Gluten Free Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Looks like a great recipe but I think Id leave out the M&Ms. Im always trying to find ways to cut out the chemicals.
Pancake Muffins
No offense but wheres the healthy part? Sugar, syrup, chocolate chips, lots of carbs and 2 tsps of sugar per 1/2 cup in the mix its self. Theres nothing healthy here except the few blueberries.
Gift for Adult Stepchild Who Never Visits?
Why get her a gift? You arent obligated especially for someone who isnt a child. If your husband (the father) wants to get her something leave it to him.
Tiny Black Bug in Pantry?
You have to thoroughly clean the cabinet. They are likely in something else in the grain family, cereal, flour... throw away anything that is not in a sealed jar or can or plastic container. Sprinkle the cupboard or panty with Boric acid or Mule Team Borax...
White Biting and Crawling Specks?
Scabies, maybe? Is there a rash? Hard to get rid of, very tiny white critters. Takes special soap and lotion to rid them. Even after they are gone you could still itch for quite some time.
Freezing Mirepoix
6 onions? Not unless youre making 10 gallons of Onion soup. Who came up with that? I would spend a week sitting on the toilet.
Make a Little Hothouse for Early Tomatoes
good idea except potting soil is for house plants. You might want to add some peat humus.
Homemade Linen Spray
Smelling nice? I dont want my house smelling like perfume. If everything is clean there is no smell at all, like hanging your clothes on the clothes line (using unscented laundry soap of course).
Keep Shower Curtain Lining from Billowing
Makes no difference where you buy it, they all do the same thing. There are thicker ones but thick ones can still lift also.
Drying Shoes Without the Banging
This idea is mainly to use in the winter or when you need them in a hurry. I wouldnt want to ever encourage birds to nest on my house.
Cooking Frozen Turkey in a Crockpot?
Cooking any frozen meat in a Crockpot is dangerous especially turkey.
Stop The Cabbage Butterfly (Pireis rapae)
I grow broccoli just for the cabbage whites, the problem is the little white gnats that cover it.
Christmas Tree for Your Cat
Cats dont think like humans if it wants to climb a tree, its not going to think, oh thats my tree.
Protecting Cabbages from White Butterflies
Thats a good environmentally friendly solution, corporate farms could take a lesson. The Cabbage White dont bother me though, i grow broccoli, they eat the leafs only and i eat the broccoli flower heads.
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
Definitely better than eating a pile of corn starch and granulated sugar but dates are still high in sugar so Im wondering if you could cut that down?
No Luck with Moth Balls
Moth balls are poison. It is illegal to throw moth balls outside, they are toxic and poisonous to humans and animals.
Fruit Fly Trap
You dont even need the dish soap. Just use a small jar and poke small holes in the lid, fill half way with apple cider vinegar and water and let it do the magic. Flies go in but cant get out.
Butterfly in the Afternoon
Its likely that it was a different Monarch that laid the next batches of eggs as each generation only lives a few weeks, except the last generation of the year will make the journey to Mexico and become the first to lay eggs in the spring. They will die and...
Butterfly in the Afternoon
P.S. the plant is Tropical Milkweed. Milkweeds are the only species of plants that Monarch caterpillars eat.
Keeping Kitty Out of Your Christmas Tree
When I used to have cats, i would put Orange peels under the tree. You can hide them under the top skirt or put them in the water, Cats hate citrus smells and will keep their distance.
Saving Money on Coffee
Left over coffee can be put in a glass jar and refrigerated to either be used as Ice Coffee later or heated in the micro wave.
Keeping Chickens Out of the Garden?
The very best, most fool proof way to keep the chickens out of the garden, make chicken soup. ;P
Recycled Garden Wind Chimes
If it gets tangled when its really windy then your twine is too long, mine are only 6-8 inches.
Smiley Face Door Knob Cover
How does it grip the doorknob, looks like it would slip and youd have a hard time actually opening the door? I would sew a piece of that rubber rug grip/cupboard mat stuff inside.
Keeping Vegetables and Fruit Crisper
Ive been doing the paper towel trick for years, works especially good with highly vulnerable fruits and veggies like berries and lettuce. The first thing I do when I get my berries home is put a half sheet of paper towel (do not rinse them) in the container...
Controlling Invasive Herbs
Every year I have to trim my Oregano to keep it from spreading all over my garden. I also have to pull out bunches of Lemon Balm its everywhere. If I were to let these two go they would wipe out everything else in my Garden.
Killing Weeds With Vinegar?
I dont use Orange Oil, I just use full strength Vinegar, it cheap and work good. The only thing I might change would be adding something to thicken it so it doesnt run off, maybe cornstarch or something.
Make Frozen Pesto from Home Grown Basil
Im sorry, I never saw this reply till now. I use a cup or 2 of basil leaves (meaning smashed into a cup). About 1/2 - 1 cup of sliced almonds (I dont like pine nuts), and lots of garlic (probably about 5 cloves). I put all that in the food processor till well...
Bumble Bee On Flower
Bumble bees can sting but unless you are attacking it or its nest, they will just go about their business.
Use Vinegar For Fruit Flies
I just have a jelly jar with holes poked in the top, half full with apple cider vinegar sitting next to my fruit/vegetable bowl and I rarely see fruit flies. For some reason they dont like it. Works great. I just refresh the vinegar once in a while as it evaporates...
What Are Hedge Apples Good For?
I would never use anything like this just because the internet says so. (@@)
Blossoms Falling Off Tomato Plants?
As someone else said, its generally unpollinated blooms. Tomatoes are self pollinating through the blowing wind and the blooms only last a day or so without pollination (same with cucumbers) and then theyll fall off. If you are growing indoors or there hasnt...
Homemade "Beehive" to Keep Bees Away
Why the hell would you want to scare the bees away! Bees are a gardeners best friend. I hope you scared them away enough to send them up here to Michigan, we need them badly. Right now all we have is a few wasps and some bumble bees as pollinators.
Reducing the Cost of Feeding a Family
Buy fresh veggies when on sale and freeze. I buy fresh mini portbello mushrooms pre-sliced and just pop them in the freezer in the package they come in. I bought tons of broccoli when it was $1.00 a pound chopped it all up and put it in gal. bags, no pre cooking...
Squirrels Dug Up and Ate Sunflower Seeds?
I had the same problem last year, the squirrels kept eating them and I kept replanting. Then I used the chicken wire and anchored it with tent stakes. I shaped it into arches so the plants could get a little growth before I removed it. Its hard to tell but...
Planning a Wedding for Under $3000?
Buy a dress online, you can get them cheap and there are more sizes available, buy one size up and the alterations will not cost as much. Skip all the flowers, only buy what you need for the wedding party and parents. Your reception will still be fun without...
Ready Made Salads In Ziploc Bowls
Youre right about the paper towel trick. I always put them in my strawberries, raspberries, fresh herbs and lettuce. Theyll keep a week that way. In the last week or so Ive eaten at least 4 salads that I wouldnt have (out of laziness) eaten normally. The point...
Ready Made Salads In Ziploc Bowls
You could also make little kits of fresh fruit and veggies for the kids, sliced apples, celery, carrots green peppers and on and on. Plastics zip bags or containers are fine, the idea is to have it ready and accessible, no searching around for something to...
Controlling Rabbits In The Garden
Ive found chicken wire to be the most effective. Rabbits will eat just about anything, even stuff they dont like if theyre desperate. They chewed my Marigolds to the ground. Someone said human hair in the garden. no thanks, hair is not biodegradable.
Slice of Pizza Halloween Costume
Making all the toppings is a good way to use up all your little scraps of felt.
Paying Your Bills On Time
I pay my bills (on-line) when they are due not ahead of time. Why should I allow the electric company to collect interest on my money when I could be doing that for another 2 weeks. Check payments only need about 5 days to get there on time.
Paying Your Bills On Time
Paying on-line. Rather than paying bills through the bank which charges you for the service, go to the actual website of your provider, such as your credit card co., or electric co. and pay there. They take your payment for free.
Will Cantaloupe Ripen in the Fridge?
Putting it in the fridge will stop all growth and ripening. as she said below, leave it on the counter, it will start turning orange within a couple days.
Looking for "No Sew" Hemming Adhesive?
I never shop at Walmart, you can find it at Joann Fabrics or Micheals crafts.
Garlic Bulbs Rotted?
I agree, do not cut the tops off. Some garlic gets a flower stem that will look like a twisted winding stem, that can be cut off but nothing else. Also cut down on watering the month before harvest,about once a week, garlic likes hot, sandy, well draining soil...
Garlic Bulbs Rotted?
Another picture. This is what they looked like at the end of May. Theres about 60 bulbs in this 4x4 bed. I do rotate my crops so in the fall I will be using a different bed.
Princess Party Cake
Even a more simple way, is to use a bundt pan after its cool put the cake on a plate stand the doll in the middle and decorate. you may have to trim the bottom of the cake so it sits flat on the plate.
What is This Plant? (Pothos)
I believe the Pothos is correct. I had one for years, grows well with minimal light and not too much water. Mine grew to 20 feet I hung it so it would grow around the ceiling of my living room. If the branches start loosing leaves in the middle, cut off the...
Slugs Inside My House?
Salt! Salt will stop them in their tracks, I put Sea Salt on my porch and anywhere else I see them, they are stopped immediately and die. Doesnt have to be sea salt, its just easier to see where youve put it.
What is This Plant?
We had a major invasion of purple loosestrife in Michigan, they brought in a certain bug from Asia that feeds on it exclusively to help get rid of the stuff. Loosestrifes are considered invasive plants in the western hemisphere they are an EuroAsian plant and...
Using Every Bit of Laundry Detergent
Yes I do this everytime, the lid usually comes out with my middle finger though. I usually rinse it while the water is running in the wash tub and is plenty for the last load of the bottle.
Planting a Tomato Plant?
I think you should pick the tomatoes off as it is too early to start producing tomatoes. That way the plant will have a chance to grow more and get use to its new enviroment.
Making Crunchy Canned Pickles?
The trick is soaking them in coarse salt to draw out the water, for at least an hour. The salt will get rinsed off after. Try Martha Stwearts pickle chips: These are refrigerator pickles but can easily be canned.
Making Crunchy Canned Pickles?
Id rather have a slightly less crisp pickle than putting alum in my food.
Red Balls To Deter Birds From Tomatoes
Ive been growing tomatoes for several years, Ive never heard of birds eating tomatos. Must be some strange birds in Texas. Did you see them do it? Maybe theyre getting eaten by tomato worms.
Save With a Vacuum Sealer
I reuse my bags too except those that have had meat in them. I cook extra macaroni and freeze it in 1 quart bags then when I want to make soup I can just grap a bag and throw it in. I buy berries in bulk in the summer and freeze them in pint and quart size...
Growing: Rosemary?
This past Fall I wrapped it in clear plastic and then put burlap over that and tied it with twine then put rock around it to hold it all down, well see if it survives this year. I got my thyme to survive over the winter of 2008 so Im hoping this will work for...
The Basics of Square Foot Gardening
Im love my raised beds. When you go to the lumber supplier like Lowes or Homedepot, know before you go what size you want it to be, then pick out your piece of lumber, whether its 16ft x 8 in. to make a 4 x 4 bed or whatever shape & height you decide on and...
Freeze Berries on a Baking Pan
I have been freezing them for years, I dont use spray oil or even wash strawberries, raspberries or black berries, I just put them on a pan or plastic container, single layer, and freeze. Then they can be vacuum sealed without getting crushed. Blueberries can...
Outdoor Herb Garden?
This picture is from spring 2007. I grow flowers and cucumbers here also. This area is about 6 ft x 7 ft.
Use Press and Seal for Seedling Containers
Put some on the top too, to hold the heat in till they sprout.
Reduce Cat Allergies With Monthly Bathing
Removing the carpet from the house will take away the biggest problem with dander. My husband is pretty much cured since we removed the carpet a few years ago. We went from going to the emergency room very often, to using his inhaler only about once a year...
Gardening: Mini Greenhouse for a Head Start
For the best crop of garlic, you plant it in the fall at least 6 weeks before the ground freezes. Usually I plant it around the first of October. I did find that once the snow started piling up the tomato cage I used started collapsing so this fall I will rig...
Gardening: Mini Greenhouse for a Head Start
I just harvested my garlic yesterday. It is a very good crop this year, I got about 70 bulbs and they are 2 or more inches in diameter, not bad for Michigan garlic.
Kill Weeds Between Paving Stones
I have been using white vinegar for years it is environmentally safe, works well, using poisons in your yard is never a good thing. As far as cheap vinegar goes, there is no difference in the product if you choose to pay more for it, you are wasting your money...
Has Anyone Used DMSO?
Use of this product is generally administered by a physician, maybe you should consult a doctor before using it further.
Uses for Dried Chili Peppers?
Get a coffee grinder and grind them up, then you can use it as you would in any dish. As said prior, put it in soup, guacamole, chili, roast, any where you would use pepper. I keep a grinder that I use only for spices and herbs. Sprinkle some in the bushes...