Lil Buddy (Siamese)
Face of an angel...heart of a wildcat. He was taught to play rough, so Ive had to get puncture-resistant gloves, and cutting his claws is a fight to the finish, but I got no regrets. Hes my precious! THE best choice I ever made in life.
Where Can I Find The Whole Set of "Endangered!" Reference Books?
Avoiding Fraudulent Phone Calls?
When you port your number, you port any problem associated with that number, and make it easy for hackers to follow you.
Arguing With Parent?
It takes two to Tango! If all you have to do is get along for a month...then go along to get along. It wont kill you to let him have his way for a whole month. After that, ring the bell and let the fight resume.
Little Black Bugs in the Kitchen
The key to DIY pest eradication is to first know your enemy, and that means identifying the target. In my case it was sawtoothed grain beetles. I wasted way too many days on the internet trying to identify the bug, and failing. I eventually smartened up and...
Washcloth Soap Pouch
I use a sisal drawstring pouch..think its sold as a soap saver pouch to put soap oddsnends for the terminally frugal. It is a bit scratchy, but peels off any dirt as good as Lava soap.
Unchecky for Managing Software Downloads
A good companion piece to Unchecky is: ...which analyzes the fine print most opt out of reading.
Freezing Turmeric?
If you mean tumeric fresh root, then yes, I have a bag that is still good after a year frozen. I have no experience with tumeric in any other form.
Choosing a Computer Operating System?
I much doubt there is a best OS, just a few that are less crappy than the rest. Up until last October I had used XP Pro for over five years. Probably would still be using it, but the dirtbag that took over Mypal browser from feodor quickly sabotaged it, and...
Alcohol For DVD Skip Remover and Eyeglass Cleanser
The formula I found years ago is four parts distilled water, two parts iso alcohol, with one part each of ammonia, and Dawn dishwashing liquid. Mix well and put into a purse-sized spray bottle. Shake well before use. This also prevents fogging for those of...
Customizing Windows 7 OS?
You cannot go wrong with Black Viper: Just use his conservative version, and before you do anything like this, ALWAYS do a restore point!
What Could Cause a Phone to Ring Once Every Night?
I vaguely recall reading that there are government agencies that do the ping ring also. Dont recall which ones, but Id assume if any TLA is paying you money, they would be keen to keep you on a short leash.
Homemade Sudsy Ammonia?
Sudsy ammonia sources: https://www...
Deleting Linux from My Computer?
The ease of use is dependent entirely on the linux distro, as is which printer will work with it. Not all distros are created equal in either regard. One would need to know which Linux OS you are using.
Waterproof Printer Ink
No idea what country you are in, so I cant look it up for you, but if you go to Google and type epson Xp-2105 ink in the search box, it should recognize your location and give local sources.
Homemade Waterproofing Spray for a Tent?
Why Is Dawn Detergent Recommended So Often?
Try all the other brands, then try Dawn! Before Dawn came out, I was sold on Palmolive...tried all the rest,and it won. It was a year or two after Dawn Antibacterial appeared before I tried it. It stomped Palmolive. I use it for everything. Dishes. Washing...