their first photos. If you have the time you can add some of the memorable moments through out their...
Cleaning Coins?
My husband uses hot sauce to clean pennies. Maybe try soaking a small amount of coins in a bowl filled with the sauce before you try the whole amount. Liz
Chesapeake Wallpaper Catalog Patterns 2423-3?
Try ebay. Search not only by the numbers, but also try a brief description of the paper. After each search check the completed auctions box to see if it was listed and possibly didnt sell. Maybe the seller still has it and just did not relist it after it didnt...
Repairing a Burn Hole in Carpet
Great thinking! Years ago my father wanted to get all of his deposit back after moving out of his apartment. He was an artist, and he mixed his oil paints until he had the perfect match. He did get the whole deposit back. Liz
Keep Getting The Paper Statements
I just learned how important it is to continue the paper bills. I must have hit stop the paper by mistake, I got the reminder email, but always use the paper as a reminder in my bill basket. You guessed it,,,,,,I was late getting my bill off. I called and got...
Planning Weddings on a Budget?
My wedding cost me less than 500.00. I printed out my own invitations. I got the card stock from an office supply store. I bought my dress about this time of year. All of the evening gowns are on sale after the holidays. I got mine for 50.00. We have four children...
Chair Seats Made of Old Belts
I love this idea! I have a rustic livingroom and some old chairs. I have already started my search for old tooled belts. Thanks for sharing.
Use Your Answering Machine for New Baby Info
A woman in Mo. was attacted and her baby taken from her in her own home. A stork in the front yard welcoming the babys arrival tipped off the woman that stole the baby. In todays world we can not be too careful. I do not believe the answering machine info is...
Foamy Hand Soap From Bubble Bath
Great tip Sandy! I cant use bubble bath, but someone always seems to give me some for a gift. Now I will have a use for it.
Homemade Wedding Favors?
We gave Christmas ornaments. I like this idea because the guests know what to do with it. Each year that they decorate the tree they think of us. I made them myself. I took a plain ball and decorated it with a picture of us along with a verse(printed on the...
Cheap Place for a Wedding Reception?
Small towns with vfws,moose,ect ect. is an option. They are for the most part cheaper too. Drive a little save a lot.
My Frugal Life - Lessons From The Amish
High Five to you Amy! Too many times I hear that both parents have to work to get by. More times than not the only need is more stuff. Do we really need a boat, vacation home, numerous cars, a five bedroom home for a family of 3, ect. ect. ect. I found that...
Boosting Leftovers
When ever we have left over roast I cut up the roast in bite size pieces. I then cut up some potatoes, minced oinon and carrorts. Put it all in a cassarole dish and pour the left over gravy on it. Another nights dinner with little work or thought.
Winter Wedding Ideas?
I gave ornaments for favors at my winter wedding. They were easy to make and thrifty too! I put a photo of us on card stock and printed on it our wedding date along with a fitting bible verse, cut each out with one of those fancy scissors, and tided it on the...
Motivation Tips for a Stay At Home Mom?
I can relate. It wasnt too long ago I made a trip to the laundrymat with four kids and a husband in tow. It made all the difference in the world. Once I got caught up on the laundry it was such a relief. Everyone now has thier own laundry basket and carries...