Getting Rid of Static in Hair?
Dryer sheets are suppost to work. I have tried it and it worked. Just rub a dryer sheet straight down your shaft.
Foods That Increase Metabolism?
Thanks Anna that was really encouraging. I needed to hear that today. :)
Changing My Family's Eating Habits?
There is a brand of whole wheat noodles they sell at the store called Dream Feilds that you can use in your pastas instead of the regular stuff. I think it taste pretty good too. When eating salad use vinegars, olive oil, or just plain salt to add a little...
What is This Plant?
Actually, I have not tried to open one yet. I will have to try after the holiday.
Holiday Eggnog Pie
Oh, my! Sounds delicious. Im going to have to share this one with my mom. Shes going to flip out when I show her. Obviously, we are both big on EGGNOG! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
What Is This Plant? (Velvet Leaf)
Its got to be a cucumber vine. Only the flowers with cucumbers behind them will bear cucumbers.
Can't Get Seeds To Start Growing
~Some Tips~ They need to have a ton of light while they are seeds. The plant will grow towards the light, and if they dont got any or much light they wont grow at all. They need room to grow and sprout. Give them sometime, some seeds take longer to grow then...
Oily Scalp Tips?
Oily hair dosnt mean its unhealthy. I would rather have oily hair over dry hair. I have had a dry hair problem before, and it drained me to death. I did everything to make my hair oily(healthy). It eventually worked and I wouldnt trade this hair for anything...
Keeping My Face Oil Free?
Londa, thanks for the advice. I think thats is exactly what is wrong. My skin used to be very nice, when I used 30% rubbing alcohol. Recently, I started using 70% rubbing alcohol, thinking it would work better because it was stronger. In fact, I was using in...
Can I Drink Milk on A Liquid Diet?
Actually let me clear this up. Im alergic to milk. So, would soy milk or skim be included. Thats what I mean when I refer to milk. Sorry to the inconviences. Anyways, if I drink the milk..would this affect my diet. When I I refer to all liqued i Mean all liqued...
Recommendations For Hair Conditioner?
Where can I find this alma hair oil at, besides an Indian groocer? IS it possible to find it at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS?
Hair Ideas for Girls That Play Sports?
Dont cut your hair. Im 16 and I have long hair and I play sports. I dont see any reason to cut your hair. You can wear it a pony tail, bun, pig tails, braid, you name it. If you keep it long you dont have to were the same thing every game. If you want to cut...
Should I Get A Mohawk?
Yes...You decide what you want...Unless you work or want to work at Hot Topic then if not it may be hard for you to keep or get a job. Trust me I have seen it happen. I personally like long hair..for there are many things you can do with long hair..but thats...
Side Swept Bangs?
Thanks everyone for the advice. After tons of research I took iton my self to cut my bangs. They came out okie...And Agian thanks for the advice..continue to leave comments tho.cuz I still need em.
Side Swept Bangs?
Well, I cut my bangs myself and everytime I would look in the mirror I would trim something. Now my hair looks okie but its not as good. It still dosent look like those side swept bangs evryones got. Ughhy.... I did evrything I saw on these youtube videos and...
Easy, Do-It-Yourself Hairstyles?
Well, Naturally wavey. I been straightning it...but its not the straight I want, I want pin straight. Its always frizzy..and I got to put tons of creams and ect. just to get it not as frizzy, but then when I do that its real greasy. And I tried to do that gel...
Face Cleanser for a Teenage Boy?
Im 15 and I get break outs. I started to wash my face w/ either achohal or peroxide everyday. I also started using PanOxly a kind of acne cream that is very inexspensive and can befound at drugstores like CVS, Walgreens, Exereds, ect.ect. or at your at supermarkets...
Advice for Permanently Straightening or Curling Hair?
Thanks for all your help...but I talked to one of my dads friends and she convinced me to buy a hair straightener and It worked like magic. I used to just blow dry it but it would never work. The results are amazing. My dads friend also told me to use a moisterizer...
Use Conditioner Instead Of Shampoo
Yes I have done this for a while! People might look at you weird if you tell them bu it really does work amazingly! What I read on lately is that you put some conditioner in your hair. Then pin it up for 10-20 mins and it makes your soft and smoother and acts...
Straightening Wavy Hair?
Well my hair is really wavy and poofy at the ends. it look sorta a silly too. I wear it up in a pony tail once in awhile so, I know it cant be from over wearing it. I make sure I use only conditoner, because I know that shampoo can tend to do that to some peoples...
Sesame Oil for Growing Hair?
Well I never tried sesame oil, but I know olive oil and coconut oil are great! Ive tried it before! All you have to do is apply oil to hair then pin it up for about 10- 20mins. It may be a little knotty at first. Shampoo and and condition! You will notice a...
Styling Advice for Wavy Hair?
See This is the thing! When I cut it it just comes back! like instantlly! I dont use heat becuase it mkes it worse and I only use conditioner because I know sometimes shampoo makes it worse. I use serums and oils. My hair never used to be like this intill like...
Solutions for Puffy Hair?
My hair has always been real poofy, with a big wave right on each side of my head, and friz. I have tried evrything. I tried cutting my hair where the wave is. Dyeing my hair. Useing evey anti poof shmpoos, conditoners, and serums. Blow drying. Air drying. Even...