Outlets Not Working?
First, GFI is not surge protection, it is to protect you in case of a Ground Fault and Interrupt the power so you dont become the path to ground and get electricuted. Second, the light indicates different things in different brands of gfi outlets, some mean...
Remedies for Sinus Pain?
While I agree you should see a doctor to rule out a sinus infection, I get the same symptoms even when nothing is found wrong. I use a hot compress and lie down for awhile and that usually helps although there are times a cold compress works better. I also...
Smoke Detectors Beeping?
Most hardwired smoke detectors have a signal wire which tells all to sound when one goes off. I would take one out at a time, they usually twist on their base and have a plug in connector. When you find which is causing the problem you will probably need to...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
We had a washer with a filter hidden under the softener dispenser in the agitator. It started to make our clothes smell terrible. When I searched for the source I found the filter caked full. I cleaned it out and kept it clean and we didnt have the problem...
15 Amp Breaker Keeps Tripping?
Do not put in a 20 amp breaker. Breakers are sized to protect the size of wire in a circuit. In general 15 amp breakers are used to protect 14 gauge wire, 20 amp 12 gauge. You most likely have 14 gauge wire and over sizing the breaker is dangerous and can lead...
Circuit Breaker for Pool Filter Keeps Tripping?
Although breakers can go bad, it isnt very common. Chances are good that there is something else on the circuit that you dont know about that is causing the problem. Look for something else that isnt working when the breaker is tripped, check receptacles with...
How Safe is Downloading Antivirus Software Trial Packs?
Its safe if downloaded from a reputable company but there is a lot of bad stuff out there. I would go to a reputable site like majorgeeks.com, microsoft or pcworld and download a free antivirus before jumping from brand to brand trials. PC world will have an...
Can I Use a Dehumidifier With Air Conditioner to Help Cool My House?
My understanding of ac is that it cools not only by removing heat from the air but also humidity which makes your body cool itself more efficiently through evaporation (perspiration). To add more humidity would make the ac work harder by adding what it is designed...
Cheapest Cell Phone?
I use a tracfone. I paid $15 dollars for the phone and $20 every 3 months for a top up card. The leftover minutes rollover as long as you put a new card on before the old one expires and the phone shows a message that you need to add a card before time is up...
Legal and Financial Responsibilities of a POA Holder?
Talk to a lawyer that specializes in poa. Laws vary by state and there have been many changes in federal law. My wife had to get poa for her father and the lawyer told us more in an hour than we could have found out by ourselves doing weeks of research.
Removing Permanent Marker from Chrome Car Bumper?
Ive had luck with rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer (most are alcohol based) also works but can leave a residue.
Reinstalling Windows XP?
Go to the windows website and look for help setting up the virtual xp in windows 7. otherwise check out a site like pc mag for help. Windows 7 users can run programs in xp mode without having to get rid of 7.
Wisconsin Christmas Charities?
Try the Salvation Army, NEWCAP if they are in the Fox Valley will be able to tell you where to go or get in touch with your own, or the nearest church. This is a Christian holiday and most churches are more than generous when it comes to helping out families...
Wisconsin Christmas Charities?
Check with the Marines. I donated coke reward points to toys for tots tonight and they also listed toys for teens. The local recruiter should be able to steer you in the right direction.
Too Many Rooms on One Circuit?
Did the lights in all the rooms come back on when you reset the breaker? If so, then they are all on the same breaker and in modern wiring practice that should not be done. We have so many different electrical items available now the rooms should be on seperate...
Free Cookbook From Jiffy Mix?
http://www.jiffymix.com/bookorder.php this is the web address for the latest free recipe book.
How Can I Reattach the Headliner in My Car?
Check with auto stores, there is an adhesive made specifically for headliners. I think it is made by 3m, the king of adhesive products. What didnt work years ago will likely work well now.
Lost Power to Closet After Changing an Outlet?
Why was there a ground wire to a 2 wire outlet? Usually only a hot and neutral are at a 2 wire recept. Not sure what you mean by stacked, 2 wires under each screw? One set should be the line, the other a load-the wires to the rest of the closet. I would get...
Seizures in Dogs?
Why did you go to a vet if you are not going to follow their directions? If you question their diagnosis get a second opinion. We have a foster dog that gets pheno every night due to seizures and he hasnt had one in the year we have been taking care of him...
Trouble Connecting to the Internet on New Laptop?
Since it occurs in a lot of places, it has to be internal, my guess would be either some security program for the wireless connection or an antivirus program is protecting you. See if you can change the settings on the antivirus or if there is something that...
Green Savings and Losses
The author only gives the money savings on CFLs, why not mention that unlike incandescent they contain mercury and rare earth phosphors to produce light and that many people report problems, both physical and mental from flourescent lighting. Most are not dimmable...
Dog Won't Potty Outside After Grass Was Removed?
It could be the gravel and rocks are hurting your dogs paws, some are very sensitive. It also could be that they just feel strange and make the dog uneasy or because they shift when stepped on the dog feels unbalanced. or it could just be the change has the...
Microwave Replacement Parts?
I would check with a local appliance store, especially one that sells new and does repairs. We have one in our area that disposes of old appliance when installing new but they take usable parts off the old ones before getting rid of them. They have a large...
Collectibles For Kids
Collecting stamps, coins and paper money does not have to be expensive. I happened on a site a couple of years ago called stampwants.com. They now go by bidstart.com and offer a wide range of collectibles at very reasonable prices, some you bid on some you...
Carnation Breakfast Bars?
Go to verybestbaking.com. It is a nestle/carnation site and has a contact us link at the bottom of the web page.
Plant Your Sprouting Potatoes?
We just plant them whole. My wife just planted some. Weve had better success with sprouted potatoes than with seed potatoes, you just cant get the variety of types is the only drawback.
Has Anyone Purchased Flower Seeds from Dollar Stores?
I think they are 20 cents at Walmart and grow just fine here in zone 4/5.
Can I Plant Tulips Now?
The bag in the fridge provides the cold cycle they need to bloom, but I believe you can plant them now, they just wont bloom until next spring. The leaves nourish the bulbs for the blooming cycle.
Removing Paint Marks From a Car's Finish?
Talk to your dealers body shop. There are different paints used and different ways to handle your problem. Some paints require a hardening time and you shouldnt use any polishes on them until after that time. It may be a little embarrassing to ask but better...
Finding An Inexpensive, Basic Cell Phone Plan?
I use tracfone also. If you look you can find a model that will give you double minutes for the life of the phone, an important feature for some. I have been as high as 350 minutes of time because if you renew on time your minutes roll over. They also have...
Uses for a Broken Garden Hose?
Add some more holes and use it to make a soaker hose for your flowers or garden.
Starting a Tanning Salon?
Tough time to start, I just read that many tanning salons are closing due to business falling off with the new 10% tax. I hope you succeed,we need more people like you willing to take a risk and start a new business.
Dryer Burns Out Outlets?
It is obviously a heating issue and the question would be what is causing the heating. There are two basic choices, something is making the dryer draw more amperage such as a motor going out, not likley since you say it can go awhile before the problem starts...
Changing From a 15 amp to 20 amp Breaker?
No. You need to make sure all wiring connected anywhere in the circuit is also 12 gauge, and all devices, switches and receptacles should be rated 20 amps as that is the current available to them from a 20 amp breaker.
What Causes a Circuit Breaker to Go Bad?
Age can cause parts to weaken, humidity or chemicals in the air can cause corrosion of internal parts and excessive tripping can cause them to wear out. I know Square D recommends turning the breaker off and back on once a year to exercise the mechanism to...
Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
Be honest. If you are not interested say so in a kind way and do it privately, not where he will be embarrased by others hearing. Do not lie or stretch the truth. People arent stupid, he will know if you are lying and lose respect for you.
Fluorescent Lights Burn Out Too Quickly?
While the ballast could be putting in too much voltage, it is more likely the lamp sockets being lose. Check that they are tight in the fixture and that the bulbs are properly seated in the sockets.
Wiring Requirements for a Nema 5-20r Plug?
5-20 is a nema configuration. Since you have a plug, it is actually 5-20p. I am not at work so I cant verify it, but I assume it is 120v. If so, you need wire rated for 20amps, and a 5-20r receptacle, which should be 20a 120v. You can get these items at any...
Wrapping Awkward Items?
My wife is our family wrapper. She would wrap the card around the car and tape it in the back to form a nice rounded package. The kids loved opening them as they got twice the excitement, first unwrapping to find the it was a car, second to release the card...
Removing Rubber Carpet Back From Cement Floor?
My father-in-law used an ice chopper (like you use on sidewalks) to scrape his off. It seemed to work pretty well but I think he could have used one with a wider blade.
Repairing a Split in Wood Before Staining?
I just saw in a woodworking newsletter that if you can clamp it well enough, cyanocrylate (super) glue will work on small cracks. Of course, small is a relative term, but it might work for you.
Car Heater Not Blowing Warm Air?
Check coolant level first, next choice is a stuck thermostat which would need to be replaced.
How Fire Alarms Work?
As foxrun41 said, smoke detectors detect smoke. There are 2 kinds, photoelectric and ionization. One detects smaller particles from fast burning fires and the other is better with larger particles from smoldering fires. The detectors can be set off if something...
Removing Armor All from Vinyl Seat?
ArmorAll makes a vinyl cleaner that should also take off the sealer. If you use a gentle brush it will clean deeply and leave a nice finish.
Air Conditioner on 15 Amp Circuit Dims Lights?
You do not need a 200amp service, especially in a small apartment. While 220 is standard now in a service upgrade, unless you have something that runs on 220, such as an electric water heater, dryer or large a/c unit requiring 220, you do not need it. The reason...
Making a Dog Bed Using Cedar Chips?
I have read that the oils in cedar can make dogs sick if they eat them. Personally, when my wife used to use it with hamsters and gerbils, I would get reactions to the oils and some of the small animals would get read eyes. Maybe we were allergic but is it...
Trouble Printing On-line Coupons?
Ive found error messages can be generic. Your security, antispyware or popup blocker could be the issue. I use Trend Micro and found that I have to turn off web ad blocking to print coupons.
Insurance Coverage for Older Car?
Dont go bare minimum liability, make sure you are protected if you are at fault but drop the full coverage. Even if you have full coverage, your insurance company is only going to give you current market value or maybe a little over to make you happier but...
No Power After Replacing Receptacle on GFCI Circuit?
While the breaker is possibly bad,I would bet on either mixed up wires when rewiring or a GFI issue. Since you say it is new wiring, I would bet you have the newer GFI version which, when it can no longer offer protection due to damage, locks out power and...
Finding the Value of Old Vinyl Records?
There is a resurgence in vinyl. Even my 17 year old is getting into them. While many albums arent worth much, especially if they arent in great condition, many are worth quite a bit. And at an oldies record store in my area, I saw some going for hundreds of...
Preserving Permanent Marker on Silicone?
You could give a crap store or Sherwin Williams a try. Nobody knows more about preserving things than craft and paint stores.
Trouble Loading Software on Computer?
To address a computer issue, you need to specify crapple or windows based. But, it seems you cant get anything to be read in your disc drive, so the drive might be bad. If it is just a cd drive, they are pretty cheap and easy to replace. DVD drives cost a bit...
Preventing Having to Warm Up Your Car?
What you are looking for is called an engine or block heater. They install in the cooling system and heat the coolant and circulate it through the engine to prewarm it. They plug into an outlet, which should be on a timer, to turn it on at a set time, if it...
Euthanizing Puppies With Parvo?
It is not cruelty, it is merciful. The vet has to make a judgement call, are they healthy enough to survive the treatment, or are they already so weak that treatment would just prolong the suffering? It is never an easy decision, but having someone second guess...
Repairing Scratched CDs?
They make a kit you can buy at Walmart or Kmart for under $10. But if you hold the disc up to light and you can see that the scratch goes into the silver part the disc is beyond repair.
Keeping Grilled Hamburgers Fresh?
Where I work we had counter days, which is where you get suppliers in and invite custoemrs for lunch and to talk to the suppliers. We would (the counter days are a casualty of the economy) grill the burgers and hot dogs early and put them in a electric roaster...
Free Anti-Spyware Software?
I use a website called majorgeeks.com. You can search by program type. They have both freeware and shareware but it is clearly identified in the description. I have had no problem with spyware being snuck in with any of the programs I have downloaded from them...
Preventing Tears in a Screen Door?
I saw in screen guard at Menards. It is a decorative grill work that attaches to the door to protect the screen.
VCR Showing a Distorted Picture?
Ive had this happen with tapes that havent been played in a long time. Ive had luck with fastfoward all the way through and rewind back to the beginning. It tightens up the tape, which tends to sag when not used for a long time, and usually corrects the problem...
Save Those Pennies
I also pick up pennies but I havent kept count. My kids (teenagers)look embarrassed when I do it My wife read an interesting story in Chicken Soup for the Soul. A rich man always picked up pennies when he saw them. When asked why he replied When I pick up a...
Can Your Water Make You Itch?
I too got itchy from our water. Our city water comes from wells and the water filters down through limestone so we have very hard water. The calcium dries my skin and makes me itch. I switched from bar soap to moisturizing shower gel and my skin has been much...
What is the Title of This Movie?
we use imdb.com for movie info. you can search by many variables, including keywords like shapeshifter. good luck
George Washington and Christmas Decorating Ideas?
How about Christmas at Valley Forge? Being a man of great faith, Christmas meant much to Washington, but he also had to endure a terrible winter in his battle to help his new country win its freedom.
Breaker Tripping After Having Cable Installed?
My first guess would be you have more than your bedroom on that breaker and the cable box is drawing just enough to make the breaker trip when something else turns on,especially a motor such as a furnce blower. Try turning off the breaker and see what else...
Trailer is Having Power Problems?
You dont say how old the trailer is. It sounds like a loose connection somewhere that got cool enough as the weather cooled to make contact but seperated from heating up from the larger amp draw of the heater. I have heard of some stange things done in trailer...
Plugs Don't Stay in Outlets?
Best advice-REPLACE THEM. Receptacles wear out like anything else. Working for an electrical distributor I can tell you there are different grades of recepts. If it is one that you are going to be plugging into and unplugging a lot, like where you plug in portable...
"Keylogger" to Monitor Children's Internet Usage?
I like to use a site called majorgeeks.com. They have a lot of freeware for just about any purpose. It might take a little to find what you want but it is worth the hunt. My biggest problem is getting sidetracked when I find a neat new program on the site.
"Keylogger" to Monitor Children's Internet Usage?
http://www.thepowerszone.com/blog/archives/112. I just received a news letter today. Bruce covers a lot of stuff from basic up. The minute I saw this article I remebered someone looking for this info here and came back to post the address. He has a link in...
Wiring Dishwasher with 3-Prong Plug?
depends on the dishwasher. The bigger problem is the wiring. Normally, you would have a black hot wire, a white neutral and a green ground. Reds are also hot in a normal system. Usually they are used on a 240 volt hookup. I would have an electrician check this...
Recommendations for "Freebie" Websites?
If you are an early riser, justfreestuff.com usually has good freebies and he puts out the list early in the day so the freebies are usually still available. Ive also use totallyfreestuff, startsampling and freebiecat.
Making Your Own Soda?
Another place to get supplies is www.pointbrewsupply.com They have everything you need to make homemade soda in deifferent flavors. One of my fondest childhood memories is of making rootbeer at home in a big crock and then bottling. The wait for it to brew...
Buying "The Ice Princess" Book?
I dont know if they have your book but Ive had good luck with alibris.com. I got some some used books for less than $5 that were over $50 new. My daughter also used it to get some out of print Heartsong books for cheap.
Using Norton Anti Virus With Windows Vista?
dont forget windows firewall. you should never have 2 or more virus programs running at once bacause they will fight with each other. I personally dont like norton because in my experience it is a system hog and makes the system run considerably slower. I use...
Getting Rid Of Gasoline Smell On Freezer?
I read somewhere that a mixture of lemon juice and salt worked so the last time I got gas on my hands I tried it and the smell came off, so that may work. Or else get a cleaner that works on petroleum products ( I think 409 and Greased Lightning work). There...
Computer Screen Not Refreshing?
I assume you are using Internet Explorer7. On te tool bar at the top, click on tools. Select Internet Options. On the general tab look for Browser History and click on settings. At the top of the popup box choose check for newer version. This causes internet...
Is Firefox Better Than Internet Explorer?
Better is a relative term. But I think you will find is that there are many microsoft haters out there that will tell you firefox is so much better. My experience is they are about the same to use. Yes, explorer has been attacked more in the past, the bigger...
Balancing Bills On One Salary?
Unlike the others, I dont think you can go with one car. But you could do as my wife and I have for the past 18 years as weve raised 3 children on one income, dont buy cars that require a payment. Sell what you have and buy somethingf cheap but dependable. You...
New Brake Pads Still Squeaky?
I agree you should double check with the mechanic, but I am betting they installed a type (I think they are semi-metallic) that will make noise for a while until they really break in. I assume your city is fairly humid which will also make some brakes make...
Help Wiring Outlet Replacing Baseboard Heater?
My advice is to hire an electrician. I, like you, am a do it yourself type person, but you have to know when to call an expert. They have the correct tools to follow the circuits and to verify they are wired correctly and that there is no damage to the wires...
Staying in One Place Saves Money
It is expensive in more ways than one. How can you put a value on the memories you have in your house? When my wife and I bought our house about 11 years ago, it was with the intention of never moving. Maybe we are old fashioned, but, even with all of its flaws...
Recycling Contact Lenses?
I dont think passing them on would be wise. It would be almost impossible to guarantee them to be disease free without spending more than they cost new. Its a great idea but I dont think it is feasable.
Backing Up My Computer?
You should buy a good program for backing up your files. There are many available that are easy to use. go to a site like PCMag.com for revues and advice. It is definitely worth it. We had a hard drive crash 1 week after our warranty expired. HP still went...
Saving Money on Tools
Saving money is great but be cautious. Something that needs a sharp edge, such as a drill bit, you are better buying a better grade as bargain tools usually arent sharp or become dull very quickly and a dull tool is a hazardous tool. Also, many bargain tools...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you. And thank you for using Christmas instead of holidays. In these days of political correctness and over sensitivity, it is nice to find people who arent afraid to mention the REAL reason for this season.
Pulp vs. Petroleum: The Debate Over Artificial...
While I agree with using real trees when possible, for someone like myself with allergies to both molds and pine trees, artificial trees are a blessing. I miss the real trees we used to get but not the way I felt when we had them. Also, artificial trees do...