Value of Asian Soup Bowls and Spoons?
Really pretty! Research similar items on Google Image search, eBay, and stay to give you an idea of what to charge. I think these look like they could fetch a higher price due to the delicate design and color.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Your best bet for an accurate answer is to do a doggie DNA test, that way you will know the tendencies and potential health issues of its breed or custom blend of breeds. Ask your vet or look online.
Shelf Life of Crisco Shortening?
If you inspect the can or package it will list a use by date. For further info, I would Google it.
Sharing Expenses with Boyfriend?
It looks like there is a boundary issue going on here with regard to his daughter. I completely understand your frustration over her living there rent-free, but the truth is that he does not owe you an explanation. While I get that you are in an exclusive relationship...
Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
I hope you are not terribly disappointed, but I believe this is a modern, hand-painted doll. Dollmaking is a beloved hobby to many and there are endless creative possibilities. The way I can tell is by the technique and look of her, and also those numbers on...
11th Birthday Party Ideas?
My daughter is 14 now, but by far the best birthday idea I can suggest is what we did for her 13th birthday party. I went online to a bidding site like Priceline or Travelocity and got a cheap (under $100) hotel room by researching 3 and 4 star places in or...
Removing Chocolate Flavor from Thermos?
Baking soda and water, but with lemon juice will do the best job.
13th Birthday Party?
With that many guests, your best bet is to keep the party at home to do it within such a small budget. For under $10 you can get a spinning light party bulb. Add music, a few streamers, cake and soda, with some chips and candy, and you have a party. Sometim3s...
Dyeing Hair After Adding Highlights?
When you highlight your hair, you are stripping color, making it more porous. That means that whatever color you put over those highlights will grab more of the dye. Your best bet to be gentlest on your hair, is to use a semi-permanent color that washes out...
Getting Rid of Crows?
A largely unknown fact is that crows are very intelligent birds. Other than searching for suggestions online to solve your irritation, I suggest looking up the crow as an animal totem. Native Americans believe that animals cross our paths to give us a message...
Getting All of the Stick Deodorant Out of the Container?
Get a bag of popsicle sticks at the dollar store. They come in very handy for scraping and other things as well.
Eating After Having Teeth Extracted?
I am no stranger to dental discomfort and have had a few teeth pulled. You will need to stick to liquids for at least a day. Milkshakes are perfect, and in combination with your pain med should help you feel much better!
Value of LP Vinyl Records?
There are many sites to research for its worth. You can look it up on eBay to get an idea.
Curtain and Accent Pillow Color Advice?
I like the idea of white curtains to match the trim for a clean look, and I also think the addition of mustard yellow, maybe with some texture, for the pillows to tie in with the painting.