Container for Disposing of Kitchen Grease and Oil?
While theyre still hot or warm, I just pour the drippings off into a heat-resistant dish ( like Pyrex ovenware, 1 or 2 qt.) and set it aside until the contents are at room temperature. I save bread/roll/bagel bags, pour liquified or scrape anything solidified...
Outlets Not Working?
It may not be the thrifty way to go, but the safest is to find a local licensed electrician with positive feedback ( Google away!) who can inspect and assess your situation. Your old electric box could realistically be a big red flag for dated wiring and/or...
Discontinued Graham and Brown Wallpaper?
Found this at the Graham & Brown site. There isnt a 383 in Mystique there, but theres this--338-- and from the link you can look at five other colors in what theyre apparently carrying in Mystique now. Good luck!
Chocolate Orange Fudge Brownies
This looks oh-so-good! Will substitute a couple of clementines for the zest and juice--as theyre in season in my area and we have tons of em. Am also making it this weekend, cant wait.
Chocolate Orange Fudge Brownies
Reporting back after having made this recipe: this should seriously be a WINNER. Ended up making the brownies yesterday and they are just about gone already ( and there are only two of us). Excellent!
Helping Out in Disasters When You Can't be There
Great ideas. I have friends and family in that area, as well. Theyre also reporting that in addition to or instead of contacting churches--which some affected just unfortunately wont go to, as there are people who feel that there will be religious strings attached...
Signal the Trash Has Been Picked Up
It is a great idea, even though our garbage crew sounds just like Susans.
Dog Is Pooping in Owner's Bed at Night?
At eight, your gal is considered a senior citizen. They can become incontinent just like we humans can the older we get. It could be something as simple as just the aging process, or there could be other things going on there. Id have the vet give her a look...
What Breed is My Dog?
Im with muttmom on this one, tho have to say that she looks a lot like a rescue boy we had a while back, he was German Shepherd and Golden Retriever. The shape of your gals head looks retriever, and if her ears stay down and they start getting longer, nubby...
Keeping My Cats Off of Neighbor's Terrace?
Agree with K9cats: its not cruel to limit your kitties to the indoors--far from it.
Treating a Dog's Ear Infection?
Agree with FARSTAR -time for a callback to your vet. Meds may have to be adjusted.
Please Don't Give Garlic To Your Pets
Really important tip, Deeli, garlic, onions, green onions/scallions, leeks and ramps (if you can even find those). I also keep my gal away from the chives in the garden, just in case. While were at it, also a no-go are grapes/raisins and any fruit with a pit...
My Dog Keeps Smacking His Lips?
It could just be so many things, from a change in food to dehydration to dental problems. Think Id run it by the vet just in case.
Download Books From Library
I do the same, Pat. Everybody, remember that you dont need a Netbook or other portable reader in most cases. Our library in South Florida also has links for free download reader applications for your desktop PC or laptop like Adobe ePub. You can get free audiobooks...
Where Can I Have Funeral Notices Laminated?
Office Depot also carries do-it-yourself laminate sheets; theyre in the section with address labels and other specialty printing stuff ( like tee shirt transfer paper, magnetic sign stock, things like that.)
Home Remedies for Dog With Chronic Ear Infection?
What youre describing your poor pup is going through almost sounds like an ear mite infestation. Here in the States there are a few over-the-counter meds for that--am guessing youve got em there Down Under, too. Before trying anything else as a home remedy...
Dealing With A Protective Dog At Home
Your Honey sounds a lot like our Hannah! Thumbs up for your plan on repair day. Like your dog, ours is also great on the leash and doesnt bark or show any aggression to people or animals when out for a walk. Also as you did, we had a barkfest whenever delivery...
Which Wine to Use for a Recipe Calling for Red Wine?
If its something drinkable, any red will do. Even a cheaper sangria is fine ( on chicken and fish, I even prefer that because as it reduces and carmelizes, theres a fruity kick). Heartily agree with Lilac, stay away from the cooking wines. Theyre loaded with...
Using Buttermilk in Septic Tank?
Googled and found this from a septic service company--dos and donts: I think Id stick to the Rid-X.
Understanding Dog Psychology
Great tips, all, MalinoisLover! Also snuck a peek at your profile pic, great looking dog. Then again, Im a little partial. We have a Mal, too. Anyone out there who has a strong-willed dog can benefit from the tips here; a dog without an exercise plan, discipline...
How Do I Treat a Cut on My Dog?
Ditto on KansasCindys post on the severity of the cut and whether or not you have an extensive infection going on there. If theres more than a 1/4 inch of redness/pus/ooze/odor around the wound area. Id be off to the vet for oral antibiotics. If its minor, agree...
What Do You Call a Chihuahua Shih Tzu Cross?
We all know technically its a mutt--but as someone else posted, why not have fun with it? We had a couple of rescues over the years mixed with so many breeds that we used United Nations as an alternate funny name:) How about Hua Tsu (pronounced WAZOO!) That...
What Causes Bad Breath in Dogs?
More hugs to bonn7777 on the loss of your furbaby; Joyce, please get your boy in for a checkup. It could be as simple as dental problems/gum disease or symptomatic of much, much more. Often it is one of the early symptoms of something more serious--the sooner...
Neighbor's Dogs Digging Under Fence and Getting Into My Yard?
Ericka, I see that youre in Antioch and also see that means that youre under Nashvilles jurisdiction as far as animal control laws go. Check this link (it outlines Nashville animal ordinances): You have been more than patient...
Two Week Cleaning Plan
This is a great post, especially if anyones feeling overwhelmed with keeping things neat! Breaking things down into manageable bites is efficient and just can make things more do-able. It sure can be easier to focus on a specific task each day rather than look...
Finding a Veterinarian That Accepts Payments?
My hubby recently applied for this as he needs some extensive dental work done ( the info was provided at his dentists website and this place is on the up-and-up): We were also pleasantly surprised that the site said that once youre...
Cat Kibble as Dog Training Treats
Agree with syntoniser, so does the ASPCA website: Besides the fat content being higher and running a pretty good risk of making a dog overweight, the nutritional...
Dealing With Someone Who is Trespassing?
Dont know the law in PA, but if this family member has emailed threats and you have copies,and there have been verbal threats (whether face-to-face or over the phone, if theyre over the phone, save either the messages or write down the day and time) you may...
Unclogging a Pipe Under the House Without an Auger?
A few years back my in-laws were in a senior mobile home park ( that permitted residents whod been there a long while to have household members 18 years old + living there, too, as long as one resident was over 55). Anyhow, they had a problem like yours, except...
Noyo (Dog)
Your beautiful boy really does look like he has quite a bit of full-breed brindle Dutch Shepherd in him, though his body build is a little slimmer. Thumbs up for him and you on his adoption!
What Breed is My Dog?
Shes a beauty, but dont see any Mal in her ( see my pic; our four year old Hannah is a Belgian Malinois). All Mals have a black facial mask; even the mixes seem to carry that dominant trait. Bella looks like she has a lot of GSD in her, possibly some hound...
Homemade Powdered Sugar
Well, you learn something new every day! Ive been cooking for 40 years and, duh, this never crossed my mind. Thanks for the great tip!
Special Diet for Dog Taking Phenobarbitol?
We had a female GSD who had her first seizure at 9 months and was also on pheno on and off for the rest of her life; she also had idiopathic epilepsy, with the worst seizures between 9 months and a year and a half and then only very occasionally for the next...
Keeping an Outside Dog Warm?
Link to animal cruelty statutes in the state of Illinois: If the dog doesnt have adequate shelter from the elements in place, the owner can be charged, even without malice. And, this news piece is pretty...
Puppy Regressing in House Training?
Id have the vet give her the once-over to make sure theres nothing physical going on there to cause her potty problems before addressing possible behavior issues; a urinary tract infection or something else going on in the intestinal tract can cause sudden...
Polyester Pants Smell After Wearing a Short Time?
Im with KansasCindy on this one. I, too cant wear 100% polyester and have gone through exactly what youre going through. Dont know if theres a connection to not being able to deal with polyester and a tendency toward allergies: Im allergic to bees and wasps...
Ten Things to Do Instead of Black Friday
How great was this tip? I was a retail manager for 25 years and you can betcha your bippee that my old, tired behind never went into any store on Black Friday after leaving that profession. Loved, loved, loved this, and you gave my little psyche a big smile...
Teach Children to Give
I think that this is probably the most important tip read here all year long :) especially agree with the keep it between you and your Creator. The world sadly seems to becoming more and more geared toward instant gratification, whats in it for me and people...
Birthday Gift Ideas for 19 Year Old Son?
When my son was that age (ten years ago, a student and working part-time) the gifts he liked the most were gas station gift cards and fast-food gift certificates. If he has a significant other a restaurant gift certificate or a couple of movie tickets might...
How Do I Keep the Shower Curtain From Blowing in and Sticking to Me?
They do make little contraptions to stick to the inside of the tub to make the bottom of the shower curtain behave, I have seen them at Target, Walmart and Home Depot.
Storing Leftovers in Ziplock Bags
This links to Ziplocs website: The manufacturer does NOT recommend these bags be boiled. However, they can be microwaved. Latrtatrs idea can...
Kenmore Washer Lawsuit?
Check this link: It shows a link to a legal firm in San Francisco handling class action complaints, but the page dates to 2009. Whether thats still in effect, not sure. If you...
Cleaning an Electric Coffee Pot?
Im guessing you mean an aluminum urn-type pot? I used to clean mine by mixing enough baking soda and warm water to make a paste, scrubbing the inside with that and letting it sit for about fifteen minutes, then rinsing it out. If youre talking about an electric...
Can Purebred Dachshunds Be White?
The AKC doesnt recognize white doxies. That by itself really shouldnt bother you unless you plan on showing the dog, but this link to a reputable breeder has a lot of interesting info: If I read it correctly, it...
Humorous Caption For Christmas Card?
Also guessing the little guy with the hammer is your son? How about Merry Christmas from ( you, your son, Dad, any other family members usually on your Christmas card )and New Baby-Under Construction.
Dog Not Eating?
Also agree here that Lorelei has some good suggestions. You did mention a Greenie a day, though and you may want to read this CNN news piece from a couple of years back:
Iodine to Prevent Breast Cancer
Agree with annparker,rasta and bambam--check this link out: The National Institute for Health gives iodine a maybe in possibly reducing incidence of cyst growth in breast tissue--these cysts arent...
Treating Dog's Fear of Stairs
Great tip! For smaller staircases, you could also try this: We once had a rescue boy who came to us also terrified of stairs, and the dog railed against any kind of gentle coaxing; the DH rigged up planks over the stairs to make ramps. Since this dog loved...
Panda (Bluetick Hound/Border Collie)
Oh, this is just classic bad pup! Great picture, it looks like a professional shot and Pandas facial expression is hysterical (he has that, Who, Me? look). Thumbs up, and he surely doesnt look like the runt of the litter now!
Check Fire Code Before Holiday Decorating
Great tip,even for those of us who arent decorating in business/public places! The National Fire Protection Association also has a full-color flyer this year to remind all of us that there are hazards that can lurk around the corner on Halloween--its also geared...
Soak Dog Food in Water
Have to agree with Jron7667, and weve raised GSDs, a Golden Retriever, and a Belgian Malinois over the past 35 years and all of them ate (and the current gal, eating) dry kibble and have had no health problems connected to feeding. But, all of them have always...
Treatment for a Dog With Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament?
Check this out, theres a fairly detailed description on the injury: This is a tough call; if the ligament is only partially torn it may heal on its own if your guy is the inactive type; if hes overweight...
Whirlpool Stove Beeping and Displaying F2 Code?
Check this link ( it has codes for all types of stoves): Sounds like the oven too hot warning, which could likely mean you need to have a temperature sensor...
Manual for Regal Kitchen Pro Bread Maker #K6745S?
Though it just says Regal on it, its made by Regalware. I went to the Regalware website and found your manual--this is in pdf format: For anyone else out there with a Regal...
Hoarding: Cleaning and Maintenance
Both of your articles on hoarding have been great, but I just have to add this: hoarding is much more common than wed think and it doesnt always boil down to laziness or disorganization. As a few posters on both articles mentioned--people who are living in...
Limoncello Liqueur
I think by grain alcohol were talking Everclear. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
Freezing Foods Containing Mayonnaise?
Freezing the mayo technically wouldnt be unsafe, but from past experience (and Googling around), freezing mayo tends to separate it which leads to some taste and texture problems. You might find the patties to crumble or taste a little off. (Your recipe sounds...
Can I Regularly Use Yeast in My Septic Tanks?
Well, you could use yeast, but it may not actually be thrifty in the long run. Did a little Googling (and multiplying and dividing :). A 20.7 oz box of Rid-X ( essentially yeast-based) runs about $12 and has enough for two monthly treatments; that would be...
Cleaning A Pizza Stone?
Ditto on everyone who strongly suggested never to use soapy water on it; also, a pal of ours who uses them every day passes along that if youve got some stubborn left-behinds on it, put the stone in a hot ( 475-500 F) oven for about an hour, let cool and the...
What To Do With Shedded Pet Hair
Its a wonderful idea, though when I checked your link the organization stated that as of May their warehouses were full of pet hair and there currently isnt a need for it. Im still going to bookmark the site and check back every now and then and see if that...
Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend Who Plays Music?
My DH was one of those garage band guys back in the 70s--and he was ALWAYS at the local music store for something or other. If you have one of those locally, how about a gift certificate?
Helping a Parent After Brain Surgery Damaged Memory and Vision?
You might want to ask her doctor if shes eligible for visits from hospice in your area; they can help her ( and you) immensely with both the physical and emotional issues youre facing. Hugs and prayers from here.
Can People Transmit the Parvo Virus?
People can spread it basically by tracking it into your house or yard on their shoes--its transmitted through the infected dogs feces. Your dogs shouldnt be around hers--or in her home or yard until her dog gets the all-clear from a vet and she has thoroughly...
How to Tell if Your Dog is Purebred
Agree with Deeli; if your dog is AKC registered, theres a mandatory DNA database for the sire and dam--thats the indicator of whether or not your pup is purebred. Within all breeds there are show standards and variations; example from a pal who used to show...
What Breed Is My Dog?
Oh, my gosh, he looks so much like a sweet boy we rescued once upon a time (whos over the Rainbow Bridge now) and he was a German Shepherd and Golden Retriever mix. Made me do a double-take!
Using Zyrtec For a Dog With Allergies?
Agree with so many others here on not going through with the Zyrtec ( and disagree with the poster suggesting the use of borax, please read the info on this link): Generally, if the dog is...
Are Cedar Chips Toxic if Ingested by a Dog?
According to this link, cedar chips arent toxic: But, and its a big but, they can cause vomiting and/or loose stools, and because theyre usually cut in fair-sized chips, they can cause intestinal blockages...
Identifying and Eliminating Odor in Mobile Home?
My father-in-law had similar issues when he bought his mobile home; they knew it needed work to begin with and were already planning on tearing up carpeting and such. Is it a musty smell? The in-laws thought at first it could have come from old rugs or from...
Tips When Your Dog is Vomiting
Some good ideas, but our vet cautions that if home remedies arent working and the dog is still having bouts of vomiting after 12 hours, time for a trip to the doc,whether other symptoms like lethargy or tremors are present or not. Often, dogs will not obviously...
Securing Your Home from Burglars Without an Alarm System?
Im with Beccaj23 and her post, think about getting a dog, the bigger the better (and the shelters are full of them). When we bought our home a couple of years ago, I lost count of how many times in the first two weeks various people came banging on the front...
In Memory of Rusty (Sheltie)
He was a beautiful, beautiful boy! We lost our guy Max to cancer, also, four years ago. The pain lessens over time but the memories of that animals love and devotion just never fade. Thumbs up to your tribute and wonderful picture.
Feeding a 5 Week Old Puppy?
Please take that little one to your vet, who can tell you exactly what to feed it that has the right amount of nutrition, especially since its been taken prematurely from its mother. Rice on its own isnt nutritionally balanced for a young puppy, and the sugar...
How Can I Tell If My Eggs are Part of the Recent Recall?
The US Food & Drug Administration has a really comprehensive page on this, with pics on what to look for on your cartons and a complete list of farms/distributors on the recall:
My Frugal Life: Starting Early
...growing old gratefully, gracefully and gray-fully You said it well! There is so much simple truth in what youve written here, and it sounds like your upbringing was a lot like mine. Another advantage to learning to live in a way that helps you distinguish...
Best Material for Replacing the Subflooring in a Mobile Home?
Were with fatboyslimsmom, you really have to use that 3/4 waterproof plywood in the bathroom or kitchen, wherever theres plumbing or the possibility of moisture. The DH and his father redid the floors in my father-in-laws mobile home and theyre still holding...
What is the Title of This Movie?
Well, heres the last scene of The Fearless Vampire Killers from YouTube: Also, someone has posted the entire movie on there in five or six segments. Hope this helps!
Removing a Sulfur Odor from Clothing?
You mentioned feeling uncomfortable in social situations; are you on any prescribed medications like Venlafaxine or Efflexor? Googling them brings up a few user boards discussing a sulfur-like odor in the urine and also in perspiration. Other meds and physical...
Can I Replace a 20 Amp Breaker With a 30 Amp to Stop Overloading Problems/?
My DH passes along that#12 wire is only rated up to a maximum of 20 amps, putting a 30 amp breaker in on your #12 wiring is an invitation to a major house fire. If you want to increase the service to 30 amps, #10 is code; it involves rewiring those outlets...
Troubleshooting the Cause of My Large Electric Bill?
Agree that its difficult to really give you an informed answer without more info on how many people are living in your home and whether your AC is in use. However: we live in South Florida, where the AC is on at least nine months out of the year. We also had...
Dye Bled When Jacket Was Dry Cleaned?
First, Id go back to the dry cleaner with the jacket and ask them to undo what theyve done (calmly). A reputable cleaner should do that at no charge to you. An outstanding businessperson would even give you back the initial cleaning charge , or if theyre unable...
Homemade Dog Food Suggestions for Dog Refusing to Eat?
Agree with the poster who mentioned that a visit to the vet might be in order if the non-eating is a new behavior; there could be plenty of physical reasons for this.
Is Hazel Peppergood Inc. a Scam?
The Better Business Bureau rates them a big, fat F. Id hang onto my money. Its unfortunate, but to really work from home and actually make...
Removing the Color from Sofa Covers to Make Them White?
Chiming in with everyone else here, it really sounds like youre going to have to buy a new set of white. As a last-chance effort, though, and if you dont care at this point if the process may ruin them, you might soak them in a stronger bleach solution for...
Kill Spiders with Hairspray
This works with bees and wasps, too. Im allergic to those little suckers and keep a purse-sized hairspray with me as part of my battle kit, LOL!
Make Doll House from Old Bookcase
Thumbs up on this one! When I was a kid, we had a big long hutch in the kitchen with shelves up top and a couple of compartments with doors on the bottom that had a shelf each and were maybe a foot high. My Dad cleared out one of those compartments and it was...
Cilantro Lime Rice
This sounds really yummy. Going to try it as a side when I make tequila-lime chicken or shrimp!
Claiming Clothing Donations on Taxes?
No, and if anyone on here is connected to the IRS in the Austin area, you can probably betcha theyll be doing drop box host audits real soon. :)
Shelf Life of Homemade Canned Soup?
I think for safetys sake, Id pass on it; this is a really good piece on commercially and home-canned safety and shelf life: According to this, it says that properly home-processed stuff probably is at its...
What Breed is My Puppy?
She looks like a classic Black Lab, what a cutie, and youre lucky. They usually are bundles of fun with great temperaments.
Color Ideas for an Area Rug?
I think earthy brown, rust, and tan ( picking up from your wall color) in a block pattern or Oriental type throw rug if youre traditional or transitional might be nice; the same colors in a braided rug if youre country or shabby chic. Id definitely go with...
Speak Aloud to Help You Remember
Yours is a great tip, it sounds ( no pun intended) that youre an auditory learner. Back in the 70s, science narrowed us all down to three basic sorts of learners. One is auditory, sound. People who learn and remember best this way like to listen to tapes, lectures...
Car Parking and Tail Lights Don't Work?
If the fuses are good and both lights stopped at the same time, sounds like a wiring problem, as another poster mentioned, it may be more economical in the long run for you to have a garage look at it.