Product Review: Awesome Cleaner
Ive been using this stuff for a couple of years, and agree that it is awesome! Ive even bought it for several of my friends and relatives, when I find something good, I just have to share. One of my favorite uses is to clean sinks and toilet bowls. I first...
Using King Size Comforter on Queen Bed?
Definitely! I prefer a King on a Queen sized bed. The problem I have is finding a big enough comforter for my King bed.
"Please Ask For ID" On Back of Credit Cards
I would also advise anyone not to carry your social security card. You should keep it locked in a safe or safety deposit box. Take it out only when you need to physically show the card, like when being hired for a new job. Then put it back immediately in its...
Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs
Great idea. You may want to pad the clips w/some foam or fabric so you dont have dents in your rugs come Christmas time.
Scenery: Winter Wonderland
Your home is beautiful. The lighting really adds to it. I gave you a thumbs up.
Memory Tricks For Spelling
I was never sure if I was using affect or effect correctly, so I googled it one day and found this helpful sight:
Axle (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
He is so precious! I want him! (LOL) I wish I could help you with the chewing problem, but I dont know. Hopefully someone will have some advice, or hell grow out of it.
How Can I Grow New Longer, Stronger Hair?
Yes, biotin can help...or you can buy a supplement formulated for hair, nails, and skin. Any drugstore or Walmart should carry it. I have a question for you though. Have you always had frail hair? If not, it could be an indication of a health problem such as...
Product Review: Zout Stain Remover
I use it too! It is a great product and has even gotten out old stains. I would never buy Shout. Zout is a much superior product.
My Frugal Life: A Winter Miracle
I absolutely love this story! What a generous and loving thing you all did! This is what it is all about! Thank you for sharing your heart-warming story.
Recycle Your Christmas Tree For the Garden
Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I posted the link to my FaceBook page so that maybe some more people will think twice before tossing their tree on the curb.
Working With Creditors?
Patty Lynn is correct. CCCS (Consumer Credit Counseling Service) is the company that credit card issuers actually work with and support. They will come up with a plan and a monthly payment that you send in and they distribute to your creditors. If they feel...
Working With Creditors?
Netter, after my post I noticed you are in Michigan so I checked for you, but there are a lot of look-a-likes out there. The CCCS you want will be affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Here is there website, and they can help you find...
Store Plastic Bags in a Garment Bag
Good answer TXBetty! LOL I was kind of curious too, but I didnt think you were a pack rat. I tend to forget my cloth bags too, and the plastic bags accumulate very quickly. Im always returning them to Walmart to be recycled, but also keep a bunch for various...
Donate Care Packages For Christmas
What a wonderfully thoughtful idea! Thank you so much for your generosity! I happen to work at a Veterans hospital where we have acute and long term care. There are many sick, retired, and homeless Veterans that have no family and essentially no visitors. The...
Grace (Husky - Malamute - Timberwolf)
I wish I could reach through the screen and snuggle her. She is adorable!
Charities to Help With Christmas?
Alicia maybe you could try posting on CraigsList or checking Freecycle.
Cutting Back At Christmas
Gem, pharmaceutical companies have programs for people that cannot afford their medications. You should contact the company(s) that manufactures each of your medications and get an application for patient assistance. This website is a good place to start: http...
Decorating a Christmas Tree With Lights
Do you have any pictures you can post? I would love to see your tree decorated!
Iodine to Prevent Breast Cancer
Here are a couple of interesting links for more information.... This last one is specifically about iodine and hypothyroidism, but an interesting site w/great pictures. http://www...
Dog Seems Depressed?
Sometimes what seems like depression can actually be a medical problem such as anemia. You may want to take her to the vet to be evaluated. My neighbors dog got really depressed and it turned out that she had become severely anemic after getting into a neighbors...
Choosing Reliable New Kitchen Appliances?
Three appliances: * My oven/stove top, the enamel edging around the stove top started chipping off after only a year or so, and rusted. * My dishwasher door, the mechanism that keeps it from crashing to the floor when opened broke after just about a year or...
Recommendations for a Tough Mildew Resistant Interior Wall Paint?
Thank you foxrun41. I think Im going to purchase their paint. I was on-line looking at it last night, looks like it fits the bill!
Hoop Earring Holder
What a great idea! Also its so helpful that you included a picture. I dont wear hoop earrings, but I have used just the little cup hooks for my bracelets and necklaces. I was thinking the cafe rod would actually work for those as well.
Advice for Someone Diagnosed With Dysphagia?
Go see the SLP (speech/language pathologist) and follow his/her advise. They can give you many helpful compensatory techniques. Diet-wise you can experiment a bit to see what causes problems and what doesnt, but high fat foods are likely to be a problem.
Using Grape Compost for Gardening?
I just want to tell you that grapes are poisonous to dogs so please make sure no dogs will be able to access your garden if you use them.
What might be causing an itchy ear?
My ears get itchy inside sometimes when I have a cold or sinus infection. What helps me alot is to saturate a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol and press it to the inside of my ear so that it drips down. Keep your head tilted to allow it to drip and stay in there...
Installing a Tip Out Sink Tray?
You can buy an inexpensive kit at your Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. They run about $12 to $15 and include instructions. I have them, but havent installed them yet....but it appears pretty simple. You could do a search on their sites. Here is a link I found...
Store Christmas Decorations In Garment Bags
Love that idea. Im surprised I didnt think of that before! I have a bunch of Christmas garland that I never quite knew how to store. Also, I recently found a garment bag that wasnt being used so I put all of my hanging Halloween costumes into one and labeled...
Asia (Pitbull) and Lucky (Cat)
Awww, thats so sweet. I would love to see more pictures of them - please post more if you have them.
Are My Lemons Safe to Use?
You can still use them. Allow them to thaw at room temperature. Since Ive never made marmalade, I dont know how the texture of the lemons would be because they may get mushy when thawed. If you decide not to make the marmalade, at least you can thaw as needed...
Crockpot Stuffed Bell Pepper Recipe?
This is a very good one, and this is another great website: Good luck.
Removing Tape Residue From PVC Fence?
There is a product at the dollar store called Awesome Cleaner. It is a yellow liquid that is only $1 for a spray bottle. It has a lot of different uses. I use it for practically everything - toilet, sinks, floors, etc. Ive found that it works better than anything...
Growing Vegetables in Zone 7?
Thank you for the feedback. I have the garden in a location that gets full sun most of the day, but part of the problem with the small fruit may have been overcrowding. I think I underestimated the amount of space needed and tried to have too many plants in...
Recipes on a Budget?
Checkout They have a lot of good ideas, recipes, and menus.
Recipes on a Budget?
Here are a couple more websites to check out for frugal recipes:
Installing Alternative Energy Sources?
Thank you for the feed back. I have been reading up on the subject for awhile in the hopes that I can become a little more self-sufficient, and not have to sign my life over to the utility companies.
Sew Sheet Clips Directly to a Mattress
Great idea. I have the same problem. I have also sewn one end of the clip to my fitted sheet (the bottom sheet).
Leo (Ginger Tabby)
He is so sweet! Im so glad you rescued him. I agree - how could anyone hurt an innocent animal?
Fruit Fly Control?
This is the best way to get rid of fruit flies: Use apple cider vinegar - a couple of ounces in a small glass such as a jelly jar/juice glass or even a shot glass, and add just 1-2 drops of any dish liquid. The dead fruit flies will accummulate on the bottom...
Sew Sheet Clips Directly to a Mattress
I was just checking back and wanted to say, I really like the suspender idea. Thanks Golden7673!
Dog Waste Bags for Female Personal Hygiene Products
I use the skinny blue bags my newspapers come in - theyre free!
Preparing to Paint?
Definitely! If you dont get all the soap off the walls, the paint wont adhere in those places.
Luke (Siamese Mix)
Shes absolutely beautiful! I love the way she looks in that picture. Her eyes look so blue. It sounds like you were both meant to be together. Im glad you gave her a good home. Thank you for sharing her with us.
Gift Card Budgeting
Thats a great tip. I have trouble budgeting because my husbands paycheck varies a lot - hes paid mostly on commission. I might be able to put a larger amount on a gift card when his paycheck is big, but limit how much I spend, and then use the rest to fill...
Composting a Large Amount of Grape Waste?
I know that this is an old post, but I just want to inform people that grapes are toxic and potentially lethal to dogs. Here is a link to some additional info>
Disputing an Electric Bill?
I just wanted to leave an update. I just filed a formal complaint with the Public Service Commission - well see what happens. Thanks for all the feedback. I guess it is possible someone could tap into my electric, but this month the usage seems normal again...
Manual for Regal Kitchen Pro Bread Maker #K6743?
Is this it? I hope so:
Tonka (Pitbull Mix)
She is so sweet!!! Im so glad she was rescued by a nice family and now has a good life. God bless you for that. It breaks my heart that anyone could hurt or neglect an animal.
Losing a Couple of Pounds?
Eat primarily lean meats and non-starchy vegetables (green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, celery, radishes). Lean meats include skinless chicken or turkey breast, fish, shrimp, crab, and other types of seafood/shellfish, deer or buffalo if available, and...
Saving Money on Fat-Free Half-n-Half?
Thanks everyone for your ideas and suggestions! I also just found these recipes using dry milk powder: Im going to try the skimmed evaporated milk recipe. Ill have to do the calculations though to see if its...
Check Your Free Credit Report Every Year
You have to go to This is the only free site. It is federally mandated that everyone, regardless of what state you live in, can obtain a free report from each of the three agencies at least once per year. You can also obtain a free report...
Painting Over Rust Spots?
First use WD-40 - this should dissolve the rust. Use a wire brush to remove any stubborn spots. After it is dry, re-paint w/Rustoleum. That should do it! Good luck.