Cat is Peeing on Laundry?
Mine only do that if the litter box is not clean. I make sure the litter box is clean every night and no problem. However if I let it slip and dont keep it clean he starts peeing elsewhere. This is the most common reason. Others could be a health problem especially...
Organization Ideas For Small Bedroom?
Your furnishings should be the smallest that will do the job, making the room look bigger. We used to have a queen bed and the room looked tiny, the double opened it right up. Then we painted the room yellow and that made it look bigger too.
Nails Hurt After Removing Acrylic Nails?
I just had the same thing happen and it was so painful. I put about ten layers of clear nail polish on. It creates a barrier. I also tried some nail strengthener and it wasnt as good. Dont put colored polish on. That weakens the nails and makes them catch on...
Kitten Trying to Nurse on Older Cat?
I had a one year old cat and a kitten who fought like crazy. I kept them separate for quite a while. Then finally I let them together. They stopped fighting and the kitten began sucking on the older cat. Nothing ever came out but they both seemed fine with...
Getting a Kitten to Sleep at Night?
We get our kittens playing a couple of hours before we go to bed. That way they are tired enough to sleep at night. I often put on in my daughters room and one in mine so they cant play together and put the toys away.