Keep Track Of How Long You Have A Product
I change my mascara whenever I get the oil in my car changed. The little sticker they put inside my car reminds me the next time to do both.
Alabama State Quarters?
My mother and I have collected all of the coins put out so far. Grandma hopes to give this to my son whose birthday is on May 28th. Alabama is the only one we couldnt find.
Finding a Blessing from a Disaster
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. With your upbeat attitude, I know you will heal well.
Website With Scenic Pictures?
Microsoft Clip Art has loads of free photos.
Recipes Using Cilantro?
Asian Beef Salad with Cilantro, Scallions and Sesame Seeds Ingredients 1 tablespoon sesame seeds 4 cups chopped Romaine lettuce 2 cups cooked shredded beef 1/2 cup shredded carrots 2 scallions, chopped 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves 1/2 cup reduced-sodium...
Recipes Using Cilantro?
My kids laugh at me because I love cilantro so much. I would put it in everything if I could. Any Mexican or Asian dish tastes great with it. Just had to post to let you know that you have a soul sister out here. :-)