What is This Plant?
Its a streptocarpus. It can be hung outside in summer and you can bring it inside as a nice houseplant in winter.
Product Review: Black and Decker Power Scrubber
Do I understand you right that you use this same tool for your toilet and then for every surface in your house too? I think thats pretty unsanitary.
Getting Rid of Robins?
I stopped birds from building a nest when I crushed up a plastic bag from walmart and put it where they were building. They left the area.
Cola as Cheap Steak Marinade
Another way to make unbelievably good beef roasts is to pour a can of coke over a roast, top with onion soup mix and cook on high all day in the crock pot. Its so tender, it falls apart and tastes great.
Garden: Gazing Ball Found New Life
This is a great idea but Id like to know how you secured the gazing ball so it didnt blow away.
How to Tell if a Dog is Sick?
That poor dog isnt sick, hes just embarrassed to death wearing that purple thing. lol
Ideas for Using Stand from a Bird Bath?
You can put a gazing ball on it. You will need the putty or something to hold it in.
Bread from Bread Machine is Small?
I never use a mix. Its very easy to make it from a recipe either from your book or from recipes online plus you can add all kinds of things like 7 grain cereal, flax, etc to make it more healthy. I found out by accident that when the bread is done, leave it...
What Is This Plant? (Red Sedum)
Please be aware that the bumblebees absolutely LOVE this plant. I pulled it out because there were too many around children.
How Frequently Can You Breed A Dog?
You can breed your dog safely and without putting her through too much strain by only breeding her once a year and only until shes 6 or 7 depending on her health. When shes pregnant, feed her puppy food all the way until the puppies are weaned. This is what...
Three Tier Garden Container
You are right, it does look amazing. What a clever idea. If you live where it freezes in winter, I wonder if the hostas will survive though.
What Is This Plant? (Deadnettle Lamium)
Its deadnettle lamium but I think Hermans Pride has pink flowers.
Growing Sunflowers from Seedlings?
First of all it looks like you dont have any drainage holes in your pots and they are water logged and very sun deprived. They should be short, sturdy, and dark green. They need dryer soil and much much more light. I think you need to chuck these and start...
Nest Items to Fit Into Trash Better
You can do much better than you are doing. Nest all this stuff in a recycle bin and help all of us, not just yourself with trash bags.
Making Hot Tub Steps?
I have a hot tub and we just bought some rubbermaid steps and they work great. I think you can get them even at Walmart. Another tip is to go to Spa Depot online. They have great deals. I order all our chemicals from them with a very small shipping charge no...
Killing Weeds Around Plants?
There is a product by Ortho called grass be gone that will kill grass but not other plants. It wont kill weeds though. You can spray it right on your perennials.
Protecting My Swimsuit From Chlorine?
Go to a fish aquarium supply and buy a product that removes chlorine from water and rinse your suit in that. You dont have to machine wash it as that wears the suit out even faster.
Cleaning Out Your Toaster?
Why in the world would you butter or put jelly on the bread BEFORE you toast it????
Cutting Back a Yellow Trumpet Vine?
A trumpet vine will not bloom until it is 7 years old. I have to agree with Kathy though, it is not a good plant unless you have a very strong trellis. Plus, this plant will send up shoots all over your yard. I too pulled mine out but it took several years...