Washing an Autographed Shirt?
Can you or someone you know sew the autograph on? I mean, stitch over it with black thread to make it more permanent? I know some shops have embroidery machines that do script but Im not sure if they could customize the script. Good luck
Making Number Shaped Pinatas?
Ive made pinatas out of shopping bags (the ones with a handle). The first one I did was a bit tough to open so the next one, I scored (snipped slits in it) before I covered it. I glued on strips of streamers, then an image I printed out.
Dandelion Wine Recipe?
HI Peggy! Im over in Niles and wanted to thank you for your post! When my grandmother was alive she lived in Champion and her neighbor made a fabulous dandelion wine that I always wanted to try to do.
Saving Too Many School Papers?
Why not spread some out, and have her sit near them and snap a picture. She can then send some to Grandma or take some to a nursing home.
Uses for Shower Curtain Rings?
Are your old ones round or the pear shaped? If they are round, you could make them into napkin rings, either for yourself or a gift.
Buying Trophies?
The E! channel presents a golden hanger award. so how about getting a nice hanger and put a pretty bow on it with a Best Dressed tag. I wouldnt spend money on a real trophy.
Writing Notes in a Recipe Book
Its a great idea (I do it too!), one other note Ill make is side dish suggestions such as try with noodles
Rust Stains From My Washing Machine?
Are the rust spots on the clothes little orange dots? If so, my removal trick is a paste of cream of tarter and peroxide. It doesnt need to sit on too long, enough to dry, then wash as ususal
Thrifty Blues Clues Party
Good job! I agree that the printed plates, cups & napkins are a big waste. They do look very festive at first but they get cover with food and thrown away! the stickers on the cups is a great idea, you could even personalize them somehow so everyone knows which...
Making Mother's Day Gift Baskets?
The possibilities are definately endless... I just put together a gift set (for a family member expecting 2nd baby) with a food theme so I used a plastic bowl as the base, filled it with a cool placemat for big brother, pantry items, paper plates and forks...
Preparing Fresh Spinach?
I like to steam mine in my microwave ( I have a tupperware container designed for this)
Clever Ad for a Rummage Sale?
dont exggerate about what you have to sell. Do you have any neighbors who could hold a sale the same tme. I like to go to sales that are close together especially when gas prices are so high
The Advantages of a Mutt
I like the look and traits of certain breeds but how many of us can say we are purebreed? So with that in mind, Ill probably never own a pure bred pet JMO
Alternatives to a Gift Registry?
Are you having a bridal shower? When I got married that s where all the gifts were from. For the actual wedding gifts I would say 80% were cash. I wouldnt put any money request in writting just make it known to your relatives and they can spread the word
Hanging Vintage Clothing on Walls?
There are hooks available ( I think that they are from 3M) that use a command strip. When you want to remove the hook you pull a tab on the back and it is not supossed to damage the surface. I have a flower arrangment hanging with one right now. I think they...
Recipes Using Red Delicious Apples?
A quick and easy recipe I came across is to chop up some apples, chop up a snickers bar or two and mix in a container of cool whip
Airplane Themed Birthday Party?
What about boarding pass invitations, designating certain areas as gates (hang a sign by the food that says GATE 4, by the bathroom, etc) and little bags of peanuts!
Decorating for a Baby Shower?
Does your daughter have a theme for the nursery? If not a cute centerpiece is two jars or vases with a string between them with baby socks clipped with mini clothes pins.
Door Knob Covers
If the covers are washable it could help with the spreading of colds from family member to family member. They say the knobs, phones and light swithches are some of the germiest areas
Morning Sickness Remedies?
I found the preggie pops to be quite helpful. I think you can get them online but I got them at my local Motherhood store. They contain ginger and come in a sucker or hard candy form. Good luck with your pregnancy!
Black Mold on T-shirts?
Ive had some luck with this spray Shout on the spot, make a paste of oxyclean (generic works fine) put that on the spot, then spray some more shout and let sit overnight. Throw it in the wash in the morning (I have had this eat through fabric when left on too...
Looking For Baby Themed Postage Stamps?
I had the same problem, I wanted the Teddy Bear stamps but they were done with them. Any way, there is a company that will custom make stamps with a photo on it. They claim they are useable by the post office. When I looked into it a couple of years ago, they...
Ice Breakers For a Mother's Day Banquet?
Hi, when my church used to do a mother/daughter banquet, one of the games we played was a purse scavenger hunt. Some of the ones I remember were who had a pair of scissors, who had the most used tissues, who had the most pictures or stamps. I always thought...
Ralph Lauren Garden Floral "sweet Petal" LWP09603w?
E-bay has a Want it site where you can post what you are searching for. If someone has it they can list it for sale and e-mail you that it is up for bid.
Birthday Party Suggestions For a Boy Who Loves Trucks, Tractors and Animals?
My suggestion for an activity is to have the kids decorate animal and truck shaped sugar cookies or do a scavenger(easter egg type) hunt in a bunch of hay. You may be able to find barn/farm themed decorations at a party shop.
Slippery New Shoes
This is a great tip! I always do this especially with dress shoes or when Im a bridesmaid (last thing you need is to slip on the dance floor in front of everybody!).