Feeding a Dog Chicken?
Ever since I can remember I fed people food to my dogs, I love dogs and have had alot of them over the years. Vet visits and health issues were none existent. Back about 6 years ago I bought 2 Shi-tzus I got lazy and decided to buy store bought dog food; yes...
Feeding a Dog Chicken?
I should state their is lots of foods that should not be feed to your dog. Fortunately I was never a garlic or onion person for a big part of my life, Chocolates, sweet and the likes never got along to well with me either. So when I cooked it was pretty much...
Home Remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome?
Restless leg syndrome is often caused by Folic Acid deficiency, you need to take it with the B vitamins mainly B6, and B12.
Declaring Foreign Money During Bankruptcy?
Depends on where the money in Canada came from, If in fact the money in Canada came from the US, is there a forward audit trail linking Canada and the US, If that audit trail and or link does exist it will be easy to tie the two together..... therein lies your...
Use Cow Manure For Growing Root Vegetables
I never buy my cow manor in any type of bags or from any garden centre or store. , I buy it from a local farmer, or use my own, Mad cow, Ya, seems you can get anything from anything you eat or touch now aday, Get it from a local farmer, & not some big dairy...
Use Cow Manure For Growing Root Vegetables
I use to yrs ago spend hours on hours weeding, as Most do, Until I found out your lawn grass clippings solved the Weeding problem! I have never had to weed since. Just plant the seeds and coat the garden with your lawn clippings, weeds wont grow through if...
Tomatoes Are Not Getting Ripe?
I always found leaving tomatoes to ripen on the vine usually ended up with bugs/holes in them, So I have always removed them when they were the right size and let them ripen in my house, Always left them in a big pot , Went thru them every few days and removed...
What is this plant? (Crown of Thorns?)
That looks just like my Crown of thorns, Should have prickles, Nice and sharp
Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?
more precise details would be better, The way you have made it sound, Leads a person to believe the boyfriend had to have abused the dog while you was away, If that is the dilemma you are facing, then their is only one solution and that bases around How much...
Making Clothing for a Premature Baby?
I use to knit all my newborn infants socks, hats and mittens, use to give to the hospitals around here too, Everyone with a new born use to get to take a set home free, Had people call and want me to make more, Stopped making them yrs ago, not really sure why...
Removing Black Scuff Marks From Linoleum?
I had these hugh black scuff marks appear on my floor, I freaked out, ticked me off too, How in the world was I gonna get them off, I questioned everyone as to how they appeared there, . Turned out I was to blame, My stupid shoes were doing it and I didnt realize...
Do You Need To Tip When Getting Take Out?
You do not need to leave a tip, Its an option to you only if you feel you was served exceptionally well, This tipping business has been blown way out of proportioned. The waitresss are paid all ready by the establishment they work at, More and more Restaurants...
"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs
Very ingenious idea, amazing what one can create when needed. Just wondering if you thought about checking his food as the culprit for those hotspots.....One of my dogs developed hot spots, use to chew and scratch at them all the time, Tried all kinds of stuff...
Help with Print Shop 20 Crashing?
Sounds like a similar problem I use to have with a program i use to use, Turned out to be some kind of conflict with another program i had installed,, If I installed lets say Program #1 first then program 2 didnt like it, Always had to install program 2 before...
Buy Marked Down Pastries And Freeze Them
Most all Grocery stores Have this, usually falls on a monday around here, Meat section is one of my favorites, Gets marked down at least 50% I pretty much keep my two big freezers stocked full, Have thought of buying a third one, I am not a big meat eater, But...
Healthy Dog Treat Recipes
the amount of flour can vary, Add flour until the dough is firm enough to roll out without being sticky, when two types of flour is used mix 50/50.. I buy lamb hearts from a local organic lamb farmer, but I have also found it in many grocery stores, You can...
Tips for Restless Legs at Night?
Restless leg syndrome is a symptom of Folic acid deficiency, I had it for yrs and never thought I would get rid of it, Drove me nearly crazy, Then I found out Folic Acid deficiency causes Restless leg syndrome. I have been free for over 3 yrs now, After spending...
Easy Doggie Treats
Be careful using baby food, Many contain Onions and/or garlic which can be deadly to dogs and cats. Turkey is not a food recommended for dogs. Also To much Milk for my liking, Dairy products are high in fat, which can cause pancreatitis, gas and diarrhea. Most...
"Dream Pet" Likes Husband Better?
I bought my daughter a Shih-tzu female, I ended up feeding her, rocking her, doing everything for her, looking out for her, you name it, She goes to bed with my Daughter and gives me those sad eyes, Tries to sneak in bed with us, But when I tell her no, She...
Easy Doggie Treats
Soft treats usually only keep about 7 to 10 days in your Fridge, you can also freeze soft treats and thaw as needed, Or you can dehydrate/Dry your treats and they will keep anywhere from 3 to 6 months in a cool, dry place away from moisture. You DO NOT need...
Easy Doggie Treats
Rich, fatty foods such as turkey skin and dark turkey meat are difficult to digest and can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your dog, and in extreme cases, pancreatitis. (this also goes for Pork as well) Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and can...
Easy Doggie Treats
Unfortunitly I have found No one list seems to be complete, Just a quick glance and I see Nutmeg isnt listed Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures and death. I would recommend doing a search on google and getting as much info as you can. Take a piece of paper...
Ford Focus: Light On Dash Keeps Flashing?
Was late when this happened and everything was closed for the night, even the 1-800 number, Called today and they said it was the anti theft lock, says it works when the car is turned off, Guess I somehow missed seeing it until this gas time... Stupid me ah...
Getting A Dog's Coat Shiny?
My Lab when I got him 6 months ago had terrible dry skin, All I did was pour it over his food, Use different kinds, canola, Vegetable, Sunflower, It all works good and Im sure you have some in your kitchen, Tired of the fish taste, Try another type then, My...
Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?
Maybe hes trying to tell you he dont like Dirty smelly Clothes :)
How Do You Preserve Dog Treats?
You can use natural preservatives such as Vitamin E. That is what several bakeries in my area use, or simply make sure all treats are dried completely. This way they will last up to 6 month or even longer is stored properly. That is what I do with my treats...
Preserving Doggie Biscuits?
My advice to you is not to use any preservatives period, simple dehydrate your treats, They are far safer and better for your dog in the long run, Many people dont seem to realize how much these two Natural preservatives are being used, Our dogs are getting...
Burnt Food on Glass Cookware?
Most burnt food will come off with some effort, But once in awhile you get a really bad scoured in burn that nothing works for it! NOTHING! Threw a few out over the years until one I threw out, Or so I thought I did, A month later I came across it, it had totally...
Some Stores Banning Plastic Bags
Guess we have become somewhat spoiled to the ease and convience of the disposable plastic bags, They do come in handy for all sorts of things, I personally reuse all of mine, So On one hand it somewhat ticks me off, yet on the other understand why. So I guess...
Peewee (Chihuahua)
Hes Beautiful! Reminds me of my Blueberry, Got her when I was a child, Took her everywhere with me She stayed in my purse with her head peeped out or when it was cold she wanted up my shirt and popped her head out the top (2 heads I had :) Was Fiercely protective...
Put Plastic On Top of the Refrigerator
Yrs ago I bought A microwave, Took it outta the box with a piece of plastic on top of it, Just never got around to taking it off for some reason. about a yr later I took notice how the top was still snow white, yet the rest had faded to a dirty ole yellow color...
Spending Money on Things You Don't Need?
I go to the Grocery Store and buy reduced meats or on sale, And check out the reduced bakery section, Check the flyers for whats on sale and a good buy, Bring it home and put it away, Then I usually get the urge to bake some cookies or make a delicious meal...
Freeze and Bake a Few Cookies at a Time
My Husbands a Sweet Freak too, I Got sick for a few Days and all he kept saying around here was This is cruel and inhumain punishment, no Cookies So I Spends Days on End Mixing batch after Batch of cookies and baking all day straight, Granted I have hundreds...
Bathroom Cabinet Door Won't Stay Closed?
magnetic type? If so depending on its setup, just unscrew the magnet, Reline it up with the door & screw it in. There is so many different types you could be speaking of an image or better details may help to know exackly what your dealing with Also maybe the...
Homemade Piddle Pads?
Use the Cheap old fashion way, Old Newspapers. You can also sometimes get puppy pads at the dollar store 4 for $1.00 thats only 25 cents each, cheap if you ask me. But they dont always have those in stock, I usually load up on them when they do have them. But...
Freeze and Bake a Few Cookies at a Time
Yes they sure do all seem the same :) But I have to Forgive My Husband as he is 20 yrs my senior and according to doctors should have died last yr in the hospital with Liver Failure. So he cant have any processed foods, additives, preservatives, excess salt...
Freeze and Bake a Few Cookies at a Time
Lynn Beth, You sound like my X husband, He Ate everything in sight, I couldnt afford him, So I gave him back, Hes Living with his mummy now, lol Only Now Im Stuck figuring out how to send to teenage Boys Back!
Husker (German Shepherd)
Double post again, Ok I think I know why now, Refreshing a page with post Data, is a no no, resends the post, man Im stupid! Wish there was away to delete this post?
Husker (German Shepherd)
Who needs Friends when you got the best friend you could ever have right there with you :) I had a lab shep that saved all my families lives, we were all asleep and the house was filling with smoke, I was so tired that night, But he was relentless, Never stopped...
Keeping Track Of Prices From Store To Store
I think if you do any amount of shopping it should become second nature in remembering prices, Ive done this ever since I can remember and never had a problem, I know which stores to go to for certain things, and always watching for better bargains at other...
Modern Cooking With The Microwave
Ten Reasons not to Use Your Microwave Oven * 1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term, permanent, brain damage by shorting out electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue]. * 2. The human...
Making a Dish Less Salty?
Simple solution, Make your own soups, Dishes etc from Scratch and dont add any salt, You really wont notice the missing salt, I have excluded it from all my baking and cooking for yrs, I run a bakery as well and Ive had people amazed at how good the food is...
Putting a Non-stick Pan in the Oven?
I found they will withstand fairly high temperatures, Problem is the handles dont seem to last as long, They start to crumble far far sooner and then you have to throw the pan out, Not worth it in my book, Buy a proper oven dish and use it, you can get the...
Apple Cinnamon Doggie Cookies
Garlic is mostly there for the effects on controlling fleas, But I prefer Apple Cider Vinegar added to water and food. Its far safer then Garlic Powder, Garlic and Onions are poisonous to dogs. They claim small amounts of garlic is safe, But I have read conflicting...
Healthy Treats For Your Dog
Could someone give more details on this (quote) Post By kathy (Guest Post) (04/14/2008) Also never feed nuts or peanut butter(/quote) I have never heard or read such a thing concerning peanut butter, or regular peanuts, This is total news to me, and I want...
Dark Colored Shih Tzu?
I couldnt resist posting a picture of my Beautiful Boy Shih-tzu, Chappers, I keep them trimmed as they like it so much better and they are gorgeous this way, only problem is, Ive had several people try to steal them when I have taken them out , So now They...