Remedy for Pain from New Temporary Partial?
Can you remove the partial at certain times to alleviate the rubbing? Call your dentist right away to get his input.
Replacement Bottom Plate George Foreman Grill?
Call the company immediately as they may replace the peeling plate free of charge. I have a George Foreman grill and this has never happened to me. It must be defective.
Ideas For A 14th Birthday?
A roller skating party followed by pizzas. Look on Groupon for deals at pizza places. Or any other restaurant deal. Some restaurants allow you to bring in your own cake. The cakes from Costco are reasonable. The pizzas from Aldis are very inexpensive if you...
Extra Cleaning Charges for Vacation Rental Property?
A charge for normal cleaning plus a refundable charge for excessive dirt/damage to the unit. Also explain to the renters face to face or at least by phone what some of the excessive misuses are, so they have no excuses if they do those things.
15th Birthday Ideas?
Rent a karaoke machine to sing songs that are popular with your friends. Have a painting party with you supplying paper, paints, brushes, after which an adult of your choosing judges the art work and awards prizes.
Lining Cotton Curtains?
Use the light drapery lining. Or do not line them at all because you may want to replace the curtains at some time in the near future. Pull the venetian blinds at the time of day when the sun enters in that window so you will protect the curtains from fading...
Protecting Mobile Home Underbelly from Rodents?
We have an RV. Mice will not chew through steel wool or tar paper. Stuff openings with either/both and it will keep them out.
Making Frosting from Mix?
Add a few tablespoons of water at a time until you get the right consistency. Then taste. If it needs more flavor, add a little butter.
Peach Cobbler Recipe?
Peach Cobbler mix: 8 peaches, peeled, sliced(may use canned) 1/4 c. sugar, 1/4 c. brown sugar, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/8 tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp fresh lemon juice Pour into 2qt. baking dish. Bake 10 min. In bowl mix 1 c. flour, 1/4 c. white sugar, 1/4 c. brown sugar...
Selling Antique Furniture on the Internet?
Our newspaper has a column called, Cheap Stuff and anything under $100 can be advertised free of charge. Check with yours. Otherwise ebay or Amazon.
Old Dog Peeing in His Bed When Alone?
Wash the underlying cloth with vinegar which may discourage the peeing. What does the vet say??
Uses For Colored Aluminium Foil?
Cover a picture frame, scrunching it all around. Then, once it is well-pressed in, burnish it with black or brown shoe polish to create a unique antique look. Or, using the same idea, scrunch it around old round Styrofoam/glass/plastic Christmas ornaments. Cover...
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
A pizza party-sleepover would be fun and low cost. Use flour tortillas and let each girl put on toppings of choice. Make your own ice cream cake by softening ice cream in your favorite flavors and layering them over a cookie crumb crust in a spring form pan...
Stabilizing a Tea Light in a Blown Glass Holder?
I use a product called Stick-Um Candle adhesive. It never hardens and can be washed off with hot soapy water if necessary. The manufacturer is Fox Run Craftsmen, Ivyland, PA. Love, love love it!
Donating Fabric in New York City?
A quilters group which can be found through a quilt shop would be happy to receive the fabric. The girl scouts, thrift shops, Craigslist, are all other options.
Birthday Cake Decorations for a Hunter?
If you are not good at using fondant, I would suggest buying little plastic deer, rabbits, etc. at HobbyLobby or other craft supply store as toppers instead of shotgun shells.
Curtain Colour Advice?
A patterned curtain with walnut color in as close a match to the wall color as possible combined with a deep(or lighter) color mustard. that should tie it all together.
Cleaning Fabric Softener Buildup Inside Agitator?
Use vinegar and a brush. You may want to avoid using fabric softeners as they contain harmful chemicals. Try using vinegar in the dispenser instead. It will soften as well.
Package Shipped USPS Missing?
If you used a credit card for purchasing the iPhone, they may likely cover the cost of the item. Give them a call.
15th Birthday Party Ideas?
Play Dictionary or Pictionary with teams competing against each other. Song titles charades would be fun, too. Serve hamburgers with lots of toppings and ice cream sundaes. Name that tune---playing only a few notes of favorite songs--- would also be great.
10th Birthday Party Ideas?
Absolutely, she will enjoy it. What 10 yr. old doesnt like to dress up and have makeup put on her. Especially when she can pick from all the different choices.
Looking for My Half Siblings?
Search city and court records. Where did she have her name changed? Facebook may be of help by locating others with the same last name who may have knowledge of your fathers whereabouts. If you know the high school he graduated from, the class reunion committee...
Jar of Minced Garlic Froze?
The garlic should be fine even though it may have softened a bit due to the freezing.
Donating Fabric to Charity?
Call Goodwill or St. Vincent DePaul for pickup. Perhaps a church would welcome the fabric in making items for a fundraiser. They should be more than happy to pick them up. If you live in Green Bay, WI, I would pick up the items.
Clothing Dye Ran in the Wash?
Go with the color change as I doubt it can be rectified. Or you could dye the whole jumper a new color.
Shelf Life of Frozen Sweet Potato Hash?
Sweet potatoes as well as squash are fine to defrost and bake. There may be a accumulation of moisture from the freezing, so drain that off before baking.
Making Chocolate Peanut Butter Marshmallow Fudge?
1 cup of chocolate equals a half pound. Are you working off a recipe? Your question is a little confusing.
Puppy Has Fluid Filled Bump on Head?
Perhaps if you call the vet, he can advise over the phone without a charge. Or the humane society may be of some help, also. It doesnt seem serious if he is exhibiting no other symptoms. Maybe the best policy is to wait and see if it subsides.
Making Buckeye Balls?
Mix the rice krispies with the peanut butter. Add powdered sugar as needed to make a stiff dough. Then dip in the melted chocolate.
Donating Fabric and Sewing Items to Charity?
Take to a thrift store or church. School art teachers are always on the prowl for craft items like fabric to use for art projects.
Removing Stains in a Kitchen Sink?
Cover the sink stain with bleach. Let set till gone. I have had the same problem and pure bleach was the only, and easiest, remedy.
Cleaning the Outside of a Stainless Steel Coffee Percolator?
Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and apply to the surface. Allow to sit for a few hours. Remove and scrub with a non-metal scrubber.
Cleaning Kitty Litter Off Shoes?
A stiff scrub brush dampened with dish soap and hot water should do the trick. How about removing footwear upon entering the house. Thats what we do to eliminate dirty floors.
Yellow Stains on Paint After Car Wash?
Go back to the car wash and have THEM remove the stains if they werent there before you had it washed.
Value of Old Encyclopedias?
Those books are not old enough to have any great value. With the internet, info is so easy to get on any topic, which makes encyclopedias outdated and not worth much. Except maybe to someone who doesnt have access to the internet. Even so, the books have outdated...
Fixing a Hole in a Coleman Pop Up Camper?
I know someone who had a similar problem and he repaired it with duct tape and painted the tape to match the paint on the car. Its a cheap solution to the problem and worth trying. Good luck.
Cleaning Rate for an Empty House?
The rate depends on the amount of time it takes you to clean the house. $10/hr would be very reasonable if that person is a friend. If not, charge a little more. Do you need to supply the cleaning p roducts? That would cost a little more, also.
Early Childhood Learning Center?
EXCEL is a catchy name and is an acronym for Excellent Childcare Educational Learning.
Cleaning the Fabric on Patio Chairs?
How about tying on seat and back cushions, as I doubt that you can restore the color. Or you could get a paint made specifically for that mesh material. Take one of the chairs to a paint store to be sure to get the right type of paint.
Making Chicken and Noodles for 20 People?
Figure 1/2# chicken per person. 1/4# uncooked pasta per person.
What Is This Houseplant? (Amaryllis)
It is an amaryllis. I have one now that will blossom in about a week. Keep it after blossoming, as it will produce more later. Keep the soil damp and place in a window in bright, indirect light. In spring you may transfer to your outside garden. I live in WI...
Herbs and Supplements to Heal a Wound?
Essential oil of tea tree, as well as eucalyptus, are very healing to the skin but do not use full strength. Use 1 part to 5 parts EVOO or coconut oil.
Finding Assistance After a House Fire?
The Red Cross is always there for situations like yours. Give them a call.
Removing Mold on Red Christmas Table Runner?
Soak in half vinegar/water overnight in washing machine. Then add detergent and run through a cycle, stopping for 30 minutes to allow to soak, then continuing rest of the cycle.
Using Pine Limbs in Crafts?
I have never had an issue with allergic reaction to pine boughs, nor have I had a sap-drip problem. You may want to spray the needles with hairspray/sealer of a clear nature to prevent them falling due to the warmth inside your home.
Painting Crafts With Acrylic Paints?
What kind of paint are you using? If acrylic, you may want to try an enamel paint or a paint made for painting on glass.
Cooking Cobbler for 100 People?
If using 9x13 pans, you would need to make 7 panfuls if topping them with a scoop of ice cream, or one or two more panfuls if not. I have done catering for groups this size and know you would not have problems if following this advice.
Value of Old Webster's Dictionary?
Your dictionary is not worth much. Bring it to a thrift store to sell and get a small write-off. It is better than nothing.
Name Ideas For A Handmade Jewelry and Decor Shop?
Heart and Hand conveys your originality and love which you put into your homemade creations. I would be drawn to check out your items online with that name.
Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from House?
Wash the walls and paint with a stainblocker to seal in any odor. Put in new carpet and pads. Try salvaging any upholstered furniture with a vinegar/detergent solution with baking soda to remove the smoke smell. New air filters on furnace and air purifier unit...
Getting Dyed Hair Back to Normal?
Its going to be a matter of time for it to grow back out to its original color. I certainly would not damage it further with any more products. I got tired of dyeing my hair brunette as I got older and as my hair was turning gray. So I streaked my hair as I...
Accessories to Coordinate With Orange and Grey?
White walls opposite the window will lighten up the whole room. White curtains offset from the glass itself to allow as much light to enter into the room. Keep the remaining 3 walls grey. A mixture of white, gray and orange pillows for the settee. Anything...
A Section of Lights Are Out on Pre-lit Tree?
There may be a break in the wire on that section. Insert new bulbs. Maybe that is the problem. Make sure all the bulbs are firmly inserted.
Removing Mold on Stored Christmas Decorations?
Wipe down with bleach and a rag. Put through a quick cycle in your dishwasher after that. Remove and dry.
Softening Hard Sugar?
I chopped the sugar into chunks and put them in my food processor.It worked great. You could also put some fresh bread into the sugar placed in a plastic bag. The moisture from the bread will soften the sugar but will take longer.
Christmas Charities for Children?
Call the Salvation Army. Also St. Vincent DePaul, if there is one in your area. Also Shop with a Cop does a good service by shopping with kids and buying items for them.
Clean Clothes Smell Bad When Wet?
Run through wash machine with a box of baking soda. It should neutralize the odors. Than wash again as normal.
Stretching Vinyl Sneakers?
Heat them with a hair dryer and then stuff a larger pair of leather or other sturdy shoe into them. Leave overnight.
Discontinued Graham and Brown Wallpaper?
Call the company if you have a name of the manufacturer, or bring to a wallpaper store for their input.
Fundraising Ideas for Dance Trip?
Put a video of her dancing on Utube or facebook and request donations with the stipulation that you will record her competition and forward it to all donaters.
Sharing Living Expenses?
Get out of his home asap and get your own place. It sounds like trouble with the arrangement you are in at present.
Towel and Shower Curtain Color Advice?
Towels white as that goes with everything especially if you decide to change the purple color. You could go with purple curtain though.
Writing a Few Lines About Company Award?
Thank you so much for this recognition of community service. Our town and its people are special to us and we feel privileged to serve their needs.
Inexpensive Family Christmas Gift Ideas?
Play Christmas related games with small token gifts from the Dollar Store. Have each person draw a slip from a jar with instructions such as sing a song, act out a name of a show, etc. or perform a trick, etc. Complete a verse from a carol, instruct how to...
Removing Permanent Marker on DVD Player Screen?
Ive heard that if you go over the blue markings with the same kind of marker that did the damage it will wipe right off.
Making Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge?
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave, then add the milk. Dont know that you need the butter at all.
Making Organic Fertilizer?
Visit your County Extension Office. They have the scoop on making it. I mix organic peat moss, sand, aged cow manure, and top soil. Add chopped up leaves. Blend all kitchen veg. scraps in a blender and add to it. Animals will not touch it because it is all...
Getting Rid of Biting Gnats?
They are obviously getting fed from something in your house. They cant live without water/food. Make sure everything is contained. Rub essential oil of lavender mixed with a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil on your body. They shouldnt bother you.
Value of 1960 Children's Britannica?
You will be lucky to get $20 for the whole set. I have seen encyclopedias for sale at garage sales and they are practically given away. They make nice references for some things but a lot of the info is outdated and with computers so handy as a source of info...
Kenmore Washer Not Spinning Out All of the Water?
Replace the belt. We had that problem a while back.
Feeling Rejected by Adult Daughter?
Forgive and forget. You are not responsible for anyone elses actions but yours. Hang in there and be there for her should she want to reconcile. Include her in your life as much as you are able. Make new friends and reach out to those in need in your vicinity...
Preventing Taper Candles from Cracking?
Dip the bottoms in boiling water for a second, then immediately in the holder.
Lavender Bath Recipes
I would also like to know how to make my own essential oils. Thanks a lot. Anne
Warning: Coconut Oil and High Blood Pressure
Not all coconut oils are the same. You must use extra virgin organic coconut oil. If the label does not say that, it probably was highly processed as are the other oils in the supermarkets and can inflict a lot of damage on all of your body. I purchase mine...
Painting a Kitchen with Orange Cupboards?
Paint the walls in a matching, or a shade darker or lighter, than the cabinets to have a more uniform look.