Treating a Kitten with Eye Discharge?
I had a cat with an eye infection once. I treated it with Bacitracin ointment and it seemed to go away. yet the cat died a week or so later. I think the infection went further into his head. I was so sad I did not take it to the vet. Please have it checked...
Removing Blood Stains from Cotton Fabric?
Cold water should get out the stains. If you have already washed and machine dried the fabric, look for a protein based detergent like Biz. Recently I used a generic dish detergent on a blood stain. I just let it soak in for a few minutes and rinsed and the...
Reviews of Synthetic Potty Grass for Dogs?
I use one of these for my two chihuahuas. The female took to it right away but the male did not. I dont know maybe he needed a fire hydrant to lift his leg to. Also you do have to empty the tray underneath at least twice a day or you end up with an odor that...
Removing a Piece of Glass From Under the Skin?
This may not work but it worked for me when this happened to me. Put your foot in the hottest water you can stand. The tissue around the glass will swell and it you touch it lightly it may just pop out. I would not mess with it too much though, especially if...
Planning an Inexpensive Date Night at Home With Your Spouse?
My ex was like that and nothing worked. Thus he is my ex. Being married to someone that is not emotionally mature is very difficult. Some things to try are foot rubs, his favorite food, his favorite movie, etc. Good luck!
Romantic and Inexpensive Gift Ideas?
Make a statement about the two of you on poster board using candy. Something like Life with you is like PayDay (glue payday candy bar in that space) on Fifth Avenue(glue a fifth avenue bar in that space). You are one Hot Tamale(glue a box of hot tamales in...
Unclogging a Pipe Under the House Without an Auger?
If you arent using baby wipes ask the landlord for proof that the pipe is clogged due to your actions. I had a landlord try that with me years ago. I had just had a baby and septic backed up into my mobile home. His wife came over and yelled that if my sanitary...
Anti-Virus Software With JAWS Screen Reader?
When you go for Microsoft Security Essentials make certain to go through Microsoft for it. There is a copycat that will use as malware with the same name. So call Microsoft to be certain you are getting the real deal.
Cleaning Bird Droppings Off Painted Walls?
Windex gets all my bird poo up. I have 5 birds. I soak a rag in windex and saturate the wall or floor and then wait about 10 minutes and wipe clean.
Ideas for Boyfriend's 25th Birthday?
A long time ago, when a boyfriend had a birthday I bought a bag of those little balloons to blow up and one of those mylar helium filled balloons. I blew up the small ones and let the helium one float in our bedroom. On the bed I had a gift bag with some silk...
Essential Moves for Twenty-Year-Olds
This is so true! The schools do not teach how to manage money and if they do it isnt taught well. The schools need to teach more about finances and healthcare. The dangers of not taking care of ones self are great. If you dont pay yourself as you pay your bills...
Gift Ideas for New Boyfriend?
Whatever you decide on, make it something that says you are paying attention to who and what he is into. Music is always a good one to give. Find out his favorite and give that or something similar. A new movie that is just coming out is nice for the two of...
Craft Ideas for Plastic Powdered Drink Mix Containers?
I have considered gluing them together as a group, maybe decorating them first and use them to put pens, pencils, etc. in. They could be used to separate utensils in the kitchen. I think about what use they could have every time I open one up. You could use...
Severe Back Pain?
I am so sorry this has happened to your son. I have back problems also but at this time none as bad as he seems to have. When I got sent to the pain doctor he just wanted to medicate me to no end. I worked in a manufacturing plant and being drowsy was not recommended...
Easy, Inexpensive and Quick Recipes?
The easiest meal I make is using my crock pot. Put chicken breasts in the pot, pour a can of cream of celery or cream of mushroom on top and let it cook throughout the day on low or high if you want it cooked a bit sooner. The chicken is always fall apart moist...
Work From Home?
Some sites to check and get feedback from others wanting to work from their homes are,, You can go on the forums and see new listings and the requirements daily and get feedback about the company or the work...
How to Make Dog Less Afraid of People?
Patience and time is really all I can come up with or in a calm manner pick him up and let him smell the hand of a visitor and then let them pet him if he will let them. When we got my chihuahua female, we asked the owner why she was giving such a beautiful...
What is This Plant?
I believe it is called Angel Trumpet. I think they are beautiful. A home in our historic area has them growing around their mailbox stand and they are beautiful. They come in a lot of colors also.
Will Vinegar Neutralize Urine Odor in Laundry?
It works for me. Try putting at least a cup of vinegar in the final rinse. vinegar works great as a fabric softener too.
Craft Gift Ideas for a Boyfriend?
I just had this idea. A glass block with a photo of the two of you on it would be nice. That way he will have a light that shines on your photo together letting you know the two of you are seen very positively in your eyes also.
Christmas Gift for Farmer Boyfriend?
One of those nice drink thermos like containers that keep your coffee or cocoa hot for a while would be nice. country boys get up early for work and a cup of hot cocoa is always nice to get him thinking of you. A scarf you made for him out of fleece is nice...
Reusing Toilet Paper Rolls?
I have seen where they make a great wall decoration and it is so simple a child can do it and it looks very nice. Cut the tube into thinner rings, color them with a magic marker or crayons, and then glue them together forming a daisy like or flower design and...
Caring for the Homeless?
I have the same question. There is a young man that is so kind and so unassuming that I hand some change occasionally if I have it to spare. He recently knocked on my door wanting to know if I could spare a long sleeve sweat shirt and slacks for him to sleep...
Dog is Hiding and Won't Eat?
My friends chihuahua did this when he had fleas really bad. It seems the fleas were not so bothersome in the dark. Is this a possibility?
Dealing with Adult Children at Home?
I am not sure what you mean by refuse to take any of my suggestions to heart in caring for the baby but as long as the baby is not neglected or abused I would leave it alone. I know it is very difficult but really giving advice is all you can do since they...
Tips for House Cleaning Business?
I used to clean apartments and homes and the first idea I thought of is when you visit a apartment management office is to bring a plant or a small basket with a potholder, a sample of dish washing detergent, etc. Just something that will be sitting on their...
Easy Afghan Crochet Patterns?
Thanks for posting this. I thought I had seen and tried just about all afghan designs, but this one is new and the part about it being good for when I am watching tv and such and not having to count too many stitches or look up directions is great for me.
Canceling Delivery of Rachel Ray Diet Supplements?
I purchased this sample pack also and the number they give to call to cancel just rings and rings, never anyone to answer or to tell to cancel your order. This is so cruel and misleading. I had to resort to calling my credit card company and paying to have...
Places to Live After Retirement?
My in-laws moved to Bainbridge, GA and they love it. I love it too. A small community with a lot of retirees and families too. I like that the areas around it are not developed and it is not far to the big city Tallahassee FL either.