Clearing a Clogged Sink Drain
Wow that was a serious clog! I usually do only baking soda and vinegar in kitchen, bathroom monthly. Always pour any boiled water down the sink while it is still hot. Works v. well. Hair requires a little muscle. Once a month, I use a small device, do not remember...
Adding Mouthwash to Shampoo
I checked with other websites regarding doing this and the instructions are to wash your hair as you normally do, rinse then mix with mouthwash with water 50/50, apply to hair, leave on for a few minutes and rinse again. No where was it suggested to mix with...
The Thief In Your Closet and On Your Shelves
I learned this the way most people do, by experience. Now I think very carefully before buying anything, (i.e., do I really need it) and review stuff (clothing, dishes, candles, books, anything you can think of) about every six month: before Christmas (declutter...
Storing Farm Fresh Eggs?
I would keep for up to 4 weeks. If in doubt, test the egg by filling a deep bowl of cool water, place the eggs in. If the eggs float, throw them away, if they stand up, they but still on the bottom they should be used a.s.a.p. if they stay on their side on...