House Trained Dog Peeing Inside?
Sounds like your dog has a medical issue and needs to see a vet,could have a UTI or be diabetic. If you cant take the dog to the vet please find an animal shelter to take her to, she is too old to just be thrown over the fence
Plastic Tablecloth Christmas Door Decoration?
You might try those clips that hold table cloths to the table.
Rust on a Stainless Steel Sink?
Try taking some crunched up wet foil and scrub lightly. If its too bad use CLR, but test a small area and rinse well.
Storing Light Bulbs?
Be sure to let them come to room temp before using them first and make sure they are not damp.
Removing Nicotine from Walls?
I use a cleaner called Awesome, sold in Dollar General, Family Dollar, etc. stores. Very cheap yet very good.
Flea Treatment Safe for Puppies?
Wash them in the old plain dawn dishsoap, lather well and let sit for a short time, when they are rinsed, comb with a flea comb, ( very cheap ) more fleas!
Caring for a 5 Week Old Puppy?
You should consider taking him back for a couple of weeks. They need the pack and mom to show them how to socialize. Also mom stimulates their bottom to improve feeding and make their bowels move (sorry, but its true). If its not an option go to a good pet...
Making Candles Fit into Candle Holders?
You can also dip the holder in hot water before putting the candle into them and they will form into the candle.
Refurbishing an Outdoor Plastic Table?
You really dont give enough details about the problem, is it white or colored? Sometimes you can give a faded table some more life with a good coat of paste wax.