Making a Coat for My Dog
Hillary, you made such a nice coat...its custom fit...better than any coat you could have bought in the store and it looks very nice on her! You could have your own business making custom fit dog coats!!!
After Hurricane Katrina, My Whole Lawn is Weeds?
Chances are, youll have other responses saying this is incorrect, but Ill tell you what I did. There was a very large section in my back yard where the grass died because it was covered, and yes...when I uncovered it, the weeds took over...thats all there were...
Dander Reducing Shampoo Recipe?
I am allergic to dogs...I have two of them. The allergy problem comes from their dander. The more frequently you bath dogs, the more dander they will have. Once a week is too often. Your vet would tell you that. Try no more than once a month, even every two...
Can Heartworm Shots Be Harmful to Dogs?
Yes I have. My neighbors vet does not use the shots anymore because they have caused deaths in dogs. I have two dogs and I have always given them Heartguard. They have never had a problem and I trust it. I would not give them the shot!!!
Recipe Ideas for Canned Ravioli?
Add a can of ravoli to a can of tomato or vegetable soup. Add most any kind of shredded cheese, slices of hot dogs, or tiny meat balls.
Shipping Breakables?
Yes...ship the chest seperate for the silverware. The chest is what you have to worry about, not the silverware. Silverware is not going to break.
Staying on the Budget
What a good idea! I do something similar, but your way is more detailed and makes more sense. Thanks!
Snowman Soup (Sugar and Fat Free)
Thank you so much for the recipe!!! I needed a gift to take to someone who is diabetic and I have been at a total loss until now.
Diesel Stains on a Trailer?
Try ProtectAll. I used it on my RV and it removed black road stains, tree sap, etc. It cleans and protects. Great stuff. RV dealers carry it and I think Walmart does. It would be in the auto section. It also is wonderful for fiberglass showers, counter tops...
Inviting People That Will Be Alone
Hi Linda... It is very nice to be invited to someones house, but not for the holidays unless you go there often during the year and already feel like part of the family, or if you are not going there alone. You are going into a family celebration when you arent...
Potato Soup that Uses Milk?
Good, simple potato soup. Dice 5 or 6 large potatoes and 3 large onions. Cook in just enough water to cover until tender. Add a quart of whole milk or 1 pint of 1/2 & 1/2 and 2 tablespoons of butter (optional). Heat until hot but not boiling.
Eating for a Month on $150?
Watch for specials and compare prices. For instance, often a bag of Russett potatoes will be half the price of red ones and vice versa. Sometimes its cheaper to buy in bulk, but not always. Take a calculator. Avoid prepared foods and junk food. Cook from scratch...
Pudding Cake?
bigdog... Are you talking about the sauce that was more transparent or a very light color? If its the same, it wasnt chocolate or lemon or made out of boxed pudding. They used to serve it over gingerbread a lot, but it didnt have any spice in it so you could...
Pudding Cake?
Here is a recipe for a sauce that is served over cakes. It is a very old recipe and I hope its the one you want. 1 stick of HAS to be butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup whipping or heavy cream. and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Bring to a rolling boil and...
Cranberry-Walnut Pie Recipe
Roberta...I love cranberries and Im glad the original recipe was found. Thank you for sharing the recipe! I hope you are still reading these replies. If you name is Judi, Im originally from Maine, but live in South Dakota now. Im not positive, but...
Sharing Thanksgiving Dinner
Linda, that is a nice idea. It is especially nice when a group of people who are alone get together. However, dont be offended when some who are alone do not want to join a family Thanksgiving. Im speaking from years of experience. It is nice to be invited...
Turkey Baking Tip
Starlight...If you dont eat till 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon do you leave the turkey in the oven at 275 till then or do you turn it lower? Im glad you posted this!!!
Painting a Room Quickly?
Speaking from experience, Id do the the fastest and easiest way. If you use a paint pad youll have less mess and cleanup will be much easier. Plus, if you have to stop painting for a while you can cover the container with a plastic bag or Siran Wrap and set...
Santa Heads Made From Detergent Bottles?
Hi Schluppi... I dont know the answer to your question about the Santa heads. I just want you to know that your English is very good and you do not have anything to apologize for!!! I hope someone does post the answer. Good luck! Judi in South Dakota
Shining Formica Counter Tops?
I have formica countertops also. As far as I know, buffing will not remove scratches or make them shine again. Kitchen wax helps, but the product I like the best is Protect All...all surface cleaner. I have used it on a lot of surfaces including my counters...
New Roof Recommendations?
I cant speak from personal experience with metal roofing, but one of my neighbors put it on his house several years ago and, even though it is very cost effevtive, he said it was a mistake because when it rains its very noisey. When we reshingled our house...
Puff Quilt Pattern?
There is a pattern for a full size puff quilt by either Simplicity or McCalls. They do still have it, or did last year. If I remember right, its in multiple sizes. Im sorry...I tried to find my pattern and it is NOT where it belongs!!! The quilt is very easy...