Stepmother Gives Me Used Gifts Every Christmas?
This is a simple solution that might make you feel better about yourself, too. After receiving anything from your step-mother write a lovely note on a pretty card and mail it to her. Tell her, Thank you so much for your wonderful gift. I have donated it to...
Quick Veggie Chili
Sorry to tell you, but this recipe isnt veggie chili. This recipe has meat in it...turkey is considered a meat. The rest of it looks good, though. I am a vegetarian, so I will probably try this recipe and instead of turkey Ill add a little quinoa.
In/Out Sign for Cat
I love this idea! Mine are inside cats, but they have their own hidy holes around the house. Hmm, wonder if I can make this work for my dogs.
What Breed Is This Puppy?
Cant tell for sure, but he looks like he could have some Chow in him/her. If it has black splotches on its tongue it might very well be some Chow. That thick looking ruffle of hair around his head also resembles chow. Just to be sure, I looked up Pyrenese. From...
Bump on Dog's Eyelid?
Take her to a vet and find out for sure. The sooner it done, the faster she might heal. At least youll know for sure.
Yogurt Flapjacks
These sound wonderful and healthy, too. Personally, I like a little dusting of powdered sugar as opposed to syrup. Or some fresh fruit would make it even healthier. I love yogurt...especially Greek Yogurt. Thanks for posting!
Drying a Memory Foam Mattress Quickly
Good to know should the occasion arise, but I avoid this to begin with by covering the entire mattress with a waterproof zippered cover that can be laundered should the need arise. Which it did to me recently, on my new 12-inch memory foam mattress. I have...
Vinegar And Honey for Arthritis Pain
I recently was diagnosed for the first time with gout...a type of arthritis. The first thing everyone, including doctors said, was to eat black cherries and drink black cherry juice. I started searching and researching and vinegar and honey is right up there...
Avoid Funeral Home Purchases
As one reader posted, cremation is a much less expensive way to go. When my father-in-law died he was cremated. Instead of having a service in a church or funeral home, we held a gathering in an auction house he regularly attended and invited all his auction...
Making Things Easier for the Disabled
Excellent story. Im ten years your senior, but I, too, am diabetic and have recently begun having arthritic problems. I am still experimenting and discovering ways to help myself where problems with arthritis are concerned. Ive already arranged most things...
Replacement Tea Cart Wheel?
Keep checking flea markets, antique malls, garage sales, Good Will...all those usual places. Sooner or later one should turn up. If you dont see one at any of these places, talk to whomever is running it or in charge of the front desk. If they dont have one...
Inexpensive Cat Beds
I absolutely love all these stories. So typical of a cat and yet so individual. The story about the cat who lived to be 23 brought back memories to me of one of my cats who lived to 21, even though he had diabetes all his life.
Shinook (Jack Russell Terrier)
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. Id like to know how Shinook felt and acted after Jett flew away.
Santa Suit For Pet
I must say, Im amazed. I never thought of putting a Santa suit on a piggy. Then again, why not? How darling.
Take a Short Car Ride
Wow! That picture really takes me back to my good old days. There used to be a lot places around where a family or a group of people could find fun things to do, especially in the wild. Our family and extended family, had a place called the slab, which looks...
Inexpensive 10th Birthday Ideas?
First of all, are you talking about doing something with some of his friends, or just a family birthday affair? Its not too early to have a pre-Halloween celebration. October 12th this year comes on a Wednesday. Im assuming this would be an early party, whether...
Arugula and Edamame Salad
This sounds wonderful. Can hardly wait to make and taste it. I love edemame and the light dressing is so healthy. Thanks for posting this.
Cucumber Slices in Sour Cream
Thank you so much for posting this. Ive been looking for a recipe like this for some time. Eager to make it.
Advice for a Cat with Diabetes?
I have had a cat with diabetes and now have a sweet beagle dog with diabetes. Insulin shots are the best way to go. It may seem impossible, unless youve done this before, but its quite easy to give a dog or cat a shot, and plenty of places online and on You...
Dog Wetting Its Own Bed?
If the two dogs were close that well could be the problem...but first be sure to take you dog to your vet to get her checked out for possible medical problems. If you dog gets an all clear from the vet, then there are things you can do to help your pet past...
Geocaching: A Thrifty Adventurous New Hobby
My husband and I have been geocachers for a number of years. We are also metal detectorists, which can sometimes help on a hunt. My husband has a little fishing Santa figure that has been traveling around the world for well over 5 years now. The last place...
Sink Cover to Maximize Counter Space
This is a great idea! After reading this I remembered I used to have something similar to this that I bought. I believe it also had a sceened hole in it to allow drainage for veggies, etc., that I cut on top of it to filter into the sink. Saved a lot of time...
Can Vaccinated Dogs Get Parvo?
It isnt clear if these people are personal friends of yours or not. But, since you were taking money for the job, always be sure you have a copy of the animals shot records before agreeing to take them into your home...especially since you have animals of your...
Splenda Recipe Book?
Hi, Janet. I belong to a nutrition group and we were discussing this subject just yesterday. First of all, I urge you to read this article: There are two doctors in my who started...
Mattress Know-How
Oh, sweetie...there are other, better choices these days. My husband and I bought a king foam mattress...12 inches thick. We love it. We were having back pain until we bought this one and after we slept on it we were much better and got a lot deeper sleep. I...
Sammy (English Bulldog Mix)
What a beautiful boy! From his expression and body language, its easy to see Sammy is happy and relishes all the love you shower on him, and returns, in kind. Blessings to all!
Maggie (Maltese Mix)
Maggie appears to be a very smart little girl. Such a good dog to be so patient when you are away from home. Im sure she knows good people when she meets them, which you are by adopting a pet from a shelter, especially at an advanced age. So many people prefer...
Make Salad Dressing Instead Of Buying It
Thanks so much for posting this. Ive been looking lately for homemade salad dressings and this sounds like one of the easiest and healthiest Ive found. Blessings.
Map Garage Sale Routes
Good idea. I use my GPS. Once I have everything programed in, which doesns take but a few minutes, everything is lined up according to mileage and I drive straight from one to the other. Plus, I dont have to stop to look at instructions or maps because my GPS...
Protecting Leather Furniture from Cats?
Concerning the claw caps...I see that they have to be glued on. Cats often groom themselves by biting their nails. Might the glue be toxic for them? And as the nails grow out, do you then clip or have a vet snip the claws off where the caps had been? I like...