Stopping the Itch from Chigger Bites
I wish I had known this chigger remedy when I lived in Indiana and suffered from chigger bites every summer! We used to use clear nail polish on the bites but it never seemed to help much. Ill never forget the terrible time I had for weeks after squatting to...
Cursor Problems With Dell Inspirion Laptop?
I have the same problem with my Acer laptop, Patti. It is very frustrating. The cursor seems to just jump for no apparent reason. Ill try to pay more attention to where I rest my palms and where my thumbs touch in case I am unintentionally brushing against...
Plastic Bins to Update Old Shelves
Good idea! I have one of those carts, too, and keep the cat dishes on top, away from the dogs mouth. The open bottom shelf now has some non-edible dust collectors but will be perfect for storing the cat treats & food bag once I put them in well-fitting drawers...
Garden: Apple Blossoms
Apple Blossoms by: William Wilsey Martin (1833-1913) Have you seen an apple orchard in the spring? In the spring? An English apple orchard in the spring? When the spreading trees are hoary With their wealth of promise-glory, And the mavis pipes his story In...
Use Plastic Bottles for Packing Material
What a great idea! This would be a wonderful way to ship cookies or other goodies to protect them and keep them fresher.
Before And After Harvest
Good of you to share with your very dear neighbors! :D Great pics, Maggie. Its pretty obvious why you need that tall fence!
Natural Mosquito Repellent
I certainly hope that this formula does repel mosquitoes because we have them so badly in our area that they make being outdoors miserable. We have two seasons where I live (SE New Brunswick): winter & mosquito. I guess if the mosquitoes arent repelled I can...
Save Food Scraps for Chickens
Ah, a kindred spirit! We save all of our grain, fruit & vegetable scraps for our chickens and pet pig; they absolutely love them. It is such a joy to watch them enjoy their treats and to know that the food is not wasted. The only food items that we end up composting...
Keeping Mice Out of Garden
Thats a good way of keeping children out of the garden, too. Better rethink this idea.
Black Spots in Sink?
Mystery solved! Thanks for the update. The stain on some baskets can be difficult if not impossible to get out of fabrics or carpet. I once had a section of new Berber carpet stained indelibly by a large dark reddish-brown basket I had placed on it. Since then...
Heating Your Home With Your Clothes Dryer?
We have done this for the last five years with no problems, using a kit from the hardware store to catch the lint. Our washer & electric dryer are in our bathroom, which is very convenient, and the warmth and humidity from the dryer feels very good in the winter...
Halloween Costume: Measuring Tape
Too funny! Your daughter is a lucky woman. She has a husband who measures up!
Inexpensive Activity Ideas?
Once a week some university friends and I used to get together to cook something fun to eat before watching a movie or playing a game. The cooking together was as much fun as the movie or game. No one had much money, so we all pitched in with the ingredients...
Recycle Lids for Kids Game
All good ideas that children love, with possibilities for so many more! When my children were young they really enjoyed simple games like these that let us use our imagination. Games that involve tossing are always fun and build eye-hand coordination as well...
Organizing Cords
Good ideas! Ill take your advice and label my cords this way as well. With so many of them to deal with it gets very confusing as to which one plugs into which device or slot. I had folded masking tape around a couple of cords and wrote what they went to but...
Uses for Old Dish Drainers
I use an old dish drainer for drying flower pots and small gardening tools outside, on a table near the water spigot. Its easy to pick up and move into the shed once the items are dry. When my children were young I used an old dish drainer in the bathroom for...
Grammar Tip: "Than" vs "Then"
As prevalent as spelling and grammatical mistakes are these days, I still cringe when I read them and try hard to avoid them in my own writing. We all make mistakes sometimes, especially when we write with our brains on autopilot and then fail to proofread...
Valentine Chinese Box
After serving as Valentine treat holders these cute boxes would be great for holding little treasures or other items, too. Sweet!
Use Paragraphs When Writing Online
Amen! It is so difficult to read long stretches of text that I suspect many interesting and/or informative passages are skipped over by a majority of readers. It is a courtesy to the reader to break text into paragraphs, making the writing more readable. The...
Decorating Cabinets Without Painting?
This article, Before & After: An $80 Rental Kitchen Makeover, may give you some good ideas if you are considering removing the cabinet doors. I like the idea of using pretty paper inside the cabinets.
Birthday Cupcake and Candle for Each Child
Great idea! You could even ask each guest to make a wish (silent or spoken) for the birthday child before they blow out the candle on their cupcake.
Activities for Special Needs Seniors?
This lady should see her doctor. She may well benefit from an anti-depressant medication to help her through this time of loss. Also, check with local hospitals and senior organizations for support groups that may help her in her time of grief and transition...
Inexpensive Christmas Gifts for Assisted Living Residents?
If they have no dietary restrictions and the facility allows homemade foods for the residents you could make an assortment of cookies & bar treats & fudge to arrange in an inexpensive holiday tin, the kind you can usually purchase for a dollar, or even on a...
Decorative Story Jar
A very interesting, creative craft, one that could easily be enjoyed by people of any age. Im thinking that the large clear plastic jars (such as the ones peanut butter come in) would also work well for story jars. There would be no worry of getting injured...
Get To Know Your Neighbors
It sounds like you and your friendly neighbors have created a wonderful community for yourselves. Your story is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing it here.
Memory Book as a Milestone Birthday Gift
What a beautiful, thoughtful gift--truly priceless! So much better for the recipient to receive memories from others while still living and able to appreciate them.
Keep No More Than 30 Tops
I suppose that once you achieve a manageable collection of tops (blouses, t-shirts, sweatshirts) that you actually wear a good plan would be to cull one each time that you bring home a new (or used) one in order to avoid stockpiling them again. Thirty sounds...
Creating a School Year Folder
Wow! I wish that I had thought to do what you did for your kids! The first-day-of-school photo and question & answer each year are priceless. I kept a lot of my kids schoolwork and artwork, planning to create a scrapbook for each one *someday*. Now they are...
Christmas Cake Decorating
Lovely and delicious, what a great combination! Your cake looks too beautiful to cut, yet sounds too good to resist. I doubt that it lasted long after the first slice was taken. :)
USMC Cruise Book BLT 2/6 1962?
Try Through that site I found a book that I had been unable to find for years. That was such a relief! You have no doubt been searching for this book online with search engines such as Google and Yahoo, but I want to emphasize the need to do the...
Transplanted Garden and Pond
Lovely! Your sons plan obviously worked quite well and provided you with a very pleasing view from your verandah. The birds and other wildlife must be quite happy with your garden and pond, too!
Vintage China Pin Cushions
Lovely! This is a beautiful way to display and use vintage pieces that would otherwise be lost to obscurity. I love the idea of creating them to give as door prizes for people who are likely to appreciate them. Thank you for the idea and the lesson!
Decorating Living Room with Fireplace, Bookcases and Windows?
How is your living room coming along? Are you able to post a few photos so that I dont have to rely on my imagination? I am struggling with color choices for my own living room and found your post while surfing the Internet for ideas. Im interested in what...
Different Briefcase for Each Organization
I do the same thing, using either a different briefcase or cloth tote bag for each organization or activity. For professional organizations and work I use separate briefcases to organize & store all the materials pertinent to each one. For my animal rescue...
Banana Splits for Valentine's Day
What a sweet idea for Valentines Day! Im going to adopt it starting this year. My kids are grown and on their own but my husband will be surprised and thrilled.
Suet Birdseed Wreath
Ive seen smaller wreaths similar to this, but not nearly as lovely, priced at $19.99 + tax and wished that I knew how to make my own. Thanks for the detailed tutorial! These will be great gifts for my bird-loving friends, too.
Recycle a Spiral Christmas Tree as a Trellis
I would like to try this with the flowering vine Clematis. I once had a Clematis take over the lampost used to support its standard trellis, with quite a dramatic effect. A Clematis tree sounds lovely!