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5 Posts | 5 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Puppy Throwing Up?
I have to agree My aunt used to run a Shepard kennel from her home and it sounds like parvo to my as well take puppy to vet. Now I know no one is going to like it when I say this but just in case you can not afford the vet then you need to get some pedialite...


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Painting Floor Tile?
It is not wise to paint tile ever because most likely you will have paint chipping and possible falls. I used to lay tile for a living and we even recommend not sealing your grout because it is very difficult to change the color. Best bet would be to have it...


Dark photo of dogs head.

White Dog (American Bulldog)
here is a better Pic of my white dog thanks for all your compliments


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Recipes For Canned Chicken/Pork?
(b)(/b)Well if your family likes chicken soup than here is a good one: THINGS NEEDED: 1 CAN of canned chicken 2or3 chicken broth cubes 1 bag egg noodles 1 stock of celery optional 1 can of sliced carrots optional sesonings of your preferance salt pepper Use...


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Removing Nail Polish From Suede Couch?
Try using a soft old toothbrush and aceton. dip the tooth brush in aceton and in circular motion do a little at a time be sure to rinse the brush out often.



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