Organizing a Small Bedroom With Sloping Knee Walls?
There are some great decorating ideas here already. Mine is a little unconventional, but practical. I suggest tucking the foot of your bed under the short side of the room, with your headboard on the roomy side. This would provide as much walking space as possible...
Trivia Game for a Bridal Shower?
Two Truths and a Lie A fun game would be Two Truths and a Lie, themed around the bridal couples courtship, where guests detect the lie for points. This could be done as a game show, or a questionnaire. For example... Mary and Steve enjoyed stolen kisses: A...
Making "Jesus" Sandals?
When I was a kid, we made sandals at VBS. Soles were of thick gauge brown craft felt. Trace the childrens feet, then double the felt to cut out 2 soles. Cut the soles out a little larger than the tracing. Punch 4 to 6 holes at the side of the toe-to-instep...
Getting Rid of a Cowlick?
First, yours is cute and gives your face character. Mine is the same, but on the right side. Drove my mom crazy! : P My stylist said that movie stars often have distinctive hairstyles because of cowlicks & unusual hairlines. Learn to love it, and make it your...
What Breed is My Dog?
You have a sharp-looking dog! My first impression was Malamute crossed with Doberman Pinscher or German Shepherd. But, her strong tri-color could even come from a Beagle, rather than an arctic circle breed, because her coat is so sleek. : D Regardless, Im sure...
What Kind of Snake is This?
It helps to identify the region where the snake was found. The photo was too low resolution to make a positive i.d., but I think one of these may be your snake --- good news, if so, because they are both non-poisonous. My bet is on the rat snake Your snake...
Pop Can Tabs for Shower Curtain Grommets
An industrial steampunk look for a bathroom: This look would be clever on the outside of a canvas drop cloth or panel of other sturdy waterproof fabric. Held up by stainless steel shower curtain hooks with ball-bearings at the top - perfect! If my house werent...
Repair Vacuum Cleaners Instead of Replacing
Back again. I didnt know they had published this suggestion! : D Thanks for the kind words. I didnt make it clear that mine was a modern, bagless vacuum with a hard plastic dust bin. These are showing up at thrift shops more and more. As for the first comments...
Storage In Small Bathroom?
I installed inexpensive triangular molding on three sides of the wall above the vanity light fixture. It was nailed 12 from the ceiling to hold an open shelf, about 20 deep. The bottom of a scrap piece of plywood, cut to size, was painted to match the ceiling...
Cleaning Grease Off Wallpaper?
It may be way too late for the original questioner, but this may help others who come to this question. I have cleaned greasy wallpaper with cheap white bread. Just rub it with a piece of bread held like an eraser until it has soaked up the grease and dirt...