Updating My Computer?
Mike Should be no problem. Most of your list will be automatically updated as you log on to each program and go online. If not, click on the Look For Updates Here (or similar) in the programes window, and all should be well. If all else fails simply re-install...
Organizing Mugs?
Jennifer You could buy some of those cheap coat hangers - those that have three or more hangers attatched. Unscrew the hangers, buy some 1/4inch dowel, drill holes to take the dowel in the hanger about 4inch apart and cut the dowel into 3inch lengths. Now glue...
Fill Your Bird Feeders
Evelyne Great timely notice. Although I feed my birds all year round - breeding season is important too. Some tips: Try to buy your wild bird seed in bulk. If you use a table or other platform mix seed with kitchen scraps, especially fruit, fat and veg. If...
Homemade Gnat Trap
Penny I wonder if your idea would work with the Thrips that attack my pears in the spring? Every year for the last three years these little pests have been laying their eggs in the blossom so that when the maggots appear they bore into the fruitlets and destoy...
Caring for a Honeysuckle?
Dana There are several varieties of Honeysuckle. Some grow tall, some climb, some have colorful blooms and yet others have a scent. Sadly it looks as though yours has no scent. As it was attached to a trellis it is probably a climber, needs little attention...
Saving Money on Public Transportation
I couldnt agree more Elliecat. Its all about beating the system. Plan ahead; search the internet; interrogate booking offices, information stands and company offices for the best and cheapest deals; get the facts and figures, on paper if you can. I know! There...
Saving Just the Tips You Want
Create a new folder in partition D: (or wherever you keep you files for printing/processing) but not partition C:. Call this folder something simple, like Text, open it then create several sub-folders like - Hobbies; Crafts; Food; Health; Home etc, etc. Now...
Memory Garden Stepping Stones
April Many thanks for a great idea. History in the making, a time capsule at your feet; you dont have to write it down - just stick the shards and objects that tell the story in plain old cement. Any shape or size will do, as the cement dries it should shrink...
Gift Ideas for Men?
Christine We men like gadgets and puzzles. There are many gadget sites on the internet and its well worth a look. Pocket Message Recorders, Scan Radios, Mini LED Torches and Key Rings are some items that come to mind.
Where Do Cobwebs Come From?
Teresa I go with Tedsmom on this, cobwebs are spiderwebs that have collected dust and other debrie. The spider may have abandoned it and made a new web elswhere if it can or when you remove it the spider will come back from its hiding place and spin a new one...
Recipes You Can Freeze?
Misti Like Aardvark says the whole range of cooking or food preparation is about 90% freezer friendly. Since you have a computer to hand why not try some of the search engines like Google etc? Be prepared for thousands of sites ready to offer you help and tips...
Softening Hard Cookies
But Sharon, what do you do with that valuable bread? Throw it away; feed it to the birds or what? Some times hard cookies (biscuits - here in the UK) can be softened by warming them in the microwave or oven. If that dosnt work try sprinkling a little water...
The Effects of Salt and Vinegar on Grass and Shrubs?
Mona Very few plants will survive a dose of salt and/or vinegar. The only way I know of getting rid of it is to leach it out by regular watering. How effective this will be depends on what lies below the top soil; if its clay for e.g. then the remedy may not...
Grilling Bagels in a Cast Iron Skillet?
How about the good old Flat Iron? Im sure these can still be found at a Garage Sale or some other charity sale or shop.
Preserving Old Photos?
The best way to preserve photos, prints or old documents etc is to first make sure they are dry, free of dust and heavy creases and then laminate them using a hot laminator. Keep all material that has been printed on paper out of direct sunlight, away from...
Foul Smelling Clothes?
Deborah Could it be that your clothes are picking up the smells from your washing machine? Try another washing machine to check this out. If it is the machine at fault then try cleaning out the filters.
Retrieving Parts from a Broken Drain?
H Jenkins There are magnetic tools for recovering ferrouse parts; the best are used by boat owners. There are also mechanical grabs used by the infirm but will only reach about 2.5ft. Also both of these types of tool will only work (to my knowlege) on the virtical...