Daughter Will Not Let Me See My Grandson?
Personally, I feel there is a need for counselling for yourself to seek professional assistance in dealing with this situation! As someone stated earlier, this is between you and your daughter and the son should not be having to deal with this in any way! If...
Is This a Wart?
Take him to a Dr.!! Dont fool around with something like this, we are not qualified to answer such a question!
Interior Decorating Business Name Ideas?
Home Is Where The Art Is This could pertain to decor and art. Good luck with your business. Marie
Transferring a Picture to a Plate?
Hello LJ, Just go to any decoupage site online and youll find all the instructions you need and it will be very inexpensive. Regards, Marie
Making a King Size Headboard?
Hello April, May I suggest making a small canopy for the head of your bed or a large one for that matter, from gathered burlap with long flowing sides to the floor and then add shelving as your sweetheart would like. I would decoupage burlap on the shelving...
Replacement Parts for a Singer Magic 7 Steam Press?
Singer Magic Seven Steam Press, Hello Richard, Just type in the above and they will ask you for the serial number and whatever other information they may need off the machine. They should have an address you can order the part from. They should also have the...
Name Ideas for My Cleaning Business?
Hello Mel, How about, Mels Good Old Fashioned Cleaning, or, Good Old Fashioned Cleaning or, Mels Cleaning, The Old Fashioned way, or Domestic Goddess Cleaning by Mel, or Sparkling Homes by Mel , or You Deserve a Break, Cleaning by Mel or Moms Best Friend Cleaning...
Name Ideas for My Cleaning Business?
Hello Mel, Another thought I had regarding a name. Naturally Clean by Mel Also, look at other cleaning businesss names and it might spark more creative ideas for you, just a thought. Marie
Garden: Purple Flowers
Yes, this lovely purple plant is a member of the wandering jew family. My apologies for not knowing the Latin name.
Wildlife: Butterfly Garden
Hello Rita S., So good to know you leave the flowers for the endangered monarch butterfly!! Beautiful photo!! Sincerely Marie K.
Getting Rid of Ants on Sunflowers?
Hi Martha, Ants do not like mint (any type of mint) so you could plant some pots of this into the ground. I suggest doing it this way because mint can be invasive. Also, ants do not like marigold so you may consider planting some amongst your sunflowers. African...
Instruction Manual for Sears Serger?
HI Wilma, Just type in the search area, sears serger operating manual and you will be directed to where you can find them. You will need to find the model number and/or serial number on the machine so you can type them into the proper spot in the Sears site...
Ideas for Making a Fairy House From a Doll House?
To Maryeruth, You are so right. fairy houses are better made to look natural. Use a good glue to hold pebbles, twigs and moss to the house and there are instructions online to make fairy twig furniture and lots of other things for fairies. A good place to get...
Cleaning and Shining a Black Bathtub?
Hello Jess, White vinegar will do the trick, just spray on, wait a few seconds and wipe with a cloth, this is what I use. You may need to use a little elbow grease but only a little. Never, ever use anything abrasive on your tub or sink because over time the...
Front Load Washer Makes Noise During Final Rinse Cycle?
Hi Eric, Have the feet been balanced? Perhaps there needs to be some compensation made for a slightly uneven floor. My suggestion would be to set a level on the top of the washer as you adjust the legs until it tells you its level. Hope this helps. Otherwise...
Scenery: Snow Storm (West Virginia)
Hello from Canada, Absolutely beautiful photos!! Would love to know the type of camera you used to take these. monetgardening
Tips For Successful Baking
Hello JodiT, This is exactly how my Momma taught me to bake and Im fifty-six years old. Every time I bake or cook I think of my Momma and give thanks for what she taught me, it just makes my life so much easier. Thank you for the reminder :). Marie
Getting Musty Smell Out of Leather?
Whatever it is with a musty smell put it in a garbage bag with lots of crumpled newspaper. Leave it in the bag for a few days. If the smell is still there when you open the bag leave it there for another couple of days, replacing the newspaper.Use a twist tie...
Transplanting Bulbs in the Fall?
Hello Linda from Brighton, As long as the soil is workable you can still transplant them. Have fun. Marie
When is the Best Time to Plant Yucca?
As long as the soil is workable you can plant it. Give it a soaking with transplant liquid, follow the directions on the label.
Reuse Plastic Jars for Freezing Food
Dear Patti, Your idea is wonderful although, if the containers have the recycle symbol on them they should not be reused because it is unsafe. They are not made to be reused. Marie
Cleaning Well Water Stains from Tub?
Hi Sweets, Make a paste of baking soda and white vinegar and spread it on the marks and let sit for a few hours. The marks should come of easily. I use this for the water stains in my toilet from the well. Ive also used tablets for cleaning dentures, this works...
Cleaning Well Water Stains from Tub?
Try Borax as well, its a natural substance, you can buy it the laundry detergent section of some stores. Let it sit wet on the stains for a few minutes if the stains are really bad. It not harmful to the septic system.
Reuse Plastic Bottles Instead of Buying Ice
This is not a safe practice. These bottles have recyclable symbols on them which means they are not fit for reuse because of chemicals leaching out of them into our food and water, whatever we put in them.
Turtle Burgers
Hello Deeli, Both my partner and I love turtles (the real ones) I wonder if we would have a problem eating these little guys! ;) They are just way too cute!
In Memory Of Dad
Dear Lula, This is such a beautiful picture and memory of your dear father. I am truly sorry for your loss. I too am able to relate because I lost my dad about ten years ago and think of him every day. The things he taught me about nature and his love for it...
Popular Kitchen Paint Color?
Dear Sandra, This is what I do: paint the kitchen white.Then decide what colour is your very favourite, add this as an accent colour with curtains, potholders, dishes, dishtowels, a floor matt in front of your sink, tablecloths, napkins, backsplash(perhaps...
Finding a Decorative Bead for Formal Dress?
Dear Adriana, God love you for wanting to do this for your niece, I think its wonderful. Perhaps you could use a different bead. Maybe your niece could help with picking it out. It would be wonderful to see a photo when its all done. God Bless monetgardening...
Do I Remove Grass Before Laying Black Plastic and Mulch?
Hello Cheri, No, you do not need to remove the grass first. That would be wasted effort on your part and Im positive you could find more enjoyable ways to spend your time in the garden ;).
Stain on Nylon/Spandex Blouse?
Dear Deitra, Hopefully the hairspray so kindly offered has worked. I find making a small bit of paste from baking soda and vinegar, putting it on the stain , leave it to sit awhile then wash or you could also add vinegar and baking soda to a small sink of warm...
Decorating a White Bathroom?
Personally I would say botanical prints for the walls. Sage green towels with perhaps a darker green for for bathmat and accessories. Any other colours you especially like will go well with these colours.
Canning Jars for Blending
For those of you who dont understand this idea, may I suggest you go over the instructions slowly. Im not trying to be condescending here, it just takes a little patience and understanding to grasp the idea. It is a very ,very good idea even if it is not understood...
Soap Scum Build Up On Acrylic Tub?
Hello David, Make a paste of white vinegar and baking soda, thick enough so it will stick to where you want to clean, let it sit while you do something else( half an hour or so). You will find that the soap scum comes off quite easily. Sincerely Marie
Using a Pumice Stone on Porcelain Toilet Bowl?
Personally speaking, I would not use anything with chemicals in it to clean a toilet, clothing or a sink if the house is on a well system because it goes into the septic tank and will contaminate the land filtering the water as well as insects and other wildlife...
Bathroom Tile Planter
Hello Valleyrimgirl, Your idea is sound, you dont need to tile the bottom of the container. Also you may want to consider putting three or four little blocks of wood under your container so itll drain better. Also I would line it with plastic and poke holes...