Making Curtains Longer
Generally, on purchased draperies, there is a very generous bottom hem. You can let it down, or shorten the hem. If you cant do that, add a coordinating fabric to the bottom of the drapes. That seems to be all the rage now.
Removing Sap on Car?
Rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. wet the q-tip with rubbing alcohol and rub the sap until it lifts off. follow up with by waxing the car with your favorite wax. Do not use fingernail polish. It will strip the paint.
Freezing Corn on the Cob?
Its easy. Peal away the leaves and the silk. Cut off the stalk end and the narrow end, just where the mature kernels start. Im not a big fan of blanching veggies in general, but for this you can. Just about 2 minutes or so. Cool the cobs in an ice bath and...
Freezing Red Cabbage?
You can freeze just about anything. What you need to consider is the texture of the product when it defrosts. Cabbage, like most leafy vegetables, are full of water. As such, when they defrost, the water will leach out of its cells. You will be left with limp...
Goody Bag Ideas for Gymnastics Birthday Party?
The only things that come to mind would be some scrunchies or hair ties, as most of the girls tie their hair back for gymnastics. The only other thing I can think of getting some pretend gold metals on ribbons at a party supply place or
My Frugal Garden
This is a nice article. However, the composting information is dangerously inaccurate. You never compost the waste from carnivore. The parasites that live in their waste will not be killed through the composting process and will transfer to any plant that comes...
Can I Freeze Tuna Salad?
Probably not a good idea. The mayo can separate when thawed. Also if you add things like celery to it, that will end up mushy when you thaw it. Better to make it as you need it.
Can a Parent Sponsor a Housewarming Party for Their Child?
I dont know that there are any rule of etiquette regarding this. I would say, go ahead and sponsor it.
Is Alcohol a Disinfectant?
In case youre not talking about rubbing alchohol, Vodka and grain alchohol can been used as a disinfectant.
Collecting Child Support?
States dont want to go after the absent parent unless they are between $5,000-$10,000 behind, because of the expense of bring them back to the state where the divorce and child support order took place. This statement is not true. Domestic Relations will persue...
Sticky Cast Iron Pans?
If you have a self-cleaning oven, put the pans in and run a cycle. If not, put your oven on the highest temp (500+ degrees) and put the pan in for about 30 minutes. It will turn all of that gummy grease into carbon that can be brushed off with a wire brush...
Installing Alternative Energy Sources?
Ive been looking into alternative energy for my home for a while now. Foxrun is right about the rules for having a wind generator. But there are smaller turbines that create less noise and can be attached to the roof instead of stand-alone. In my opinion installing...
My Cleaning Made Simple
As someone else said, you can get by with a much shorter list of cleaning staples instead of buying all of those individual cleaners. I would stock a couple boxes of borax (1 for the laundry), baking soda, dish detergent, white vinegar, Bleach and Several spray...
New Ideas for Meatloaf?
Mine is here:
Baby Booming
All pediatric vaccinations (with the exception of the HPV vaccine in some states) are offered for free in every state. Most pediatricians will refer parents to those Well Baby clinics rather than giving the shots in the office.
Paper Or Plastic Bags?
If Im not using my cloth bags, I ask for plastic. I use them around the house for small trash cans as well as turning them into Plarn. Paper to me is a waste of space and resources.
Soda Pop Rings for Cash?
Foxrun is right. There isnt any monetary value for the rings. However, there are several dialysis charities who will exchange the rings for patient time on a dialysis machine. You could donate them. Also crafters would give their eye teeth for them. You could...
Freezing Veggie Wraps?
No. When you freeze than thaw veggies, it breaks down the cells of the vegetable and releases the water, which makes it soggy. You need to make them fresh.
Preserving an Antique Christening Gown?
Honestly, if I had something that old and precious, the only advice I would take was from an expert. You could go to a dry-cleaner to talk to them about storing the item properly. Only go to someone you trust. But as for restoring it, I would talk to someone...
Pizza Sauce Without Tomatoes?
You can make white pizza with no sauce. Use Alfredo sauce. Chile con queso sauce out of the jar. Paired with the right toppings, you could also try a steak sauce.
Corned Beef Recipes?
Do you want to corn it yourself or just buy one of those already seasoned ones in the meat case or a canned corned beef? My recommendation, which is what I do every St Patricks day, is to corn it yourself. Its very easy and may come out cheaper if you have...
Starting a School Gardening Project?
To tie it to an education/nutritional lesson, I would make sure that what you plant can be eaten raw and preferably off the plant. Cherry toms, peas, lettuces. You could try some small pumpkins which would be ready for the kids in the fall. You could also add...
Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
Youre going to get an opinion from anyone you ask and all of those opinions are going to differ and not be exactly accurate. Case in point, sump pumps in homes are pretty standard. And yes, they do break down and cause flooding, but you are not likely to find...
Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
To that I would add that any good home inspector will fill the tub and let it drain and then check for leaks. If he doesnt, make him do it.
Using Canned Beans in a Crockpot?
I use both canned and dried beans for chilli. It should be ok at 7-8 hours. It depends on whether youre cooking on high or low. But check it after about 4 and see how done it is. My problem with crockpot chili is getting it thick enough.
Getting Married Near Thanksgiving?
Im not an experienced wedding planner. But I do have my $.02 to offer. Holding your wedding around a holiday like Thanksgiving would be a strain on most of your guests to attend. Even those in your immediate family usually have plans for that day and the day...
Adding Frosting to Glass?
You buy etching compound from the craft store. If you want to create a design or a boarder with the etching, you can use adhesive laminate or clear contact sheets to create a stencil for your design. Follow the directions on the bottle very carefully and wear...
Rejuvenating a Featherbed?
Depending on the care instructions for it and how big it is, I would put it in the dryer with some tennis balls. That works when fluffing up down jackets. If its too big for your dryer, check out a laundromat. Those dryer are pretty big.
Selling Homemade Food Products in Stores?
I think you would be better off getting some professional advice regarding marketing your product to stores and negotiating the terms of your contacts (which would include your wholesale price and mark-up) with the stores. Generally this is done at the corporate...
Do Without Garbage Pick Up
Because in some municipalities, garbage pickup is not paid for by your property taxes, which is how it magically gets picked up by the city when you put it out on the curb on Trash Day. In some cities you have to pay a private garbage company to come to pick...
Using Fish Sauce
I think because of the salt content in it and the fact that its already fermented, its like soy sauce, it really wont go bad un-refrigerated.
Recipes Using Stale Rolls?
If youll believe it, my mom used to talk about when she was a nun (yes, really), they used to take stale rolls and make fausnaughts with them for Mardi Gras. Im a little sketchy on the details but she said that she would scrape the crust off of the roll, roll...
Recipes Using Stale Rolls?
I checked with mom on the fausnaught thing. She said that you scrape the crust off of the rolls and safe the scrapings. Then you roll the roll in beaten eggs that have been very slightly thinned with a few teaspoons of water. Then take the roll and roll it...
My Frugal Life: Freezing Meat
Ive always done that with my meats. I was just raised that way from watching my mom do it. Plus, since there is only two in my house, it doesnt make a lot of sense to cook the 6 chicken breasts that came in the Family Pack. A couple of things that I do as well...
Denim Door Mat
This is a great project but you lost me in the steps. After you cut the strips of denim, how are you sewing them on the backing. It looks likes you are making rows of these strips and only sewing them on one side. How far apart are you putting the rows then...
Is Planning Your Own Birthday Party Tacky?
I dont think so. Now, planning your party and asking for gifts, thats tacky. And planning your party under the notion that its all about me, that would be tacky. But done in the right way, planning your own party is fine. I would say that if the invitations...
Making Compost With Pet Waste?
There are two ways that I can think of that you can do it. Neither one are cheap. First, this machine will do it: Also, a composting toilet will handle pet waste the same way it would handle human waste. Im not sure...
Survey Advice?
I actually own a Market Research company. We deal mostly with medical professionals rather than consumers. There is market research and then there is market research. The legitimate kind that you are seeking is rarely found on the Internet. There are a ton...
Uses For Broken Christmas Light Strands?
Those are great ideas, especially the one using them in the garden. Honestly, I wasnt looking for ideas for using them in a plugged in state. Rather a use or craft project using the bulbs or the wires. Thanks all!
Uses For Broken Christmas Light Strands?
Those are great ideas, especially the one using them in the garden. Honestly, I wasnt looking for ideas for using them in a plugged in state. Rather a use or craft project using the bulbs or the wires. Thanks all!
Locations For A Sleepover Birthday Party?
At a hotel. Back when I was still living in a small 2-bedroom apartment, my daughter wanted to have a sleep over for her birthday. I didnt have the space to do it at my place. A friend told me to rent a hotel room and hold it there. I rented a hotel suite that...
Hanging Fabric Up Instead Of Painting?
A better idea might be to hang the black fabric like wallpaper. What you would need is liquid starch. Soak the fabric in it an then smooth it over the wall like wall paper. When you want to remove it, the fabric will come off easily and you just need to wash...
Invigorating Bath Salts
I wouldnt use vanilla or almond extract from the store for this. The only essential oils that I buy are Therapeutic Grade (meaning they can be ingested, unlike most others). Essential oils are pricey, but you get what you pay for. I will definitely try this...
"Breakfast At Tiffany's" Themed Sweet 16 Party?
Id start with the movie. I havent watched that one in years so my memory is a little fizzy. You could take Tiffanys signature colors that they use to gift wrap (tiffany blue and white). Check out their web site to get a better idea of the colors they use. Have...
Swollen Feet and Ankles?
Over the counter diuretics really dont work. If the problem is really bothering you, see your doctor. There are some home remedies that have worked for others. Dandelion and other herbal teas sometimes work. Get it from a health food store. Also a mixture of...