Identifying Stuffed Animals?
Thank you! Based on a second comment I think they are not Steiffs. The eyes are plastic and I now think the hair is synthetic, at heart on the kitty.
Identifying Stuffed Animals?
I have a Knickerbocker Kitty, so that might make sense that the bunny is as well. Great to know! The ears on the zebra are felt, so that mystery might be solved as well. The dog is definitely not a Wheaton. The only other thing I can add is that his eyes are...
Identifying Stuffed Animals?
Hi! I still havent learned more about the dog, even researching other sites. Im hoping someone will find this posting and help. Maybe I should list the dog on its own?
Identifying Stuffed Animals?
Just read the bottom of this message. Thanks for the advice about only asking for help with identification, and for helping me price after!
Identifying Stuffed Animals?
Hi! I finally requested to join the two groups you mentioned. Hopefully Ill be approved and be able to ask about our mystery dog. Im so curious too!
Identifying Stuffed Animals?
Here is a link to the Doll land Toy identification Facebook group replies. The Steiff find they show do look like my dog. What do you think?¬if_t...