Trivia Questions for a Baby Shower?
We always do trivia on the mom and dad and on the baby -What is Mom planning on painting blue in the nursery? How did Dad react when he found out the sex of the baby? Where was Mom born, etc. This game is always hilarious and often you learn things it never...
Travel: USS Arizona War Memorial (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii)
I should have mentioned that touring the USS Arizona is free, as is the shuttle launch to the site of the memorial over the sunken ship, just arrive early as the last shuttle leaves at 3pm.
Teaching a Cat to Use the Toilet?
I dont know about flushing, but you can teach a cat to use a toilet, you can buy kits online or you can use a stainless steel bowl that fits inside the lid of the toilet, fill it with litter then gradually use less and less litter over the span of a few days...
Place Phone in Purse When Charging
Crazy brilliant. I am looking for my cell phone right now. Thanks, Antoinette
Yellow Stains on Sheets?
Is it possible this is a nicotine stain? Does he smoke or chew tobacco? I have never heard of this.
Scenery: Beach Cafe
I dont think I saved the original, but this image crops me out (unintentionally...) and most of the editing I did brought out my facial features. It was fairly cold out this day and was raining on and off all afternoon, I think that set up those great clouds...
Add Sterile Water To Soap
I think that many tips call for distilled water for exactly this reason. I believe that boiled tap water should work as well. In my house, I use the dilution tip because we go through soap very quickly, everyday or so I make new soap, I dont know if in that...
Rainy Day "Birthday" Party
This is a great idea, I have done a similar thing with my kids, we usually call them tea parties or picnics whether we are inside or outside, to make it even more special.
Making Junk Mail Useful
This is a good idea, I also give return envelopes to my kids to play office or postal carrier with, and they love them.
Planning a Moving Sale in the Fall/Winter?
I think with a little advertising this could work out really well for you as yard sales and the like decline. Make sure to post free internet bulletin boards. Are you near a military community? Find out where they post yard sales and list your event. We are...
Active Sweet 16 Party Ideas?
What about a scavenger hunt? or a craft to make something out of a t-shirt? For our son at that same age. We rented a cabin at a beach and rented kayaks for his guests to go out on. Afterward we barbecued. Not frugal, but lots of fun. Good luck, its a hard...
Clothing Exchange Parties
Our military community here in Okinawa Japan has a kids clothing swap. After two swaps it starts fresh, donating the left overs to local charity thrift shops. They are a good way to recycle, and a nice way to update the closets of our kids. They are co-ordinated...
Baptism Party Favor Ideas?
Actually, the regular pretzels also have a religious tie in, I got this from a company website: The unconfirmed rumor is that an Italian monk created the first pretzel from leftover bread dough. He rolled it out, formed it into the shape of a childs arms folded...
Paper Or Plastic Bags?
The reusable bags are easy to put in your purse, or carry over your shoulder when you exit your car. Its a habit one has to form, I have forgotten before. Also, I do not take a bag for anything very small or easy to carry. I live overseas in a military community...
Emergency Sewing Kit
A home made/custom item is always more fun than a store bought one. This a particularly good idea for children just learning to sew and those of us that like to be always at the ready. (I packed a sewing kit with my husband, he laughed at the time, then later...
Printers That Are Inexpensive to Use?
I wonder if you are printing things in grey scale or color? Are you printing thing for work or school or for yourselves? Where quality is less important, for say directions for myself, or templates, I print in grey scale or 60% grey instead of black. When in...
What Breed is My Dog?
I agree that she looks like a brindle pit or Staffordshire Terrier (I hope my spelling is correct -thats their proper name). She is beautiful. They are known as the biggest lap dogs. Ours looked just like her, only slightly darker coat.
Black Brush-On Appliance Epoxy?
I googled it and a bunch of stuff came up, in particular a product made by maytag and others marketed especially for touching up refrigerators. I am sure you can get a hold of it.
Paying Off Bills?
I feel that part of you is saying, I deserve to do more with my hard earned money than just pay bills. The thing is, if you used the services/kept the product, you are paying for things you already used. And those businesses deserve to be paid. But I know its...
Ways to Save Money on Dinner
We also do breakfast for dinner, and let the kids have cereal, with toast and juice, or tea, I found a recipe for homemade chocolate syrup, and let the kids have chocolate milk as a treat afterward. A bowl of cereal calms hungry kids who vote for quick fast...
Uses for Unmatched Socks?
Wow! You guys all rock! I love these ideas, most of the ideas I was going to post are in here somewhere. I often have this same problem, just this weekend I matched 70 plus socks and ended up with a giant pile of unmatched socks left over. And next weekend...
Pick Up Litter for Earth Day
This is a great idea. Although I no longer use plastic grocery bags, we still manage to accumulate them at our house, I try to reuse these whenever possible. So I always have one on hand for cleaning up with. When my kids play outside or take a walk (they are...
Mildew on Needlepoint Canvases?
I would try spraying with vinegar, then machine washing one with the vinegar solution or non-chlorine beach (which is typically peroxide). That way if this process ruins the design you know right away, and youre only out one item. I think the ones that only...
Storing Bananas
When our bananas are about to get too dark, we slice em up, put them on a cookie sheet lined with plastic wrap and freeze them. Once they are frozen they go into a plastic zip top bag and are good to go for smoothies.
Cigarette Smell on a Raincoat?
Have you tried using Borax? Baking soda has gotten smelliness out of plastic toys for us, and vinegar has worked for baby bathroom accidents. Borax has directions on the box on how to use as a deodorizor. This is a shame, because that cigarette smell is very...
My Hair is Too Curly?
You can divide your hair and put it on very wide curlers. A woman I know used to use empty, rinsed out aluminum cans on her hair after a bath. Shed come it out, pull it taunt and wrap it all until it dried. I think she also used bobby pins to hold the hair...
Two Pads of Paper
I have been writing on the bottom of papers since I was a little girl. You can also take scrap paper, perhaps, like me, you print things you dont need to, cut them into quarters, make a pile, find a basket or a box for them and use the clean backs for note...
Eating Out Can Be Cheaper Than Eating In
I have found this to be true as well. Sometimes my two little ones and I share a value meal with drinks we got from home at the park. We make it a little picnic, no left overs, and we get to chose beverages we really like and will all finish (not what the restaurant...
Making Old Tissue Paper Look Like New
My husband thinks this is crazy, but I have been doing it since high school, when I had to buy stuff for myself (and started being thrifty). When I told my mother in law that I do this, I think she liked me a little more.
Tips for Using an iMac?
I have used our old PC and almost new laptop for publishing apps, manipulating my own photographs, scanning and manipulating images to make my own stamps, photoshop type stuff, etc. I have played with iphoto, and its fast and easy, but it doesnt seem to do...
Tips for Using an iMac?
I am checking out all suggestions. Thanks so much to everyone who has replied, I will continue to check for more responses. I already have a gmail account that I almost never use, so I will be there, first. But I was under the impression that google has copyrights...
Tips for Using an iMac?
Do you like and regularly use iwork? (Is it worthwhile for me to buy?)If I hear positive things I am going to purchase it. Is Open Office comparable? I have downloaded and played with it a bit, but have already hit a few snags. However, I dont have a printer...
Make Your Own "Name Brand" Hair Products
Another good one is to buy marked down name brands from the clearance rack, then go home and peel off all the stickers. My son wont go near the clearance rack, and I have a very small clothes budget to cover five people, but he wears name brand clothes he thinks...
Thrifty Fabric for Sewing Clothing
You can also use adults clothing to make kids items and kids clothes to make doll clothes - also most worn items have at least a patch worth of reusable material for other items that just have a tiny hide-able stain or bleach mark. Today, I salvaged two nice...
Watch the Cash Register Screen When Checking Out
This is also important if something you picked up without knowing the price of turns out to be very expensive, or the wrong thing, now that you see it again. I was trying to buy flax seed, my son put wheat germ in the basket without noticing the difference...
My Frugal Life - Getting By
I am always pleased to read these stories, I do a lot of the same types of things. Sometimes pride puts us in the position to want new things or not put ourselves out there, but you should be so proud of yourself for all the good youve done for yourself and...
My Frugal Life - A Fun Adventure
I loved what you said about your son. Its interesting how they remember the treat, but not the work that went into it. You mustve done a great job making life an adventure for them.
Treat Yourself to Something Homemade!
I love this idea. Sometimes the motivation to do instead of get is lacking, we have to remind ourselves that we can give to ourselves.
Reusing Old Crocheted Sweaters
You can also unravel some of them, and use the yarn for your kids crafts, or to crochet doll blankets.
Easter Basket Items
That home made dough could be put in matching color plastic eggs, what a great suggestion!
Chair Made out of Clothes Pins?
That link is outdated, try this one for video: