No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
That is the a wonderful idea. We have a daughter in University in Toronto. This year on Christmas Day my family and I are volunteering to serve Christmas Dinner to those in need, something I wish we had made a tradition when our kids were smaller. We have been...
Use Credit Cards for Cleaning
I also live in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Those little gems also work great in a pinch for scrapping a light frost off your car windshield in the mornings. Nice to a neighbour is using this wonderful site.
Container for Laundry Lint
Collecting lint from dryers also helps our feathered friends. Put some lint outside, preferably where it will stay dry, and watch as the birds take it and line their nests.
Removing Gum from Leather Furniture?
Try using lighter fluid that is used in the Zippo style cigarette lighters. I use it to remove price stickers, labels and it always works. Hope this works for you. Good Luck
I Need Help Finding And Organizing Coupons?
The site I use is Although it is a Canadian site, it lists a lot of free sample offers that are valid only in the US and different sites where the manufacturer will mail coupons to you. I am a very, very avid coupon user and have saved a lot...
I Need Help Finding And Organizing Coupons?
Walmart carries an actual coupon organizer for about $8.00 ... well worth the money in the end. I tried using a photo album and took the coupons I planned to use from the items in the sale flyer but when I got to the store, I found some IN STORE specials that...