15th Birthday Ideas?
My son wanted an hour with a stunt pilot for $120. He did all the stunts they do in air shows. If your son would like that kind of thing. Perhaps a paintball party with some friends if you have a place in your area that does that kind of thing. They provide...
Freezing Grapes
Frozen grapes really quelled my nausea when I had morning sickness. I think the red grapes worked better for me.
Wildlife: Prince Charming?
I dont think hes your prince charming. Hes perhaps a sign that prince charming has his eye on you!
Dealing With Someone With a BiPolar Disorder?
I too am bi-polar, have been since 1978. I raised two beautiful sons with Gods help. I strongly recommend you find a support group for yourselves. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is one. Ask a social worker for recommendations if you dont know...
Removing Incontinence Odor?
I agree with desertgal - vinegar. Add one cup of vinegar to wash load and let it soak for an hour or overnight.
List of Family House Rules for Cleaning?
FAMILY RULES LIST: 1. Tell the truth. 2. Treat each other with respect. * no yelling * no hitting * no kicking * no name-calling * no put-downs 3. No arguing with parents. *We want and value your input and ideas, but arguing means you have made your points...
Chemically Straightened Hair is Damaged?
Hot oil treatments. And if they still make it, a product called Cholesterol (for hair) made by Salon Care. Try finding it at a beauty supply store. Leave it in for an hour and put a shower cap on before washing. Clairol Condition and Infusium 23. Good luck...
Mildew On Clothing?
Just soak it in straight vinegar for a few hours then wash. Add the vinegar to the wash.
Keeping Cat Hair Off the Bed?
Every time you see the cat on the bed shoot it with a spray bottle of water. They hate that and will learn really fast. Be sure to close your bedroom door when you leave the house. They are not stupid.
Homemade Eyeglass Cleaner?
I use a mix of water and white vinegar in a spray pump bottle and dry it with a napkin.
Uses for Clear Plastic Containers
I put one of those cherry tomato containers at the back edge of my sink. I put my teflon scrubber and metal scrubber in it. The holes in the bottom allow the water in them to drain back into the sink. Not too classy, but handy.
Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets?
Dollar stores sell a degrreaser caleed Awesome works great for me. You might want to rinse it off with a clean, wet rag. If you have wood cabinets. go with the Murphys Oil Soap. Another product that works well is Goo Gone.
Feed Cats Soft Food to Increase Hydration
I add a little extra water to my 18 year old cats canned food. It seems to help prevent constipation that she has a tendency to get.
Sassy (Toy Poodle)
Sure looks like your son has a special buddy now. Please keep him on a leash. My little brother had a white toy poodle, Pete, who chased cars. It did not end well for him. Id hate to see your son as heartbroken as my little brother was.
Ballpoint Pen on Skin?
My neighbor gave me a love seat upholstered in a thick, beige corduroy material. She was amazed that I was able to remove a set ink stain. I used rubbing alcohol and scrubbed it repeatedly with alcohol. I have had success with remove ink from pants by soaking...
Pressure Cooker Cake Recipes?
I found this at: http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Pressure-Cooker-Or-Steamed-Chocolate-Cake-239468 Pressure Cooker (or Steamed) Chocolate Cake Ingredients * 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour * 3-4 tablespoons cocoa powder * 3/4 teaspoon baking powder * 1 pinch salt...
Natural Repellent for Flies?
My sister sent me this information Zip-lock water bags Many people swear that a zip-lock bag filled half-way with water and attached over entry-ways will repel flies. No one yet knows how or why it works, but there is speculation that it has something to do...
Have Fun While Cleaning With Music
If you are like me, with cleaning the kitchen, I can easily go on autopilot and get the job done so effortlessly with music or by calling someone on a cell-phone and using a headset to keep my hands free. Great tip!
Recipes High in Fiber and Protein and Low in Carbs?
Mix raw oats with non-fat plain yogurt and a scoop of vanilla protein powder and raisins or berries. Add a bit unsalted chopped nuts if you wish.
Suction on Shampooer Does Not Work?
See if the opening to where the water extracts into the dirty tank is clogged. This happened to me on a different model. I removed the extraction tank and wiped off the screen where the water filters into the tank that was clogged and it works fine now. Good...
Finding Free Fill Dirt for the Garden?
I see ads often in the free section of Craigslist for fill dirt. Good luck!
New Cat Aggressive Towards Resident Cat?
Janniebs advice is spot on. New kitty is just doing what her instincts are telling her. I would like to add that a spray bottle filled with water set on stream would be handy if she continues on with the Top Gun behavior. It might prevent an attack and give...
Crouton Hot Dish
Just got finished eating this dish. I made it with the ground turkey and added some grated mild cheddar when I pulled it out of the oven for my cheese-aholic kids. Definitely a keeper! Thanks for posting.
Ballpoint Ink on Cotton Polyester Fabric?
Rubbing alcohol works well to remove ink stains. You may need to soak the stain in alcohol and then rub it with a cloth rag saturated with alcohol. Putting paper towels or another rag under the stain while you are rubbing it will absorb the ink.
Paczki - Polish Prune Filled Donut Recipe?
Recipe found here: http://easteuropeanfood.about.com/od/desserts/r/Paczki.htm Poles love their paczki pohnch-kee) for Paczki Day. Theyre fried rounds of yeast dough that can be filled with prune, apricot, strawberry, raspberry paste or cheese filling, or left...
Upholstery Cleaner Left Stain on Furniture?
Is the ring just a water mark? If so, moisten the entire area evenly and see if it disappears when it dries.