Broken Dishes Become New Treasures
Word to the wise.... Someone suggested coffee filters as a method of safely packing dinnerware. We moved 3 miles; placed 4-6 filters between gumbo bowls; of the 16 bowls, 10 arrived CRACKED.
Moving Spider Plant Outside in Summer?
Nice shady, indirect light. If sun hits it, it will burn... Water almost daily.
Getting Rid of Cigarette Odors Inside?
Place some pans of heated vinegar around the house for a few days. You can also place pans of charcoal (activated, if available). The vinegar smell will linger but is very short lived. The smoke odor in fabrics might be reduced by spraying with Febreze.
Bedroom Paint Color Advice?
Take some pictures of your room and use Digital Photoraphy software to change the colors .... you can also use Paint Company [software tools to change the colors ..
Previously House Trained Dog Pooping in the House?
Your Maltese is training you. Buy a small kennel to place her in while youre away. Youll be happy knowing that the gift wont be in the house and shell feel secure in her habitat. If the gift is in the kennel, a quick rinse with the garden hose will suffice...
Getting Rid of Moles?
Treating for grubs is very expensive and is only about 50% effective. If possible, encourage owls to your area. Talk to your States Game & Fish Commission; if you have trees, install an Owl House. The one nice thing is, once they nest and have chicks, they...
Finding the Value of Older Encyclopedias?
Sorry...with the unlimited knowledge available on the internet, theyre nothing but a door stop... recycle.
Removing Grease from a Fabric Purse?
Not sure of your purses finish, but my mother used to use plain corn meal to clean suede items. The corn meal will lighten but it may be your last option before hiding the purse in a drawer or garbage can. Another option may be to take it to a cleaners and...
Itchy Scalp After Coloring?
Rinsing with a 3:1 solution of water [3 parts] & vinegar [1] will help with the itching but may affect the hair coloring.... youll have to decide.. Vinegar is probably one of the absolute best hair conditioners for your hair and scalp. Vinegar is antiseptic...
Dog Has Odor Even After Bathing?
After washing your dog, rinse with a 3:1 solution of water [3] and vinegar[1]. The vinegar smell will only be temporary [depending on the size of your dog] but its coat will be beautifully soft and squeaky clean. Vinegar is antiseptic and antibiotic, your dogs...
Recipes for a Pressure Cooker? My family always cooked the turkey breast-down (the juices went to the breast meat, so its always moist; never...
Removing Ink from Paper?
Do you know the ink source, liquid, gel? Bic? Whomever, if so, give them a call to see how to remove it safely. You could scan it and remove the ink via Photoshop, other than that, you can send to Vital Statistics for another certified copy.
Uninstalling Internet Explorer 9?
Isnt Microsoft wonderful? All those geeks at Microsoft, just sitting around thinking of something new to come up with, doesnt matter if it doesnt make sense or is user friendly, just something to show the boss. I replaced my computer in January and it came...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
Id put it through a Rinse cycle with about 1 quart of vinegar; that should clear any smell and odor (vinegar is antiseptic and antibiotic, as well as ridding any built up soap) I too have a new Samsung Washer & Dryer, the Dryers lint filter-screen is the worst...
Removing Stains From Toilet Bowl
I use the following method: 1) Pair of rubber gloves 2) Fill standard water bucket with warm water, 2-3oz Bleach and some dish washing soap. 3) Pour into bowl all at once, it should remove about 85% of the water in the bowl. (this is called a Gravity Flush...
Removing Mothball Odor from Photos?
Ive also read that putting a few charcoal briquettes in will do the same.
Cleaning an Onyx Sink? I have used Gel Gloss Cleaner/Polish on my sink and it works beautifully, but I have gotten in the habit of applying Mothers Carnuba Cleaner Wax (via Orbital Polishing buffer) about every 6 months. Very easy to polish...
Use Boot Dryer For Damp Clothes
Obviously there isnt a need for boot dryers in your locale. I use a small wooden clothes drying rack and let a small, 12 fan blow air over it; set on Low, all is dry in minutes.
Removing Stains from an Old Bathtub?
Chances are, if its stained badly, then more than likely its porcelain and the glass finish has been scoured off. Never use an abrasive scouring powder to clean porcelain not even Bon Ami. Porcelain has a glass finish, would you use a scouring powder to clean...
Removing Paint from Carpet?
Id recommend Di-solv-It, this stuff has worked in nanoseconds where other products wouldnt touch the problem (use an old fork to scrape the paint loose). I had an alien substance at the bottom of my refrigerator that Goo-gone, etc. wouldnt budge; I thought...
Cleaning Grease Buildup on Kitchen Cabinets?
Murphys Oil Soap is excellent; here is another recipe that Ive used over the years....with just a little caution: 1 Qt. warm water 3 tbs Boiled Linseed oil 1 tbs Turpentine Keep the mixture warm in a double boiler...rub the finish with a soft cloth dampened...
Breaker Keeps Tripping?
A hairdryer is nominally rated 1500watts; according to the NEC, the breaker has to be rated at least 80% greater than the load. Hence, 1500w divided by 120vac = 12.5 amps x 125% = 15.63 Amps (minimum rating for the circuit breaker) Now if you have TWO hairdryers...
Cleaning a Salt Clog in the Toilet from Bore Water?
Use some sort of device designed for routing of the drain pipe, then only water (not salt-water) to thoroughly flush the pipe.
Cleaning Melted Varnish Off Toaster Oven?
Id recommend a product called De-solv-it, its one of those orange-citrus based products that Ive used time and time again for such. Good luck.
Removing a Blue Green Stain in the Shower?
Sounds like the mineral Lime in your water supply, some scrubbing with a toothbrush & Baking Soda should remove it, you can also buy CLR [Calcium, Lime, Rust] to apply.
Removing Dried Out Masking Tape from Windows?
Rub some Skin-so-soft or Goo-gone or WD-40 or Soapy water or De-Sol-it on the back side.
Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
Personally, Id be very skeptical of any site that tells you they would donate to Charities. if you wish to donate, do it directly and not through a middle-man.The next time you receive a telephone solicitation, (Childrens Cancer, Childrens Make a Wish, etc...
Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
BTW, scams will claim to donate to anything that sounds close to emotional: Childrens Cancer, Abused Wives/Mothers, Disabled Orphans, Disabled Veterans Rehabilitation, anything to tug at your heart, dont be scammed, again, if you want to donate to your favorite...
Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
justplainjo. Happily, I havent been scammed; I have my favorite charities but cant give to all and some I refuse to donate to, the ones who are typically in the news for fraudulent use of donated funds. I think you are aware of which I am referring to. :(
Permanent Marker and Ballpoint Ink on Vinyl/Leather Couch?
Well, anything you attempt for removing the ink is sure to remove the color of the leather as well... you may want to try some Automotive Leather Cleaners but as you state, there are so much ink on the arms, top and side that youd have to be better than a professional...
Electrical Wiring Diagram for a Powercraft Riding Mower?
You should try a search for manuals online, plus you will need to disclose the model no. Bonchance
Mold on Our Shower Walls and Ceiling?
Wash the area down with a solution of Chlorine Bleach & Water and then apply KILZ Primer to the surface and repaint. (Available in Paint Depts., even Wallyworld)
Cleaning a Steam Iron Sole Plate?
Im guessing that the junk on the sole plate is either spray starch or sizing, while the iron is warm, spray the plate with same, then use a non-scratching scrubber to remove the junk residue. If that doesnt work, try Vinegar or Goop Off, but Im pretty sure...
Removing Welding Burn Marks on Stainless Steel Pipe Joint?
You may want to try MAAS Metal Polishing Creme...sold practially everywhere, even Wallyworld. it has worked better than std. Automotive Metal Polishing products. if youre concerned about scratches, Id advise you to stay away from the Scotchbrite.
My House Smells Like Cigarette Smoke?
For cleaning the walls befoe painting, you should use a solution of TriSodium Phosphate [aka: TSP] and luke warm water. follow the directions on the container; available at good Paint Stores.
Removing Mud From Shoes
Caution: 1) That mud you are putting into the drain system will collect and harden like a rock... place shoes in a pan of water, when mud softens, remove shoes and then throw out the water [onto the grass] and hose off the remainder. 2] Heating your shoes will...
Plastic Jets and Dials on Jacuzzi are Discolored?
The brown may be from Iron in the water, you may want to try removing the water from the jacuzzi and applying a product like CLR [Calcium Lime Rust]. Another option is to contact your local Pool Company; they should have an additive to your water to remove...
Cleaning Pontoon Boat Seats?
You might test cleaning an inconspicuous area with mineral spirits or mineral oil. Use a soft, terry towel, or wash cloth dampened with mineral spirits. Tree sap can also be removed by using a water-soluble paint brush cleaner. A common household solution is...
Removing Sour Milk Smell From Baby Bottles
You can also use vinegar, it is also antiseptic and antibiotic, 1/4 cup vinegar; fill remainder w/water, cap-off bottle; let stand over night and rinse. There will be zero vinegar smell after about 2 minutes and the bottle[s] will be as fresh as glass.
Using Instead of MS Word?
Before you go to a 64bit Windows software, please be forewarned that a lot of software will not work with 64bit, only 32bit. Verify before you make that decision.
Cleaning a Coin?
1) MAAZ Metal Polishing Creme Nickel plating is cheap and therefore tarnishes very easily. There are several different methods to choose from when looking to clean and polish nickel plating or nickel-plated finishes. First, try soaking the nickel plating overnight...
Removing Sticky Label Residue on Plastic Jars?
WD40 will work as well also
Finding a Lost Relative?
Ive found this to be pretty good, at least (if found) it will disclose address and a telephone number without you having to join
Number Pad Doesn't Work with Garry's Mod Game?
Have you gone to their forum??
Musty Smell on Stored Clothing?
Just put them in the Washer; No soap and add 2-3 cups of the clear vinegar in the rinse cycle. Dont worry, the clothes will have a 5 minute scent of vinegar, but they will be void of any odors and feel better than new within the half-hour. Vinegar will retard...
Website To Help Plan a Trip from Oklahoma to Spokane?
It appears that the trip from Tulsa to Spokane is approx. 1780. miles; although there is mapping software available, I agree with MCW.... either join AAA or seek a friend who is a member for the trip ticket....
Saving Money on Hand Soap
New bars of soap are generally very soft to give you that sudsy feeling when lathering up, buy 6 to 10 bars of soap, remove the wrappers, place in a basket container and let the soaps dry out for a minimum of 3 weeks (when your supply gets down to 2 bars, buy...
Epson Print Head Nozzle Seems Clogged?
You may try to wipe the printing head with a lint-free cloth & alcohol.. I assume youve completed the Trioubleshooting in the software? If youre not purchasing Epson ink cartridges because of pricing; there are web sites that offer OEM cartridges at savings...
Removing Sticky Residue From Clothing
You should also be able to use Creamy Peanut Butter, thats terrific for removing gum from childrens hair.
Letters Wearing Off My Brand New Dell Keyboard?
Dont buy Dell again!!! I love it when you buy a product and they deny any responsibility!!! Stay with known, quality manufacturers. or, for about...
Email Contacts Icon Missing on Dell with Windows 7 OS?
Assuming that youre referring to the Icon missing from your desktop? If so, go to: 1) Start 2) All Programs 3) Microsoft Office 4) Right-click the Word Icon. and either select Create Shorrtcut or see if you can drag the icon to the desktop.
Wine Stains on Crystal?
Dampen the crystal with water or window cleaner. Sprinkle some Whiting* on the stain; enough to make a poultice. Rub gently with a soft, non-abrasive, cotton cloth. It should remove the stain(s)almost instantly. Not only will the stain be removed, but the whiting...
Converting VHS Tapes to Digital on Computer?
Roxio has some software for this. And Sony makes a machine that will accomplish this as well.
Computer Virus Alert: System Tools
A good way to delete your Temporary files is: 1) Go to START 2) Select: Run 3) Type: %temp% 4) Select: OK Do a Control A to select all the files, then Delete They will be deleted to your Recycle Bin, now you can empty that.. (Deleting your Temporary Files thru...
Running Corel Photohouse 3 on a Vista Computer?
As Suntydt pointed out, you can screw up your puter messing with the Registry if you dont know what youre doing.. however, if you have a knowledgable friend you can let them have remote control of your computer to make the changes. Have no fear, you will see...
Cleaning a Charcoal BBQ Grill
You can also place the grill in a plastic bag, pour 1 cup of Ammonia in. Tie tightly and let sit in the outdoor heat for 24 hours. Cleans beautifully.
Grade School Science Project Website?
Update Router for Better Internet Performance
D-link #DL-2540B and you probably [???] will need to know your email password [as to when you set up your account originally....NOT a password that is required to view your emails] Go to Tools in your email program, then...
Memory Tricks For Spelling
You can also determine which months have 30 or 31 days by counting the knuckles on your fist (31days are the knuckles) and the space in-between the knuckles (30 days; with February being the exception). Begin with the knuckle of your fore-finger (January), the...
Memory Tricks For Spelling
My pet peeves: Youre = You are. (You are going, you are nice.) Your = possessive: (Your car, your house, your shirt.) Most abused words in the English language, didnt anyone pay attention in their English classes?
Why Can't I Email Photos Using Windows 7 and Dial-up Internet Access? I just purchased a custom built computer and after one day of Win7, I told him to take it out and we put in XP Pro 32bit. The persons...
Computer Shortcuts Using the Control Key
Other keyins I find very useful are at: Great for foreign language characters, etc. Examples: Alt 0163 = £ Alt 0227 = ã Alt 0198 = Æ Alt 0162 = ¢ and about 100 more. Also:
Where Can I Download Free Videos for Basic Sewing Instructions? Just do a search on Google: Sewing video tutorials A lot of sites display...
Link: Free Screen Capture Software
Id never buy a Lifetime subscription, next week there will probably be a much better software, even a 2-year subscription is not too smart, especially with computers.
Printer Ink Alerts Too Early
Id like to also add, if you print general documents for home use, you should check your printer settings to make sure that the printing default is not set to 600dpi or best quality, that is a waste of ink. I too ignore the low ink alerts; thats just your printers...
Restoring Icons to Toolbar?
Restoring Icons to Toolbar?
Smoke Stain on Enamel Stovetop?
Call your local Sherman-Williams Paint store and ask for a product called Whiting. [1# tub; about $4-$5] Slightly dampen a soft cloth with sudsy water [wring out 99% of the water], wipe the stain lightly, sprinkle the Whiting onto it [as though you were sprinkling...
Anti-Virus Software With JAWS Screen Reader?
I used MSE for several months but found that it was interferring with my Trojanware, so MSE had to go.
Locating Someone on the Internet? This site will display a telephone number without a fee. You can select a State or not.
Write Directions in Large Print
GPS are so cheap; and it also alerts you to turn ahead, not to mention that you dont have to read while driving.
Adjusting the Display Ratio on a Laptop?
Websites Offering Free Computer Software Classes?
Plenty of FREE tutorials of each subject matter in Win7 at: There are video tutorials here for Office 2007 [Word] as well as their...
Websites Offering Free Computer Software Classes?
I got my new puter w/Win7 & Office 2010, after struggling with Win7 for 2 weeks, trying to rationalize WHY Microsoft wanted to redesign the wheel, I told my builder to replace Win7 with XP Pro. The Microsoft Win7 group must be on the Apple payroll to have created...
Best Airtight Food Canisters for Dry Storage?
In my honest opinion, the best product for scent-free storage is glass, and you can find inexpensive ones that have hinged, tops with silicone gaskets and stainless steel locking. Fancy decal letters or labels can be found in Craft Shops; the clear glass also...
Activate Scan When Leaving Computer
My idea is that, if youre going to be away from the computer for, 15-20 minutes; do a Quick Scan; if longer [I go for bike rides of ~3hours] I do a Full Scan. Yes, that may be a waste of electricity, but I feel that it worth it; at least once a week. :)
Link: Team Viewer to Share Your Computer
I failed to make it clear that your friend can be in California or England, and you can be in Florida. Accessing is all through the internet. Once registering with Teamviewer, youre given an ID Number and a Password for accessing. Once you & your friend have...
Link: Team Viewer to Share Your Computer
Laniegirl, You have complete control on what the person is doing and you can take control at any time. Sort of like taking Automobile driving lessons when two persons have steering wheel, brakes and accelerator controls. They cant access anything on your computer...
Trouble Printing Email Content Only?
My highlighting is accomplished by holding down the left button of the mouse. Once highlighted, release the button and proceed normally to print. When the print menu opens up, put a check mark by Selection. I generally print only the selected portion of any...
Choosing a Fast and Affordable High Speed Internet Service?
Its all relative. Downloading speed is probably your key to the answer. As for my general day-to-day usage, my 750kb works for me and keeps my bill low. It may take 2 minutes instead of 10 seconds to download a particular file, but Im happy.
Link: Microsoft's Free Virus Program
I used MSE for months, then all went crazy. I had to uninstall it because it was sudddenly interfering with other Trojanware & Malware softwares. I did install Microsofts Malicious Removal Tool and I havent had any issues with that... I do recommend that you...