Smoothie Recipes?
And Now For Something Completely Different.. a more savory version of the smoothie is a turkish drink. it it plain yogout blended with crushed ice and a bit of salt- sounds weird I know but it is very refreshing especially with spicy food - in india it is served...
Selling Your Home?
Leave the lights on, blinds open after washing the taps/faucets-dry them get them sparkling- even if the tub is slightly stained no one will notice because the taps make the first immpression buy an attractive front doormat (it can be cheap - doesnt have to...
Make Preserves This Summer
An alternative to canned predserves is fruit leather. so after the cupboards full of jams and jelly, break out a dehydrator Good mixes include: -stawbwerry/apple - bueberry/pear - rasberry/and anything, (strain half of the seeds from the rasberry puree)and...
Question About Jeans Quilts?
-eaisiest way to back a quilt is with a bedsheet, thriftstores often have lonely or wildly colored sheets.
Removing Paint From A Porcelain Bathtub?
Paint stripper should work, test in an inconspicuos area first, or you might consider shelling out for an archival product like peel away seven I have used it to remove many many layers of paint from mouldings and hardware. its a safe way to remove lead paint...
An Indoor Wedding For Less Than $1,500?
food-get a few people to each make a huge quanty of something theyre good at Beverages- U brew (give extras to folks who did food as a thank you) flowers -talk to farmers at a weekend market or try to find a small greenhouse to buy direct from Hall-I was married...
Getting Nail Polish Off a Silk Skirt?
the active ingredient in most nail polish removers is acdetone-it dissolves acetate and weakens some other synthetics. it shouldnt affect the silk itself however it might mess with the color. If theres no hope of removing the stain then this is a chance to...
Saving Money On Tights?
Ha! shave your legs, and paint a line up the backs like they did in the war era, and yeah- dance tights last forever
Breastfeeding Advice?
So I read an article in a medical mag (while waiting at one of my zillion prenatal checkups) and it said that -in the first few weeks the body is building prolactin receptors in the breasts. -the more often the baby nurses the more receptors are created -when...
Uses For Unwanted Books?
OR cut a rectangular hole through the centre pages leaving some intact front and back, glue the cut and back pages together to make a unique gift box or hiding place. this works best with big thick hardcovers, especially fiction that seemed promising but was...