Cleaning a Very Burnt SaucepanI took a telephone call and completely forgot my saucepan boiling my Udon noodles. I didn't think anything would shift the burnt-on food. How wrong I was.
Scenery: Kid Goats (Somerset, UK)Taken at a local farm here in Somerset. Two baby goats napping in a tire - no kidding!
Goodie Bags as PresentsI have a frugal idea for giving gifts when you are on a tight budget. I have 6 nephews and nieces aged between 6 and 15 and, with money so tight, I didn't know what to get them all.
Put Eyeshadow in the FreezerThey say to change your eye shadow every six months. I have some favourites I have had for years! Pop your shadows in a sealed bag and pop in the freezer overnight. This will kill off any bacteria and they will be as good as new.
Nifty Storage Idea for Scarves and BeltsYou will need an ordinary clothes hanger plus some shower curtain rings. Lots of space-saving room to hang your scarves and belts.
Lemon Juice Ice PackI re-purposed an empty Jif Lemon juice container for a handy ice-pack. I suffered for a long time with nose bleeds due to a perforation and I found the shape of the Jif bottle was ergonomically shaped to keep the bridge of my nose cold thus stopping the bleeding.
Polishing Tarnished JewelryTo bring the shine back to tarnished silver jewlery, pour hot water into a mug, add three tablespoons of salt (to make an electrolyte), put in some aluminum tin foil and the tarnished silver jewelery.
Cleaning and Managing Your FreezerStep 1: Take out all your items in the freezer and put them into a large black bag (heavy duty bag). Wrap a duvet around it to keep the cold in.
Snack Bowl from BagPierce the middle of the packet of crisps and tear a nice large round hole, making your crisp/chip bag into a ready-made bowl. Leave out your bags like this and you save using crockery that needs washing up.
Orange Peels To Ward Off AntsAnt killer: Save your orange peels! Mix up equal parts of peels and water in a blender, pour over the ants nest or transfer to a pump-spray bottle to mark a line around your property.
Tips for Using Shower CapsShower caps are inexpensive and very useful when packing luggage for putting your shoes inside. I also use a shower cap to cover my bicycle seat when it's raining and clear shower caps are handy to cover plates of food when dining al fresco!
Soda Can Tab to Double Wardrobe SpaceSlide a ring pull from a soda can over a coat hanger. Immediately you now have double the wardrobe space!
How To Hang A JumperHanging your jerseys and jumpers on a coat hanger can cause them to stretch or put 'dents' in the shoulders.
Use Shampoo as Hand Soap RefillI have an alternative to replace pricey hand wash pumps. I use value supermarket brands of shampoo instead! I buy the cheap shampoos from the supermarket. Store branded hand wash start at about £1 a bottle.
Use Magnets For Floating BalloonsHelium balloons looks fabulous at any party BUT they are very expensive. I thought of an idea that could allow you to cheat and that is to inflate your balloon and then pop inside a small magnet.
Mr. Smith (Tabby)Mr. Smith is 5 years old and a Tabby Tom. Two years ago, my young niece thought Smith would like it better living with me.
Fragrant Dryer Sheets for ShoesDryer sheets are a great way to deodorize stinky shoes. Here is this tip in action.