Mysterious White Streak and Dots on T-shirt?
Its possible that a garment or rag with bleach on it got mixed in with your t-shirt. There is no way to return the blue color, that I know of. However, there is one creative solution: Buy a bleach pen thats used for fighting stains. Use it to make white lines...
Removing Stains from a Porcelain Bathtub?
This stain was made by rust. Bleach will set the rust stain in, making it almost impossible to remove it. Thanks to those who suggested Barkeepers Friend, Ill have to give that one a try. Ive use Mr. Clean Magic erasers on other stains, dont know if it will...
White Shirt Turned Yellow in Wash?
If the stains are on the underarm part of the shirt, thats caused by wearing deodorant. Ive heard that smokers usually get these stains because of the nicotine coming out in their sweat, reacting with the deodorant, but I dont know if thats true. Your best...