No More Onion Tears
I wear a pair of safety goggles that I bought when doing drilling and grinding and I wear these when chopping onions. A pair of swimming goggles would work just as well. Maybe you have some around the house ;-)
Keep Refilling Pump Lotions to Get Every Bit
This is great Saber - I do the same thing with all my products like this, eg balance an empty HP sauce bottle( neck down) on the top of another one( neck up) an wait until all the contents transfer. I have to be careful that I dont knock them over accidentally...
Making a Dog Leash from Plastic Grocery Bags
I think this is a great idea and I dont even have a dog. I have shared the idea with some gardening friends who have dogs.
Hide Spare House Key Under Vinyl Siding
My father used to keep a spare house key in a small plastic bag hidden behind a piece of loose cement in the gap in a brick wall. When he went to use it one day after the key had been in the wall for many years, it wouldnt fit in the lock as the key had corroded...
Basic Botany for Gardeners
A very interesting article Ellen I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing my friend and I hope you have a lovely growing season in 2012 Take care, Richard :-)
Organizing Painting Tools and Supplies
There are some great tips here, thank you for sharing. I will be forwarding this to a friend who has a lot of painting on at the moment.
Fabric Sample Quilt
This is so beautiful and such a great tip to share my friend...I wish I could sew then I would have a go at making one of these. :-)
Reusing Gray Water
Great ideas here Babette. What a thrifty person you are! I do similar, but not quite as thrifty as yourself though.
Craft Projects Using Empty Medicine Bottles and Margarine Tubs?
I use washed out margarine tubs for the following :- To store my seeds that I collect in eg runner beans, sunflower To keep left over foods in the fridge, eg baked beans, To fill with soil and start off my seeds in them on the window sill To use as saucers...
Recycled Wine Cork Board
What a great thrifty idea Grace. Do you cut the corks lengthways first so you have a larger surface for the glue to stick to?
Use Baggie as Thrifty Pastry Bag for Deviled Eggs
Oh these are great tips my friend and sound very tasty. This sounds like something I would love to eat myself. I am coming around to yours, have you got a spare seat at your table. lol. hahaha!
My Garden Shed
Thank you missysmum, you are welcome, I will pop in and put the kettle on and get you a nice hot cup of tea... ;-)
Cut Open Bottle to Get Every Bit of Sauce
No problem Renee, glad to be of help :-) ...sorry only took me six and a half years to reply !!
Scheffelera Outside in Hard Freeze?
I have cut my schefflera back a few times Suzanne and it has grown OK. The most recent time I air layered the plant and made two plants from the one as it became very leggy (spindley). Here are some pics of my air-layering if you would like to see them. http...
Using Smaller Amounts of Toiletries
I have an old ice cream tub. I put a spot of shampoo in the bottom add some hot water and mix it together with my fingers it froths almost instantly. I then quickly turn it over and place it tightly on the top of my head. I then move the container around my...
Making A Bird House from a Shoe
Wow Irisbird, what a good idea to use old boots. Ill be giving that one a try. Trouble is I havent any really old boots, I am wearing them! Here are a few more comments I had from my gardening friends about your idea-they thought it was great!-Richard http...
Growing Tomatoes Upside Down
I think thats a great idea Michael Ill be trying that one as I have a lot of tomato plants and was wondering where to put them Cheers!
Pruning an Umbrella Plant?
I would recommend Air-layering I have tried this before on an umbrella plant that became very leggy. it is quite easy to do. Its not pruning but you get another plant for free! You just need a bit of patience, and I was very pleased with the result when it...
Magic Eraser for Clean Sneakers
I put my slippers (I think you call them sneakers in the US) in the washing machine when they looked a bit grimy. They came out like new!
Be Grateful for What You Have
This is so true Mary, I think we need to be reminded of this from time to time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Richard
Mismatched Sock Solutions
What I do is I sort out my sock drawer about every year or so and collect up any odd socks, buy some blue dye and dye them all the same colour. You can then wear them again-it doesnt matter that they are not exactly the same. If I buy any new socks I either...
Keeping the Space Over Cupboards Clean
Good idea Raymonde but I use left over rolls of wallpaper to put on top of bedroom wardrobes etc. Downstairs in the kitchen I use aluminium foil as there is less danger of it catching fire.
Uses for Milk Jugs
I use them to store the left over paint you get after doing a paint job. Much better than keeping the paint in the tin. Advantages: You can see how much paint is left. You can see the colour through the bottle. You can write on the container with a permanent...
Roasting Turkey Bones for Soup Stock
Did you mean to say 2 to 3 gallons? or should it be 2 to 3 pints? - as I will be giving this a go with our Christmas Turkey.
Empty Milk Carton for Watering Plants
Ive used an old plastic milk bottle and a few odds and ends,superglue, tube, old drawer knob to make an indoor watering can - thrifty eh? and definitely some fun lol! PS I made a little air hole near the top by the handle to stop the water glugging out.
Hiding a House Key Outside?
I remember my father locked himself out of the house once, as I was with him at the time. He said I have a spare key hidden in the cement joint in the wall in a plastic bag. I havent used it before. When he tried to use it it so was crusted up with rust it...
Boiling a Perfect Egg?
This is what I do I have been doing this since I was 18 years old I am now 57. I like a medium boiled egg that I can dip my toast in!. I have a very small saucepan-it holds 2-3 eggs only and has a lid also. I put either one or two eggs in the pan it doesnt...
Recipes Using Mint?
Hi - Try making mint ice cubes for drinks! Put some mint leaves in the ice cube tray, fill with water and freeze them. Add to drinks when required. It gives an interesting talking point when relaxing with friends over a cool drink. ( I have also tried this...
Plant Markers
I use cut-up plastic milk bottles. They work a treat for making plant labels and are very easy to cut with a scissors. I write on them with indelible marker. Richardpeej (UK)
Recycle Old Plastic Shower Rod Covers
You can use the poles in the garden as a wigwam and grow things like sweet peas, or runner beans up it.
Milk Jugs and Juice Bottles For Bird Seed
What a great idea Starlight! I do similar and make a scoop from a plastic milk bottle too that uses the handle as a sort of funnel for filling bottles. Here is my design. The handle is hollow so works well ;-)
Where's Erma Bombeck When We Need Her? Uses For Unmatched Socks.
I get some wool dye usually dark blue and then dye all the socks the same colour. I then get similar looking socks together and wear them in pairs...haha thrifty or what! Richardpeeej