Best Plant Identification Website? They have everything, its a great site. If you like this site, youll enjoy Daves Garden. They have a membership, but you dont have to join, most available to all. Good Luck
Jasmine Vine Produced Fruit?
ALL parts, including fruit, of the Star Jasmine are poisonous! DO NOT eat! If you get the white sap on your skin, wash with soap and water. Dont get into your eyes!
Trumpet Vine is an Invasive Weed
Depends on where you live. I live in the desert of Nevada, and youre lucky to get anything to grow let alone have such beautiful flowers in the heat of the summer here. But I have to admit, it tries. If it finds water, which it did in my neighbors flower bed...
Fruit Growing on a Jasmine Plant?
Thats not a Star Jasmine VINE, which grows 20 feet or more. None of mine over 30 years has ever had seed pods. They can get them, but they would be tiny. The Star flowers are only about 1/2 inch in diameter.