Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
There are some Facebook groups about dolls. Try asking on the FB page Lets Id our dolls. Just post the pic and youll be surprised at how many people know their dolls! Best of luck to you!
What Breed Is My Dog?
Definitely Border Collie. If he is mixed with anything, it could be Liver or Merle Border Collie and a white Lab or Shepherd?
Removing Salt Stains on Ugg Boots?
Use a stiff nail brush and brush off as much as you can. I would put a few drops of Dawn dish soap in a small bowl of water, 1/2 cup, stir well. Take a soft cloth and blot the stain but dont soak it. Repeat as needed. You may need to use the nail brush as well...
Removing Degreaser on Table Top?
I would wash table top with dawn-type liquid dishwashing soap then moisturize it with an orange-oil spray for furniture.
Title of a Horror Movie Where a Doll Becomes a Girl and a Girl Becomes a Doll?
Have you found anything out about this? I too remember a black & white movie where a girl had a table with a tiny fence around it and a tiny white horse running around. Im not sure if there was a house or a stable or barn. I dont remember any tiny people but...