What is the Best Way to Preserve Fresh Chives?
Dehydrate/dry them. Chopped fine and then dried, probably in the oven would work best. There are lots of tips on the internet on drying herbs, etc. You might even be able to hang them to dry, but you have to have the right conditions for that.
Crystallized and Hard Honey?
I dont recommend heating it in a microwave, this can actually cause the liquified honey to recrystalize even faster, plus if its in plastic, it may not be healthy to microwave teh plastic. Slowly heating it up in a pan of water on the stove is a good way to...
Non Dairy Condensed Milk Recipe?
Is it just cows milk? My nephew was allergic to cows milk, but did great on goat milk. Might be worth a try. You can now buy canned goats milk and sometimes even find it fresh in your dairy case.
Feeding a Family of Four on $400 a Month?
Those who have said menu plan are right. Its a must for sticking to a solid budget and keeping your food costs down. Grow a garden! Even in the city you can do a garden, raised beds or in ground, depending on your soil. Check out the book Square Foot Gardening...