Brownie Sundaes
to cut warm brownies use a plastic knife, I dont know why this works,just know that is does
Phone Organizer Craft Project
makes a wonderful gift for mom and dad with a hand print or foot print if child is too small. put large magnet on back to make it useful at work (hang it on file cabinet)
Auto Grease on My Dooney Burke Purse
I would use Goo Gone. IT is a multi serface cleaner and you can find it at any auto parts or sometimes at wal-mart Just blot a littlof it on the edge of your spot and see if it will work in your application. It has taken peanut butter out of a persian rug for...
Pyrex Bakeware in Different Shapes?
use a foil cupcake holder in your round pan at the top edge folded to make a heart out of your round pan. It really works quite well
Recipes Using Pork and Beans?
put in a baking dish and add catsup, mustard, brown sugar, onion and bacon. bake slow for a couple of hours. yummy!!!
Crockpot Reviews?
the new crock pots dont heat as low as the old ones. Therefore youre food cooks faster and has more chance of drying out. I would suggest going to resale shops and tying to find an older model
My Frugal Life - More Time Spent With Your Children
Good for you! I run and own an in-home childcare and I wish more of my clients would be like you. But then you get into abuse situations and such and I wouldnt wish that ever on a child. Some mothers are made for the corperate world. Others are meant to nurture...
Cleaning an Old Mirror?
The dark spots may be where the silver agent has come off/ take it to a mirror refinisher to get an estimate
Other Uses for a Waffle Iron?
I read somewhere that you can make cornbread in a waffle iron. I havent tried it personally
Uno (Boxer)
Gorgeous dog. I just love boxers. You can count on him being a clown for many more years. They never really grow up, but are very intellingent and can be easily trained. But never mastered. They are a wonderful family pet. I have a family day home and my boxers...
Do Dogs that Survive Parvo Still Carry the Virus?
Yes they can get Parvo again. We had a litter of puppies get parvo that had already been given the first 2 vacines in the series and they survived, very expensive treatment. anywhere from $800. to $2000. The cheapest was put in quarentine with cats at the vet...
Blood on Dry Clean Only Clothing?
hydrogen peroxide removes blood from just about everything. put some on the spot let sit a moment to let it sizzle then rinse it out in cold water. reapply if needed.
Uses for Cat Food Cans
I use empty tuna cans in my daycare. We paint them different colors and save the tops off of markers and the children drop the marker in the matching can and tell me the color. They are also great for sorting. Keep one on your dresser for pocket change. put...
What is Flash Freezing?
To flash freeze at home you put a single layer of what ever food you are working with on a tray and put in freezer for a couple hours or overnight. Then you can either put them in a ziplock or food saver them and be a be able to take just one or as many as...
Saving Money Going To The Movies?
Right now, Nabisco/Niclelodean fruit snacks are running a special. If you send them 3 proofs of purchase they will send up to 3 free childs movie passes for many theaters. I have sent for several for us and my daughter and my son as they both have children...
Streak-Free Glass Cleaner
It makes your windows shine. I have been using this recipe now for about a year and my windows look great! I have to wash them daily. I have a childcare and the kids are always getting them messed up.