What Is This Old Tool?
There is also an app, youll have to Google it, search something like Identify photo or object, where you post a picture of the object and it tells you just what it is. Good luck.
Asking For Contribution Toward Household Costs?
Unfortunately, yes, or at least someone whose judgment is clouded by love. This is an unfair situation. Your first obligation is to your children and part of that obligation is preparing for the future, and by largely supporting an extra person now you are...
Frugality And A Question Of Morals
If a company uses money as a sales pitch, I'd keep it, if it says no strings attached, I think that's fair. However, I would NEVER transact a check, you'd have to put your account number with your endorsement and they will then know it! NEVER transact an unknown...
Setting Housecleaning Fees?
My cleaner charges $65 every two weeks for the spaces you listed (I have a small house).
Buying in Bulk Smartly
I agree about Dollar Tree! I use the Good Sense kitchen trash bags and they havent failed me yet, I dont[ understand why everyone doesnt use them; their Awesome cleaner and Spic & Span are the best; the small size of Close Up toothpaste fits perfectly in my...
Keep Your Wedding Simple
On the way to my wedding my maid of honor realized she'd left her bouquet at the house so we went back for it, then headed back to the church. My limo hit a boy who darting in and out of traffic. I was sitting between my mom and moh, with nothing to hold on...
Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Store
Awesome is my favorite non-bleach cleaner, I use it on everything!
Reusing Plastic Produce Bags
We have to pay for bags so I recycle everything I can. Produce bags hold leftovers, a few packages of foil-wrapped frozen chicken or chopmeat, daily pet food cans for recycling pickup; when I empty one I clean/chop contents on top of it, then throw all away...
Move-out and Post Construction Cleaning?
You should check online and local newspapers to see what other services are charging. My experience (inNew York) has been that they charge an hourly rate.
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Have an old fashioned tea. Everyone wears a hat, maybe even long skirts and gloves. Serve a few types of tea and finger sandwiches - slice cucumbers very thin on white bread, cut sandwiches into quarters do the same with radishes and a little salt, maybe cream...
Single Senior on a Limited Budget
How do you defrost the bread? Whenever I use microwave setting to defrost bread or rolls it tastes like mush.
Happy Founder's Day
I so enjoy reading these postings and have used many ideas from it, thank you all!
Finding a Good Hair Stylist?
I have the same problem, Ive used the same hairdresser for 20 years and she has yet to do anything different and specifically for me, yet when a couple of times I had the courage to try someone new, it was terrible. Perhaps you can go to a local beauty school...
Uses for Single Pierced Earrings
I do not have pierced ears but have always loved some of the earrings so I use them as pins, the marks they leave are negligible and with such a variety I can match every outfit.
Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome
You can also try diet tonic water, the quinine relieves leg pain and movement.
Crafts for Young Children?
Of course theres always Cheerios, string them, put paste on a paper plate and let both kids make pictures (esp colored cereal). Cover a wall with butcher paper and let them draw on it with washable markers, or draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Just watch them...
Kimchi to Treat Night Leg Cramps
At a doctors recommendation I started drinking diet tonic water and the quinine content stopped my leg pains. Now Im hooked on it.
Organizing Information and Reminder Notes?
I keep a pocket organizer in my purse where all reminders and appointments are recorded when I make them and coupons and ads are kept in a small organizer that I keep with my canvas shopping bags. Larger notes and postcards, etc., are paperclipped to my large...
Dealing With a Mean Wife?
I think you know what ideally should be done - take kids and leave etc. - but Im assuming that is not workable b/c of money, no place to go, etc. First tell the kids that their mom is sick and they should try not to listen to her rants. Then tell her she is...
White Vinegar for Deodorizing
I have been using mixture of vinegar and water as glass cleaner and it works wonderfully.
Getting Rid of Roaches and Mice?
I tried everything, nothing worked until I ordered Riddex (from a TV commercial), now I have one plugged in one main floor and one in basement (food pantry), somehow the electronic waves repel pests. Dont understand it, just recommend it.
Reusing Towels
You can also wash old towels and rags and give them to your local animal shelter, same w/old blankets, especially baby size.
Draping the Cross for Easter?
The cross gets draped with a purple cloth (and thorn of crowns if you want) during Holy Week; replace it with a white cloth before Easter morning.
Writing a Thank You Note?
As soon as they receive it - and absolutely before they play with or use the gift or spend the money!
Sweet 16 Birthday Ideas?
I gave my daughter a brunch, she invited 4-5 close friends and went to local restaurant known for its brunch buffet. She used small pewter photo frames as place cards and they were favors for her guests. If your cousins or others are young or you are dealing...
Apple Cider Vinegar for Restless Leg Syndrome
My doctor recommended drinking diet tonic water, the quinine content eases leg pain and discomfort. It works for me and its better for you than soda.
Remedy for Severe Headaches?
Ive had migraines for years, meds might ease them sometimes but dont really work that well. I have to lie down in dark and quiet fo an hour or so. I just began Botox treatments which have been shown to help. Well see.
Mice in the House?
Check site for Riddex, it is something you plug in and somehow its electronic rays repel the mice. I dont remember the cost but it was cheaper than an exterminator and safe for my pets and children. I have one upstairs and one downstairs and, knock wood.
How to Dispose of Unneeded Prescription...
You can also check with your doctor, they often give sample meds to patients who do not have a drug plan. And check your local police station, some have 24 hour disposal areas.
Keeping Shower Clean
Sounds like a lot of work. While the shampoo or cream rinse is sitting on my head when I shower, I use a large squeegee on the walls, doors and tub, and when I get out I spray the enclosure with Lysol; when the bathtub has been used I spray it with a bathroom...
Binder of Favorite Recipes
This is a good idea, dont know why I never thought to do something like this to get rid of all my cookbooks from which I only use a few recipes. Thanks.
Bookmarks From Recycled Cards
The bookmarks are so pretty. They can last longer if you cover them front and back with clear contact paper. You can make placemats too by gluing card pictures onto sturdy backing and covering front and back with clear contact. You can do that to childrens...
Reducing the Cost of Feeding a Family
Check your library for old cookbooks, the ones from before convenience foods became popular often have economical recipes and ideas. Also, always check your register receipts, two out of five times theres an error; the dimes and quarters add up and often a...
Cleaning and Managing Your Freezer
I have accumulated lots of small basins which fit in my top freezer, two side by side on each shelf. I put frozen veggies in one, frozen meats in another, and so on, and miscellaneous stuff in the remaining space. When I look for something I just pull out the...
Uses for Clip Hangers
Hang slacks by the waistband rather than cuffs. I also use those them to hang necklaces and bracelets, the end clips prevent them from sliding off.
Use Old Wash Cloth to Remove Nail Polish
What a good idea. I just struggled trying to remove shiny glitter polish from my toe nails and couldnt get it all off, now I know what to do.
Use Flat Sheets Over Comforter
I use old shower curtains and liners to cover the bed, too, and when Hurricane Sandy left us without electric and heat we discovered that the plastic kept in the body heat while we slept. This is also handy b/c I dont keep the heat up during the night. I also...
Easy Earrings from Vintage Buttons
I dont have pierced ears but sometimes see unusual earrings that I use as pins. Just push the wire through your fabric (its same width as pins), secure the backing and you truly have one-of-a-kind buttons. (This is especially useful when a friend loses one...