Cracker Barrel Carrots
I love their carrots and I knew there was butter and honey in them but I would have never guessed bacon grease. Thanks for posting.
Taking a Toddler Bowling?
My daughter wants to go bowling. I forgot about the yucky shoe rentals! Hubby said he was handed hot steamy shoes yrs ago. Frankly, that might make me gag. Are bowling shoes to protect the floors or something else? Thanks.
Easy Preserved Lemons
Ive made these for about 15 years. My lemons are sliced into circles and vegetable oil is covering it all. The bonus is you have a yummy lemon oil to use in other recipes and dressings. I brown chicken, lay the lemon slices atop them, add a smidge of garlic...
Thrifty Regrets
Around here we say cheap for something thats made low in quality, inexpensively and will fall apart soon-like alot of things at Dollar Tree.
Pipe for Planting Seed in Garden
This is genius! I planted my peas a few days ago and my knees started hurting and sounding like crunchy potato chips. That cant be good but this tip is.
Winterizing a Geranium (Part One)
Store at 40 to 50 degrees. Is that about what a refrigerator temp is? Thanks.
Heirloom vs Hybrid Seeds
I would try Baker Seed Company for heirloom corn seeds. If they dont have what youre looking for, you will probably enjoy looking at their catalog because it has beautiful pictures.
Use Ammonia to Power Grow Plants like Grandma
I use ammonia, too. Grandma was right because they always are. Theres a DIY that I use and it is super inexpensive. Am I allowed to say the brand name? Lets say it rhymes with Shmiracle Shmgrow. Anyway, into a cleaned out plastic milk gallon jug add: 1 gallon...
Dog Food Bag Rug
Not going to lie--it looked like pizza at first glance. Such a cute and creative idea. I love it! Thanks for posting!
Prevent Cabinet Doors from Slamming with Glue Drops
Genius! I have door silencers on my list for Home Depot. Ill try this instead. Thanks for posting.
Caring For Long Hair
There was a class action lawsuit against WEN, too. It alleged hair loss as well. It was settled for $26 million dollars. QVCs sales have declined as a result of the lawsuit. I didnt think they still sold it but maybe they do.
Luxurious Lemons
I make preserved lemons which are often used in Moroccan dishes. Scrub whole lemons, slice 1/4 thick, sprinkle heavily with Kosher salt, on both sides, and layer in a container with vegetable oil. Tap to get air bubbles out. Check often to make sure no...