Where Can I Buy Gimp Brand Medication for Insect Bites?
Link Labs said they would no longer make it. That was several years ago. Previously if you ordered it from them, they would make a batch and have it for awhile, but no more.
Where Can I Buy Gimp Brand Medication for Insect Bites?
Right. It was the Giants football team. It said on the bottle it was the official antiseptic... Ill bet they needed a ton of it.
Where Can I Buy Gimp Brand Medication for Insect Bites?
The original components as stated were Glycerin, Iodine, Menthol, and Phenol - GIMP. They may have changed slightly over the years, but the differences did not alter the appearance, texture, or smell. The glycerin is inactive and acts as the carrier for the...
Where Can I Buy Gimp Brand Medication for Insect Bites?
I can help. Not sure how this forum works, but if theres a way I can get your address securely Ill just mail it. Any ideas how to do that?