What Breed is My Dog?
Maybe there is some whippet or other sighthound in there? That would make him lanky and have those ears.
Making Angel Wings for a Child's Costume?
You could probably put something together with wire coat hangers and some pink or white nylons/tights. Maybe use some glittery puff paint on the nylons to make designs on the wings.
Travel Tips for Women Traveling Alone?
I like to split my money/credit cards/IDs up. Leave some in the hotel room safe, keep some in my wallet like normal, then have some in a hidden pocket on me. That way if you get robbed and they take your regular wallet you are not stranded.
Increasing Direct Sales Client Base?
I agree with kffrmw88, you have to get your brochures out there. My mom has a succesful avon business but it took her years of walking every neighborhood in town putting books on peoples doors to get there. You have to work hard to get your name out. Figure...
Housebreaking a Three Year Old Dog?
Perhaps you should pick up some books on how to housebreak a dog. By three years old a dog is perfectly capable of being housebroken - you as the human just need to put in the time and work to teach them.
Giving a Baby Bootie at a Wedding Shower
I dont know that seems awful presumptuous. What if the couple do not plan to have kids? Or even worse what if they are unable?
Burned on Food on Gas Stove-top?
First thing I always try is leaving a hot washcloth on the stain for 20 minutes or so to try and loosen it up.
Craft Uses For Empty Wine Bottles?
Someone made a wine bottle light for my mom. Its basicaly just a short string of christmas lights inside the wine bottle. The did drill a hole at the bottom for the electric cord.
Dog Lonely While Owner at Work?
Can you elaborate on what you mean by lonely? Is she being destructive? Having accidents?
What Breed is My Dog?
I was also thinking a lab/greyhound mix. Although there could be great dane in there too.
Determining the Gender of a Parakeet?
Not sure exactly, but with most birds the brighter colored birds are male, and the dull colors are female.
Reviews of CatGenie Cat Box?
Yes, I love the cat genie. Heres my review of it: http://erratic.ws/reviews/?p=48
Toning Buns And Thighs?
I agree with luvmygingerkids that getting enough protein in your diet is key. I also think doing all sorts of weight lifting activities and trying to strengthen and grow all the muscles in your body will make you look nice and toned all over. Here is the link...